Facelift in Iran | Affordable Rhytidectomy Surgery

Facelift in Iran

Facelift in Iran | Affordable Rhytidectomy Surgery

Improving your appearance with facelift

Decreased skin consistency and the signs of aging in the face, have a variety of reasons, including thinning of the skin, reduced facial fat content, gravitational force, sun exposure, smoking and tobacco use, genetic factors and stress.

Facial lift, also called rhytidectomy, is a type of surgery that helps to improve the symptoms of aging in the face and neck.

Facial lift surgery may be appropriate for people who suffer from signs of aging in their face. For example, the surgery can help with the followings:


The deep lines around the lower eyelid

Deep lines under the lower eyelid.

Deep lines between the nose and the corner of the mouth

Fat loss or displacement of fat (damaged adipose tissue that develops fatigue).

Lower facial muscles that have lost their consistency and have fallen and are hung up.

Skin loosening and increase of fat tissue under the chin and lower jaw. In this case, a person with a normal weight may have a double chin.

Eyebrow lift surgery (to remove deep wrinkles in the area) and eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty (to relieve symptoms of aging and rejuvenation of eyes) are complementary skin rejuvenation techniques that can be performed concurrently with facelift.


Injection of fat and filler helps to increase volume and compensate for lost fat.

Who Can Get Facelift Surgery?

Facelift in Iran surgery is a personal decision and should not be based on the tastes and desires of others. People who:


Are physically healthy and do not have any particular illness.

Do not use tobacco or other addictive substances.

Have realistic expectations of the surgical outcome.

Their skin, despite its signs of aging, still has a small amount of flexibility and elasticity.

Can undergo Facelift in Iran surgery.


Preparing for surgery

Before surgery you may be asked:


What to do the night before surgery and in the morning.

Use of anesthesia during surgery.

Postoperative care and follow-up treatment.

If you are overweight and want to lose weight you should do this before surgery.

Drinking plenty of water before and after surgery will improve recovery quickly and improve results.

Two weeks before facelift surgery You should discontinue aspirin and aspirin-containing products. Smoking is also prohibited at least 2 weeks before surgery. Do not sunbath 2 weeks before surgery. Stop using rejuvenation creams them one to two weeks before surgery.


If you want to dye your hair or permanently curl them, avoid doing it for several weeks because of the sensitivity of the scars.


Plus, the plastic surgeon will tell you where the surgery will take place. Facelift may be performed at surgical centers or hospitals.

If you have outpatient surgery, you will need a companion. Arrange for someone to bring you home after surgery and stay with you for at least the first night after surgery.



The surgical procedure


Stage One – Anesthesia

Medications will be prescribed to maintain your comfort during surgery. Options include intravenous relief and general anesthesia. Your doctor will advise you on the best option.

Performing some other surgical procedures can improve the result of Facelift in Iran . These include:


Facial implants

Enlargement of soft tissue to reshape facial components (fat injection)

Surface modification techniques to improve the consistency and nature of facial skin

Reducing wrinkles by injection


Stage II – Surgical incision

Depending on the amount of change you want, facelift options include traditional facelift, facelift with limited cuts and neck lift.

Traditional facelift surgery usually starts from the hair growth line or behind the hair growth line and ends up in the lower part of the skull after rotating around the ear. The fat of the face, cheeks and neck can be shaped or moved and the underlying tissue is put in a new position. The deeper layers of the face and muscles are usually lifted as well. The skin is stretched again on the lifted areas and the extra skin is removed. To improve the aging signs of the neck, another cut under the chin may also be necessary. Sutures or adhesives are used to close the incisions.


An alternative to traditional Facelift in Iran is the use of smaller incisions that extend around the ears and are possibly made in the lower eyelid or under the upper lip.


Droop cheeks, loose neck skin and fat accumulation under the chin can be corrected by neck lift. Neck lift usually begins from the anterior of the ear fin, wraps around the ear and ends to the lower part of the skull.


Step Three – stitches

The facial lift lines after healing will be well hidden in the hair growth line and natural facial and ear lines.


Step Four – Consider the Results

After the swelling and bruises improve, the result of facial lifting will be revealed. The final result will not only give you a younger and less tired appearance but also give you more confidence.


Be sure to ask your questions.

It is important to ask your plastic surgeon about Facelift in Iran . It is natural to have a bit of anxiety (whether due to the excitement of anticipating your new appearance or due to pre-operative stress). Don’t be embarrassed of sharing it with your plastic surgeon.



When you go home:

If you experience shortness of breath, chest pain or abnormal heart rate, report it immediately. Any of these may require hospitalization and additional treatment.

The medical and surgical profession is not a definitive science. Although good results are to be expected, there is no guarantee. Sometimes it is not possible to obtain optimal results with one operation and subsequent surgeries may be necessary.


be careful.

Following your doctor’s instructions is the key to your surgical success. It is important that surgical incisions during healing are not affected by excessive force, rubbing or excessive movement. Avoid wearing any clothing that should be worn through head. Your doctor will give you instructions to take care of yourself.


Recovery period

After the procedure, a non-compressive bandage may be wrapped around the face to reduce swelling and bruising. A thin tube may be inserted to drain excess fluid or blood accumulating under the skin.


You may be given specific instructions such as:

How to take care of the surgical site

Medications that are prescribed to heal wounds or reduce the risk of infection.

Pay attention to specific symptoms at the site of surgery or general body conditions.

Post-operative appointment with your plastic surgeon.

Be sure to ask your plastic surgeon what happens during the recovery period:

What medications should I take after surgery?

Will there be dressing or bandages?

Should sutures be remove? when are they removed?

When can I start normal activities or exercise?

When do I go for post-operative follow-up?


The results will be long lasting.

Inflation may take several months to completely resolve and cutting lines may take up to six months to heal. Protecting sunlight for a lifetime by reducing the photo-aging light will preserve your youthful appearance. In addition, a healthy lifestyle will keep you looking young and vibrant.



What is the cost of facelift surgery in Iran?

Cost is always one of the considerations of a non-emergency surgery. Cost for a Facelift in Iran may vary depending on the surgeon’s experience, type of operation performed, and geographic location. Many plastic surgeons can provide advice on the costs. So be sure to ask about this.


Costs may include:

Surgeon’s Wage Cost

Cost of hospital or surgery center

The cost of anesthesia wages

Cost of prescriptions

Cost of post-operative coatings

The cost of medical tests

Your satisfaction is not only dependent on the amount of money you spend.

When choosing a plastic surgeon for face lift, keep in mind that their experience and your comfort with them are as important as the final cost of surgery.

Most insurances do not cover the costs of cosmetic surgery or their complications.


Post Facelift Care

Blood flow is normal for a few days. But inform your doctor immediately if there is significant bleeding and swelling as it may need to be examined (this is likely up to two weeks after surgery).

A third day visit is required to check the site of surgery.

A first week visit is required to check the site. The sutures are removed on the seventh day (except for special cases).

Sometimes the edges of the skin flap (at the surgical site – especially in smokers) are lost due to reduced blood supply, which will require correction after complete recovery.

The swelling may increase by up to three days, which is normal. However, contact in the event of significant pain and swelling.

The amount of swelling is variable and is higher in the mornings, which is minimized by keeping the head high during rest and engaging in regular activities.

Reduce salt intake to at least 3 days.

Take your medicine completely.

Numbness is normal and will take several months.

Tobacco use may delay recovery and increase morbidity for up to several weeks after surgery.

The pain reaches its maximum level for up to three days and then decreases, during which time the painkiller will respond. Cold compresses are recommended occasionally, but due to the natural postoperative anesthesia and the risk of skin damage due to the cold, cold compresses should be used with caution and intermittently, and the water used in cold water should not be very cold. After the third day, warm compresses will accelerate the healing of bruising, but due to the natural post-operative anesthesia, the temperature of the warm compresses should not exceed 2 degrees Celsius as it may cause skin burns.

To ease the pain, keep your head higher than your usual resting position.

Avoid heavy activity for a few weeks. Normal activity is not harmful and absolute rest is forbidden because it increases the risk of blood clots in the lower extremity vessels. Sexual activities are also prohibited for up to two weeks.

Failure to observe the above may lead to prolonged swelling of the edges of the skin flap (at the surgical site).

Mild facial bruising is normal.

Fresh pineapple (not its compote) contains bromelain and vitamin C, which are effective in accelerating the absorption of bruises and swelling and are better consumed. Facelift in Iran

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