Chinese toothpaste in Iran

Chinese toothpaste in Iran

Chinese toothpaste in Iran

What is dental cover?
In other words, the permanent tooth prosthesis, called the English dental crown, is a metal or ceramic cap or a combination of both of them, which is spread over extended teeth, in addition to protecting them from breaking, performance And the beauty of the tooth is also restored to it again.
Chinese toothpaste
These tiles are made from all types of Chinese ceramics, which have a lot of strength, and are, in addition to the perfect beauty, very natural. At present, these crowns can be used in the anterior and posterior teeth (front and mill teeth).
Which toothbrush is used to correct the teeth?
The shape and color of the teeth and the treatment of the color of the teeth

Fractures repair and closing of the space between the teeth

Change the position of the teeth and correct other anomalies of the teeth

After cutting, the teeth are molded and sent to the lab to be tested at the next session by testing them if fitted to the tooth surface. In this way, less time is spent than the usual methods.

Chinese coatings, which have opened their doors to beauty dentistry all the time, help you smile more beautiful and is a kind of bleaching. The lamination of the tooth is a thin layer of cooked Chinese that can be likened to an artificial nail sticking on the tooth. The advantage of this method is to reduce the teeth ‘jaundice and the color of the transparent and natural teeth (as much as the part of the tooth enamel), with which you can give a wonderful smile to the person. No need to whiten the teeth with these veneers.

Durability of china coatings
One of the first questions that patients ask their dentist is how long do they last on the teeth of Chinese laminates? There is, of course, no law about how long laminates last, but you can enjoy many years of laminate on your teeth. You can also help laminate durability on the surface of your teeth, and the best thing you can do about it is to keep your mouth healthy and take care of them at home. On the other hand, the proper fitting of the Chinese coating on the surface of your teeth is also one of the factors that contributes to their long-term stability. This agent is in the control of your dentist, and if your teeth are well cut and molded properly and the laminate is carefully tied up and tied up, it will fit well on the surface of your teeth. Some dentists believe that this Chinese laminate coating will remain on the teeth for an average of up to 10 years.

Caring for Chinese overlays

1) Compliance with oral health

2) Avoid holding the head pin with teeth

3) The teeth are forbidden

4) Coloring materials are prohibited

Chinese toothpaste in Iran

The cost of dentistry in Iran

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