boob job in Iran – Affordable cost 2024

boob job in Iran

boob job in Iran

A “boob job” is a colloquial term for breast augmentation, a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at enhancing the size and shape of a woman’s breasts. It is one of the most common types of cosmetic surgeries worldwide. Here’s a brief overview of what the procedure generally involves and some considerations:

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation involves using breast implants or fat transfer to increase the size of the breasts. This procedure can also restore breast volume lost after weight reduction or pregnancy, achieve a more rounded breast shape, or improve natural breast size asymmetry.

Types of Breast Implants

Breast implants are made from either silicone gel or saline (saltwater solution) and come in various sizes and shapes. The choice between these implants depends on the desired feel, look, and any recommendations your surgeon may have:

– Silicone implants provide a more natural feel but require regular monitoring via MRI or ultrasound to detect potential ruptures.
– Saline implants are filled after being inserted, allowing for a smaller incision and easier volume adjustment. However, they might feel less natural than silicone and have a higher rate of rippling.


The surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes incisions in inconspicuous areas to minimize visible scarring. Common incision sites include:
– Under the breast (inframammary)
– Under the arm (axillary)
– Around the nipple (periareolar)

The implant is then placed either under the pectoral muscle (submuscular) or directly behind the breast tissue, over the pectoral muscle (subglandular) depending on the type of implant, the degree of enlargement desired, your body type, and your surgeon’s recommendations.

Cost of boob job in Iran

Breast implant surgery type Surgery Price Staying in Tehran
Breast prosthesis surgery 2200 USD 7 days
Breast prosthesis surgery with lift 2800 USD 9 days
Breast Reconstruction Surgery Price calculation
Correction of breast asymmetry Price calculation

Summary of boob job in Iran information

  • Surgery duration: 1 to 2 hours
  • Anesthesia: General
  • Recovery period: 1 to 2 months
  • Hospital stay: 1 night
  • Total stay: 5 – 9 days
  • Return to work: 14 to 21 days


Recovery varies by individual but generally involves:
– Wearing compression garments
– Taking prescribed medications to aid healing and reduce the risk of infection
– Limited activity to ensure proper healing of incisions
– Follow-up visits with the surgeon to monitor progress

Risks and Considerations

Like any surgery, breast augmentation comes with risks such as:
– Infection
– Changes in nipple or breast sensation
– Implant leakage or rupture
– Capsular contracture (scar tissue that forms around the implant and squeezes the implant)
– Need for revision surgery

Patients should have a thorough discussion with a qualified plastic surgeon to understand all potential risks and outcomes.

Choosing a Surgeon

Selecting a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon is crucial. Look for surgeons who are board-certified in plastic surgery and have extensive experience in breast augmentation. It’s also helpful to review before-and-after photos of previous patients.

Ethical and Social Considerations

The decision to undergo breast augmentation should be personal and well-considered, including understanding societal pressures and personal expectations. It’s important to do it for reasons that feel right to you, rather than for external validation.

For anyone considering this procedure, it’s essential to have a thorough consultation with a plastic surgeon to discuss goals, expectations, potential risks, and the recovery process.

boob job type

When discussing “boob job” types, we’re mainly referring to the different kinds of breast augmentation surgeries available. Breast augmentation is aimed at increasing the size, changing the shape, or altering the texture of the breasts. Here are the primary types of breast augmentation methods and the kinds of implants used:

Types of Breast Augmentation Procedures

1. Breast Implants
– This is the most common type of breast augmentation. It involves the surgical insertion of implants to increase the size of the breasts.

2. Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation
– Also known as fat grafting, this procedure involves taking fat from one part of the body (typically areas like the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks) using liposuction and injecting it into the breasts. This is often chosen by women who want a relatively smaller increase in breast size and a more natural look and feel.

Types of Breast Implants

Breast implants can be categorized based on their filler material, surface texture, and shape:

1. Silicone Gel Implants
– These implants are filled with a silicone gel which feels somewhat similar to human fat, providing a more natural breast texture. They are less likely to wrinkle or ripple compared to saline implants. They require regular monitoring because a leak might not be as noticeable as with saline implants, a situation sometimes referred to as a “silent rupture.”

2. Saline Implants
– These implants are filled with sterile salt water. They are filled after placement, which can require a smaller incision. A significant advantage is that if they leak, the saline will be absorbed and naturally expelled by the body. However, they can feel less natural and are more prone to rippling.

3. Structured Saline Implants
– These are a type of saline implant that contains an inner structure to make the implant feel more natural.

4. Cohesive Gel “Gummy Bear” Implants
– These are made with a thicker, more cohesive silicone gel, giving them a firmer feel. They maintain their shape better but require a slightly larger incision.

boob job in Iran
boob job in Iran

Textures and Shapes

– Texture: Implants can be either smooth or textured. Textured implants create scar tissue to stick to the implant, making them less likely to move around inside of the breast and become repositioned.
– Shape: Implants can be round or shaped more like a teardrop. The choice between these shapes depends on the desired outcome in terms of look and feel. Teardrop implants, also known as anatomical implants, are designed to give a more natural slope to the breast’s shape, while round implants tend to provide more fullness in the upper part of the breasts.

Ethical and Medical Considerations

It’s essential for anyone considering breast augmentation to think carefully about their motivations and the potential risks associated with surgery. It is also crucial to choose a certified and experienced plastic surgeon and have a detailed discussion about expectations, procedure options, potential complications, and aftercare.

Breast augmentation can have significant psychological benefits, such as improved self-esteem for many women, but it’s important to approach it with realistic expectations and a clear understanding of the possible risks and outcomes.

boob job incision

In breast augmentation surgery, the choice of incision location is an important decision that affects both the surgical process and the final appearance of the breasts. The incision type can influence the placement of the implant, the degree of visibility of any scars, and potentially the risk of certain complications. Here are the common types of incisions used in breast augmentation:

1. Inframammary Incision

– Location: This incision is made in the fold under the breast, known as the inframammary fold.
– Advantages: It allows the surgeon excellent control over the placement of the implant and is ideal for larger implants or those that are difficult to position. It is also well-hidden under the natural crease of the breast.
– Considerations: While the scar is typically concealed under the breast, it may be visible when lying down or in certain clothing that exposes the under-breast area.

2. Periareolar Incision

– Location: This incision is made around the outer edge of the areola (the darker skin surrounding the nipple).
– Advantages: The scar can blend with the transition between the areola’s pigment and the breast skin, making it less noticeable.
– Considerations: There is a potential risk of affecting nipple sensation because the incision is made close to the nerve pathways. Also, there may be a higher risk of complications related to breastfeeding, as well as a slight risk of capsular contracture (hardening of the capsule around the implant).

3. Transaxillary Incision

– Location: This incision is made in the armpit, allowing the implant to be inserted without any scars on the breasts themselves.
– Advantages: No scars on the breast, which is often appealing for aesthetic reasons.
– Considerations: It can be more challenging for the surgeon to position the implant precisely using this incision, and it may not be suitable for all types of implants. It may also leave a visible scar in the armpit area when wearing sleeveless clothing.

4. Transumbilical Incision (TUBA)

– Location: The incision is made in the navel (belly button).
– Advantages: No scars on the breasts, and the single scar in the navel can be easily hidden.
– Considerations: This method is less common and can only be used for saline implants, which are filled after placement. There are limitations on the precise placement of the implant, and it’s a more complex and less predictable procedure.

Choosing the Right Incision

The choice of incision is influenced by several factors:
– Type of implant: Certain incisions may be more suitable for either saline or silicone implants, and their respective sizes.
– Patient’s anatomy: The patient’s existing breast anatomy, skin quality, and body type can influence which incision will provide the best results.
– Surgeon’s recommendation: The surgeon’s experience and preference play a critical role in determining the most appropriate incision type.
– Patient preference: Cosmetic considerations, such as the placement and visibility of scars, are important for patient satisfaction.

Discussing these options thoroughly with a qualified plastic surgeon is crucial. The surgeon can provide guidance on the best approach based on the individual’s goals, body type, and the specific characteristics of the chosen implants. Proper consultation helps ensure that the patient is well-informed and comfortable with the chosen method before proceeding with surgery.

What to expect from boob job in Iran

Undergoing breast augmentation, commonly referred to as a “boob job,” involves careful consideration and planning. Here’s what you can generally expect during the process, from consultation to recovery:

1. Initial Consultation

During your first visit, your plastic surgeon will discuss your goals, expectations, and reasons for wanting breast augmentation. This consultation typically includes:
– Medical evaluation: Assessing your overall health and any medical conditions.
– Discussion of options: Reviewing implant types (silicone, saline, etc.), sizes, shapes, and incision locations.
– Visual assessment and measurements: This helps in planning the procedure tailored to your body.
– Risk disclosure: Understanding potential risks and complications.
– Cost discussion: Covering the financial aspects and what the total cost includes.

2. Pre-operative Preparation

If you decide to proceed with the surgery, you’ll receive instructions on how to prepare. This might include:
– Medical tests: Such as blood work or a mammogram.
– Medications: You may need to adjust or avoid certain medications and supplements that could increase bleeding.
– Smoking and alcohol: Advised to quit smoking and limit alcohol intake as they can affect healing.
– Arranging for help: Planning for someone to drive you to and from surgery and help you during the first few days of recovery.

3. Day of Surgery

Breast augmentation is typically performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia, meaning you’ll likely go home the same day. The surgery usually takes 1 to 3 hours. Here’s the usual flow:
– Anesthesia: Ensures you are comfortable and pain-free during the operation.
– Making the incision: The type of incision will depend on your specific plan discussed with your surgeon.
– Inserting and placing the implant: Either above or below the pectoral muscle.
– Closing the incisions: Sutures, skin adhesive, or surgical tape will be used.

4. Recovery

Post-surgery, you can expect:
– Immediate aftercare: You will be monitored in a recovery room. You might feel groggy or nauseous as the anesthesia wears off.
– Pain and discomfort: Typically managed with prescribed pain medications.
– Wearing a support bra: Helps in reducing swelling and supporting the breasts as they heal.
– Activity restrictions: Heavy lifting and vigorous exercise are usually restricted for up to six weeks.
– Follow-up appointments: To remove sutures and check your recovery progress.

5. Postoperative Care

Proper care is crucial for healing:
– Caring for incisions: Keeping the area clean and dry, and monitoring for signs of infection.
– Managing swelling and bruising: Using ice packs and keeping the torso elevated can help.
– Watching for complications: Immediate communication with your surgeon if you notice unusual symptoms.

6. Results and Adjustment

– Immediate results: Breasts will be swollen at first but you will notice an increase in size immediately.
– Final results: Swelling subsides and implants settle over several weeks to months.
– Emotional adjustments: Some patients experience temporary feelings of doubt or depression as they adjust to their new body image.

7. Long-term Considerations

– Routine check-ups: Particularly if you have silicone implants, to check for possible ruptures.
– Possible revision surgery: Future surgeries may be required to address issues such as implant malposition, rupture, or cosmetic concerns.


Breast augmentation can offer significant benefits in terms of improved appearance and self-confidence, but it’s important to have realistic expectations and understand the risks and recovery process. Always ensure that your surgeon is certified and experienced in performing breast augmentations to achieve the best outcomes.

Recovery stages after boob job in Iran

Recovery after a breast augmentation, commonly referred to as a “boob job,” is a crucial period that involves several stages. Each stage comes with specific guidelines and milestones. Here’s a breakdown of what you can generally expect during each stage of recovery:

1. Immediate Postoperative Period (First 24-48 Hours)

– Anesthesia Recovery: Immediately after surgery, you’ll spend a few hours in a recovery room where medical staff will monitor your vital signs as the anesthesia wears off.
– Pain and Discomfort: It’s normal to experience pain, swelling, and tightness in the chest area. Pain medication prescribed by your surgeon will help manage this discomfort.
– Limited Mobility: You will need assistance at home for the first few days. Plan for someone to help with activities and child or pet care.
– Postoperative Instructions: You’ll be given specific instructions regarding care of the surgical site, medications to apply or take orally to aid healing and reduce the risk of infection, and when to follow up with your surgeon.

2. Early Recovery (First Week)

– Wearing Compression Garments: You may need to wear a surgical bra or compression garment to reduce swelling and support the breasts as they heal.
– Activity Restrictions: Avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting. Light activities, like walking around the house, are encouraged to promote circulation.
– Monitoring: Watch for any signs of infection or complications, such as unusual discharge, excessive swelling, or intense pain.

3. Intermediate Recovery (2-6 Weeks)

– Reduced Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising will begin to decrease, and you’ll start to see more of the results.
– Gradual Return to Normal Activities: You can slowly start to resume some normal activities, as advised by your surgeon. This typically includes going back to work, provided your job does not involve heavy physical labor.
– Follow-Up Visits: You’ll have appointments to remove stitches (if not absorbable) and to check your progress. This is a good time to discuss any concerns and get advice on any remaining restrictions.

4. Late Recovery (6 Weeks to 3 Months)

– Resuming Exercise: You can typically begin to reintroduce more strenuous exercise and lifting, according to your surgeon’s guidance.
– Continued Healing: Internal healing continues, and scars will start to mature and fade over time. It’s essential to keep protecting them from the sun.
– Settling of Implants: The implants will settle into their final position during this period, also known as the “drop and fluff” phase, where the implants drop into a more natural position and the swelling decreases.

5. Long-Term Recovery (3 Months and Beyond)

– Final Results: By this time, most of the major swelling is gone, and the breasts should be close to their final shape and size.
– Scar Maturation: Scars will continue to heal and fade over the next several months to a year. There are treatments and creams that can aid this process, which your surgeon can recommend.
– Annual Check-ups: Especially if you have silicone gel implants, routine MRI scans or ultrasounds may be recommended to monitor the integrity of the implants.

Tips for a Smooth Recovery:

– Follow Surgeon’s Instructions: Adhering to your surgeon’s guidelines is crucial for a smooth recovery and optimal results.
– Stay Hydrated and Maintain a Healthy Diet: Proper nutrition and hydration support healing.
– Manage Pain and Discomfort: Use medications as prescribed to manage pain and discomfort.
– Be Patient: Recovery is a gradual process, and being patient with your body as it heals is important.

The exact recovery process can vary depending on individual factors such as your health, the specific techniques used, and how your body heals. Always communicate with your surgeon if you have concerns about your recovery or if you notice any unusual symptoms.

Care after boob job in Iran

Proper post-operative care after a breast augmentation (“boob job”) is crucial to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal results. Here are detailed guidelines and tips on how to care for yourself after the procedure:

1. Follow Your Surgeon’s Instructions

– Detailed Care Plan: Your surgeon will provide specific instructions tailored to your situation. This includes how to care for your incisions, medications to take to aid healing and reduce the risk of infection, and when to return for follow-up care.
– Activity Restrictions: Adhere to guidelines regarding lifting, exercise, and when you can return to normal activities.

2. Manage Pain and Discomfort

– Pain Medication: Take prescribed pain medication as directed to manage discomfort. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) may also be recommended.
– Ice Packs: Use ice packs for the first 48 hours to reduce swelling, but make sure to wrap them in a cloth to avoid direct contact with the skin.

3. Wound Care

– Keep Incisions Clean and Dry: Follow instructions on how to clean the incision sites. You’ll typically be advised to keep the area dry, especially in the first few days, and possibly use an antibacterial ointment.
– Monitor for Signs of Infection: Watch for increased redness, swelling, warmth, or discharge at the incision sites, as well as fever, which could indicate an infection.

4. Support Your Breasts

– Compression Garment or Surgical Bra: Wear the compression garment or surgical bra as advised. These help support your breasts, reduce swelling, and can improve comfort during the healing process.
– Sleeping Position: Sleep on your back to avoid pressure on your breasts. Keeping your upper body elevated with a few pillows can help reduce swelling.

5. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

– Hydration and Nutrition: Drink plenty of water and eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals that promote healing. Protein, vitamin C, and iron are particularly important for recovery.
– Avoid Smoking and Alcohol: Smoking can impede the healing process and increase the risk of complications. Alcohol can interfere with medications and increase swelling.

6. Activity and Exercise

– Gradual Increase in Activity: Start with light walking as soon as you feel up to it to promote circulation. Avoid strenuous activities and lifting heavy objects until your surgeon gives you the clear.
– Follow Guidelines for Exercising: Typically, light cardio can be resumed in a few weeks, but high-impact exercises, especially those that involve the chest, might need to be avoided for up to six weeks or more.

7. Attend Follow-Up Appointments

– Monitoring Progress: Your surgeon will schedule follow-up appointments to check on your recovery and the condition of your implants. These visits are crucial to ensure everything is healing as expected and to address any concerns you might have.

8. Scar Care

– Scar Treatment: Once your incisions have healed, you may be advised on using certain products or treatments to help minimize scarring, such as silicone sheets or scar creams.
– Sun Protection: Keep scars protected from the sun, as UV exposure can darken them. Use a high SPF sunscreen if the scars are exposed.

9. Emotional Support

– Emotional Fluctuations: It’s common to experience a range of emotions post-surgery. Support from friends, family, or a professional can be beneficial if you find yourself feeling down or anxious about the recovery process.


Recovery from breast augmentation involves careful attention to your surgeon’s instructions, managing discomfort, supporting your body’s healing process, and monitoring for any signs of complications. With the right care, most women recover well and are pleased with their results. Always keep open communication with your healthcare provider throughout your recovery journey.



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