Breast Augmentation in Iran | Breast Augmentation cost in Iran

Breast Augmentation in Iran

Breast Augmentation in Iran – Breast Augmentation cost in Iran

Breast augmentation surgery is performed using breast implants or fat injection to increase breast size or restore lost breast volume during weight loss, especially after childbirth. Clinical breast augmentation is also called reinforced mammoplasty. Increasing the size of the breasts can help increase one’s self-esteem and satisfaction with their body. Breast implant may also be used for breast reconstruction after mastectomy or tissue damage. Breast augmentation may partly cause breasts to drop, which may require additional surgery to lift the breasts. Necessary surgery will be performed concurrently or separately after the first surgery. The plastic surgeon will help you to decide if another breast surgery is needed. Breast enlargement surgery has a long history and is one of the successful women’s surgery for fitness and beauty of their bodies.

On average, the cost of Breast Augmentation in Iran surgery can vary depending on the condition of the body and the type of surgery and implant they are considering. The average cost of breast surgery will vary depending on the cost of the anesthesia, the surgery room equipment and related facilities, the cost of the tests, post-surgery’s special cloths, medications, and the cost of the surgeon’s wages. However, it should be kept in mind that paying more money is better than undergoing surgery with an inexperienced surgeon who will charge you less money. The surgeon’s skill in surgery is the most important thing to consider in these surgeries. Given that breast implant is considered a category of cosmetic surgeries, not every insurance will cover its costs. It is best to consult your health insurance before counting on it.

Undergoing breast implant surgery to increase breast size is a completely personal choice and everyone should make their own decision on their own. You will probably look younger and healthier with larger breasts and you can maintain that confidence for a long time with breast surgery. But surgery can be a little tricky because of the need for follow-up and the possibility of relocation or replacement.

This surgery, like other surgeries, requires an initial condition to be a good candidate for. Requirements are:

One has to be physically healthy;

Have realistic expectations of the results of her breast surgery;

The reason for one to undergo surgery should be reasonable and she should be really unhappy with the size of her breasts;

Not be worried about post-partum breast deformity or volume change after weight loss or aging;

Have asymmetric and hollow breasts

The best candidates for Breast Augmentation in Iran surgery are women who are physically and mentally healthy and have realistic expectations of the results of their breast surgery. Typically, both breast implants change the size of breasts equally and symmetrically. To make better decisions, some physicians have a software that shows the looks of patient after the surgery so she can easily compare her expectation with possible outcomes.


Breast implant

When choosing the type of breast implant, it is important to consider the desired material, quality and maximum life expectancy. Because the implant is not a dress that can be easily replaced. Therefore, longevity is an important option in implant selection. However, with all safety considerations, breast implants may need to be replaced. In any case, referring to a surgeon for annual follow-up examinations to check for the location of the implant and breast health is essential. Over time and due to aging, weight fluctuations and hormonal factors, it is possible that the surgically treated breast may also shrink or deform. If you are unhappy with the changes made to your breast after a one-year period of breast surgery, you can return to the beauty of your former breasts by performing a breast lift or reconstructive surgery.

Types of breast augmentation implants

Implants have many different types, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Most implants used in breast augmentation surgery are:

Salty breast implantation

In salty breast implantation, sterile brine is used to enlarge the breast. With the leak and rupture of the implant shell, saline material will be removed and the salty material will be absorbed into the body and will naturally exit the body. Saline breast implants have a steady form, robust shape that has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for breast augmentation for 18 years old or older women.

Silicone breast implantation

In silicone breast implants, the implant contains silicone gel. The gel can make the breast feel like a normal breast tissue. In the event of a leak and rupture of the silicone prosthesis, the gel may remain inside the implant shell or spread through the breast tissue. Usually implants containing silicone gel do not drop. When choosing a silicone implant, regular visits to the plastic surgeon are required. Your doctor may evaluate your breast implants by ultrasound or MRI. Silicone breast implantation for breast enlargement in 22 years old or older women has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. No association was found between silicone gel implants and connective tissue diseases, breast cancer or fertility problems.

Sticky breast implantation

Implantable and sticky form implants maintain their appearance in the event of leakage and rupture. The consistency of the silicone gel inside this implant is thicker than the traditional silicone gel. These implants are stronger than traditional implants and are thought to be less likely to rupture. These implants are cone-shaped upwards and therefore, if transposed and rotated, they will give an unusual appearance to the breast. An additional incision is needed to insert the sticky implant into the skin.

Round Breast Implantation

Round breast implantation is a stable form of implants which’s uniform shape throughout has led to a great feature in it, so that rotation will not cause any change in the appearance of the breasts.

flat breast implantation

The flat breast implant is very soft and can be easily inserted into the breast. This flat implant may cause some palpable or visible ruggedness.

Breast tissue implants

Breast tissue implants are less likely to move and rotate in the breast and surrounding tissue, and one of its advantages over other types of implants is the lower risk of extra tissue at the incision site.

Sometimes implant manufacturers introduce new types of breast implants that can fall outside the categories mentioned. However, quality is the most important option in choosing the implant.


Pre-surgery consultation for breast augmentation

Before performing a cosmetic surgery, the surgeon examines a person’s expectations level along with information about their lifestyle and medical history by asking questions such as:


Why do you want to do a Breast Augmentation in Iran surgery and what is your expected outcome?

Do you have or did you ever have specific physical conditions, allergy records, or previous medical treatments?

Do you currently take medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol or tobacco?

Do you have a personal or family history of breast cancer? Present the results of your previous mammogram or biopsy.

The plastic surgeon also examines the readiness of the individual for surgery by requesting tests and physical examinations and giving consultation.

Assessment of one’s general health status and pre-existing risk factors;

Accurate measurement of the breast and examination of the appearance, quality of skin, and location of the nipple;

Offering your treatment options based on your individual situation;

Discussing the possible outcomes of breast augmentation surgery and any potential risks and complications;

Preoperative blood test;

Basic mammography before surgery;

Prescribing some medications before surgery or adjusting or replacing current medications;

Quitting smoking at least six weeks before surgery;

Hydration before and after surgery;

Avoid taking aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs that increase bleeding.

Breast enlargement surgery may be performed at an accredited outpatient surgery center or hospital. If you are performing your breast surgery on an outpatient basis, be sure to have someone accompany you during this process at least until the first night after the surgery.

If you plan to get pregnant in the future, be sure to tell your surgeon about this because pregnancy can affect the appearance of your breasts. There is no evidence to suggest that implants will affect pregnancy or lactation. But you should ask your doctor questions about this.

Anxiety about the surgery and its consequences will be quite natural. But it’s important to understand all aspects of Breast Augmentation in Iran surgery by asking the questions we’ve listed. These questions are:

Has your doctor pass plastic surgery courses?

How Many Years of Plastic Surgery Experience Do They Have?

What facilities does the hospital or surgery center have?

Am I a good candidate for breast augmentation surgery?

What are the expected outcomes of surgery?

Where and how is breast augmentation surgery performed?

What shape, size, incision and type of implant is recommended for me?

How long does it take to recover and what can help me recover faster after surgery?

What are the risks and complications associated with my chosen procedure?

What is the likelihood of needing to have additional implant surgeries in my lifetime?

Does Implant Affect My Lactation Ability?

What changes will happen after childbirth and after breastfeeding?

What can I do if I am not satisfied with the outcome of my surgery?

Is it possible to remove implants in the future?


Breast Implantation Surgery Method

One of the methods of Breast Augmentation in Iran is by implants, which takes one to two hours depending on whether or not you are having other concurrent surgeries. For patient safety during surgery, various monitors are used to monitor heart rate, blood pressure, pulse and oxygen levels in the blood. The stages of breast augmentation surgery are:

Stage One – Anesthesia

Anesthesia, anesthesia and pain relievers are prescribed for the comfort of the person during surgery. These medications include intravenous sedation and general anesthesia and the anesthesiologist chooses best one for each patient.

Second step; cutting

In order to hide the incision of the sensitive area of ​​the breast, which is considered a part of woman’s beauty, the least visible area of ​​the breast will be selected. The incision can be made under the breast, around the aura and under the armpit. Before surgery, however, you can talk to your surgeon about the incision and choose the best and most appropriate one. However, the type of implant and choice of prosthesis, the desired size and the anatomy of the individual can also affect the choice of incision site.

Stage 3: Placement of the breast implant

From the incision made, the implant is inserted into the breast. Depending on the conditions of the implant, it is located beneath the breast muscles or directly behind the breast tissue and along the breast muscle. The implant below the breast muscle is less likely to interfere with lactation. The method of insertion and positioning of the breast implant depends on the type of implant, the desired degree, the individual’s anatomy, and the surgeon’s recommendation.

Step Four: Closing the incision

The incision on the breast is closed by layered sutures in breast tissue, skin adhesions or surgical tape. Over time, some of the remaining lines of the incision will disappear.


Care after breast augmentation surgery

After performing breast surgery, the individual will achieve the best result from her surgery if she performs the necessary postoperative care under the supervision of their physician. The surgical breasts are dressed with sterile gas and supported with an elastic bra to minimize swelling and faster healing of the surgical wound. You should be able to walk without help immediately after breast augmentation. Walking a few minutes every few hours is important to reduce the risk of blood clots in the legs.

Usually, in the event of an outpatient surgery, the person will be discharged within a few hours and allowed to return home. Before leaving the hospital or cosmetic surgery center, you will be given specific instructions on how to take care of your breast after surgery, the prescription medication needed to heal the wound, and reduce the risk of infection and a follow-up visitation of with your plastic surgeon to follow the recovery process.

Depending on the physician’s opinion, a 24-hour supportive bra may be recommended during the first week or two after surgery. On time replacement and proper cleansing of the incision and use of prescription ointments are more important than any other cares. However, one has to follow all the recommended instructions carefully. After recovering from the surgery within the first 24 to 48 hours, the individual may begin to gradually resume her daily activities and may not feel any discomfort in the limited pain and swelling of the next few weeks. Ice compresses and the use of painkillers help reduce and control pain. The breasts may be sensitive and may feel warm or itchy on the skin surface. The discoloration, redness, and bruising of the breast tissue disappear rapidly.

For two to five days you may feel stiff and pain in the chest area. Showers are allowed after one to seven days after surgery. If you have a suture, it will be removed after a week. One should avoid lifting, pulling or pushing anything that causes pain, and adhering to the principles of immunity, especially when rotating the upper part of the body. In fact, excessive physical activity should be minimized for at least the first two weeks after surgery. It is best to consult your plastic surgeon before resuming your exercise and natural activities.


Breast Augmentation Surgery Results

The results of breast augmentation surgery will be visible immediately after surgery. Over time, the swelling subsides after surgery and the incision lines will disappear. Having preoperative photos to compare with new postoperative breast images can play a significant role in detecting changes. Regular adherence to the guidelines following surgery and timely follow-up visits are crucial in achieving the desired outcomes of breast surgery.


Surgical Risks of Breast Augmentation

Deciding whether to undergo plastic surgery, which is a rapid Breast Augmentation in Iran procedure, is very personal and one has to choose it as the solution to the problem that has the potential benefits and risks of potential complications. Prior to this surgery, a written consent will be drawn up to ensure that the individual is informed about the surgery with a clear understanding of the risks and complications of the surgery and its acceptance. The risks of breast augmentation surgery include:

Dangers of Anesthesia



Changes in the nipple;

Chest ulcer;

Incorrect implant placement;

Implant leakage or rupture;

Extra tissue formation around the implant;

Accumulation of fluid and blood under the skin;

Creating wrinkles on the skin on the implant area;

Allergic reactions;

Persistent chest pain.

It is also possible that the presence of breast implants may prevent or delay the early detection of breast cancer. It is best to discuss each of these risks thoroughly with your doctor before signing a surgical consent and ask all your questions directly from your plastic surgeon. However, breast implants do not impair breast health. To date, detailed studies in scientific research have found no association between breast and autoimmune disorder or other systemic diseases. However, breast implants are not a guaranteed end-of-life surgery and may require one or both breast implants in the future to have replacement or reconstructive surgery. Pregnancy, weight loss, and menopause may affect the appearance of the breast during a person’s life. People undergoing breast augmentation surgery need regular breast health tests and assessment of their breast implants.


Breast Augmentation Procedure

Fat transfer is one of the methods of Breast Augmentation in Iran, which basically uses liposuction to remove fat from other parts of the body such as the thigh, abdomen, and buttocks, and inject it into the breast after a process of preparation and refinement. This option is better for women who are looking for a relatively small increase in breast size and prefer natural results. Pre-expanded adipose tissue allows for more successful breast fat transfer. Fat transfer has become a viable alternative to breast implants. New techniques can even double the size of the breast. However, this method has not been studied as well as implants. In addition to other surgical procedures for breast Augmentation using fat transfer, it may be advisable to wear a bra to help prepare the skin and breast tissue. Breast fat injection also has its own surgical risks, including mammary cysts, infections, necrosis (death) of adipocytes, and even the circulation of trans fat in the blood and body. This is not a long-lasting implant because it can be absorbed by the body after a while and the breasts can be restored to what they looked like before.

بهترین جراح سینه در تهران

Breast reduction in Iran

جراحة تجمیل الثدي في إيران

Today we want to talk about breast augmentation or breast cosmetic surgery to increase the size.
Is breast implant suitable for me?
It’s very simple.If you feel the bra that you are using is bigger than what you are using at the moment you need breast augmentation.If you feel the bra is fit but you have saggy breast you just need mastopexy.
If you feel your bra is too big you need reductive mamo plasty.
One of the current question is that is implant affect your ability of breast feeding?
The breast implant doesn’t make any problem in breast feeding most of the time. But when you have implant ,before breastfeeding the form of the breast could be changed or your breast sag or the size increases or decreases.and you need further surgery ,than your breast back to previous form.before operation you should wear bra without sponge.and surgent offer you different prosthesis with different sizes that you can choose with surgent help,which prosthesis with what features you want to choose.
prosthesis have different kinds saline or silicone.
silicone prosthesis are mostly used at the moment.The outer layer of the prosthesis could be smooth or textured.Smooths have the smoother surface but the textured like ground glass have spongy surface.
Prosthesis could be tear drop or round.
Some prosthesis also have more projection I mean they are high profile.
Some of them have less projection.
For operation most of surgent prefer you have general anesthesia but still local Anastasia or sedation is possible.
The surgical incision has different kind.but something that is used in most of the operation is under breast .Other incisions are around areola armpit or also around the tummy belly.
But the best with less complication and easier incision for patient and surgent is under breast.After incision the surgent can put prosthesis in different layers.
One of them is under the breast .Another is under fascia ,a thin layer on the muscle. Also it could be put under pectoral muscle under chest muscle.
It could be dual plane one part under muscle and other under breast tissue.
Sometimes it’s not possible that you have under breast tissue prosthesis .
When you have low breast tissue.
After installing prosthesis sterile the place of surgery in 2 or 3 layers will be repaird. Thereat probability of infection and opening of the wound will be decreased.
After surgery you should wear bra.
The surgical incision could be between 3,6 cm depend on what kind of prosthesis and size you used could be different .The incision after several weeks with some dr’s remedy will be just a narrow line that is not visible.
Usually between 1/3 weeks you can back to work.
If you have pain you can just take Acetaminophen or acetaminophen codeine and don’t take NSA or aspirin. Because it could cause increasing bleeding or hematoma after surgery.
Most of the time prosthesis don’t need hospitalization for a night and after surgery and complete consciousness you can leave the clinic.
It’s better to stay in Iran for 5 days after surgery to visit Dr for one time.
The cost that you should pay include :surgent,clinic and also buying prosthesis.
and if you want to do the surgery in the hospital you should pay 30 % more.


See if the breast prosthesis is torn; What is happening ?!

A very rare occurrence is a ruptured prosthesis in the breast; Of course, with today’s science, in addition to the rarity of this event; It is not possible for material inside the prosthesis to leak into the breast!
So do not worry about this

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