Endoscopic eyebrow lift in Iran – forehead lift

Endoscopic eyebrow lift in Iran

Endoscopic eyebrow lift in Iran

Endoscopic eyebrow lift in Iran is one of the facial rejuvenation methods that can simultaneously eliminate several unpleasant factors on your face: First, it removes wrinkles on the forehead; He then raises his eyebrows, corrects the shape of his eyebrows, and removes the frown line; It can also help raise the eyelids.

Endoscopic eyebrow and eyebrow lift is a minimally invasive surgery that has a short recovery period and the results are very fast, natural and acceptable. There is usually no particular allergy or problem with this surgery. As a result, if you have a good option for an Endoscopic eyebrow lift in Iran, you can use it along with other facial rejuvenation methods.

With this description, is it right for you to have an endoscopic eyebrow or forehead lift in Iran?

How is this surgery performed and what are the complementary rejuvenation methods? What should you look for before deciding to have an Endoscopic eyebrow lift in Iran? We suggest you read this article in full:

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What does endoscopic eyebrow lift mean?

In general, the endoscopic eyebrow lift, with the help of an endoscope, which is a surgical device, lifts the eyebrows and forehead skin. In this procedure, with the help of micro-cuts that are made in the upper part of the forehead and inside the hair, the surgeon accesses the skin under the forehead and eyebrows to operate on the muscles and tissues under the skin.

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As you age, the muscles and tissues under the skin loosen, the fat under the skin decreases, and the skin becomes sagging. All of this causes the eyebrows to go down and put pressure on the upper eyebrows. There are also wrinkles on the forehead. There are also lines between the eyebrows that make them frown. All of this shows your face getting older and older. That’s why with the help of forehead and eyebrow lifts, you can regain the beauty and youth of your face.

For example, in an ideal eyebrow with a natural shape, the eyebrow sequence should be slightly higher; With an eyebrow endoscopic lift, a specialist surgeon with experience and expertise can easily do such things and completely change your appearance. Also, by raising the eyebrow endoscopy to the standard size, sometimes the problem of slight drooping of the upper eyelid is solved.

endoscopic eyebrow lift and forehead lift
Endoscopic eyebrow lift in Iran


How is an Endoscopic eyebrow lift in Iran performed?

Endoscopic eyebrow lift surgery is an endoscopic surgery performed with the help of an endoscope. The endoscope is a device that includes spring tubes and fiber optics that have a small but precise camera as well as surgical instruments mounted on the tip. With the help of this tool, without cutting and opening the skin completely, and only with the help of a few small cracks, the surgeon will have access to the subcutaneous tissue and can see the tissue under the eyebrows and perform surgery.
In an Endoscopic eyebrow lift in Iran, a plastic surgeon can use a tool from the top of the head to the subcutaneous tissue to remove and lift the subcutaneous tissue from the bone. Also, if necessary, remove parts of the extra tissue and muscle. After a while, the subcutaneous tissue re-boils to the bone and stays in place. One of the advantages of the endoscopic eyebrow lift is that you can simultaneously remove both the forehead line and the crease between the eyebrows or the frown line.
This is usually done under local anesthesia. To begin with, 2 to 5 cm long incisions are made at 3 to 5 points on the head. Because the surgeon has access to the eyebrows from several different locations, he can well correct the symmetry of the shape and curvature of the eyebrows. For this reason, the result of surgical endoscopic eyebrow lifting will be very natural and satisfactory.
The advantages of the endoscopic eyebrow lift over older surgical procedures are less cutting, no need to shave, and less pain and discomfort. Eyebrow endoscopy results usually last for more than 7 to 10 years, depending on how the surgeon uses it.
However, the physiology and physical characteristics of each person, lifestyle, looseness or firmness of the skin and various other factors can also affect the success of the operation and the longevity of the Endoscopic eyebrow lift in Iran. That’s why it’s important to see a plastic surgeon and get a thorough examination.
For example, a specialist may prescribe some tests after examining and performing certain tests, such as assessing the amount of tear production, or determining the height or shortness of the forehead, or the condition of the eyebrow muscles. For example, part of your forehead may need to be removed;
Or you may need to have an endoscopic eyebrow lift, botulinum injections into your eyebrows or forehead a week before the operation to relax and relax your muscles. Even after an examination, a specialist surgeon may suggest a replacement or supplementation with eyebrow endoscopy.
endoscopic eyebrow lift and forehead lift
Endoscopic eyebrow lift in Iran

Who needs an endoscopic eyebrow lift in Iran?

To find out if you are a good choice for an endoscopic eyebrow lift, we recommend that you see a plastic surgeon first. Many of the important things that need to be considered before surgery can only be determined by examination and some tests. However, if the following applies to you, this method can be effective in rejuvenating your face:
  • Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead
  • Vertical lines between the eyebrows
  • The presence of wrinkles in the corners of the eyebrows
  • Lower eyebrows and pressure on the upper eyelid
  • Elongation of the angle and shape of the eyebrows
  • Asymmetry in the eyebrows
Also, the more elastic your skin is, the more suitable it will be for you. Of course, don’t forget that if you smoke, you should stop taking it a few weeks before the operation and refrain from taking it for a few months after the operation. Taking anticoagulants such as aspirin should also be stopped before surgery. Therefore, if you have a specific illness or are taking medication, be sure to consult your doctor.
Postoperative endoscopic eyebrow care
Take your surgeon’s pre- and post-operative advice seriously to get the satisfaction of an Endoscopic eyebrow lift in Iran. The following will usually be available to everyone after surgery, but depending on the circumstances of each person, more or less will be seen:
Needles, numbness, pain, swelling and bruising on the upper face and even around the eyes are normal and will go away over time.
Analgesics are prescribed to relieve pain, antibiotics to prevent scarring, and cold compresses are used to reduce bruising and swelling. Also, when resting, you should keep your head up and put a few soft pillows under your head to sleep.
It takes one to two weeks for swelling and bruising to go away. Don’t worry and let your surgeon go through the healing process by resting and following the tips recommended by your surgeon.
The dressing is usually taken two days after surgery and with an initial examination, but you will have to wait 7 to 10 days for the sutures to be removed.
The recovery period for this operation is 3 to 4 days; You can then slowly begin your daily activities. Since the stitches are in the middle of your hair and cannot be seen, you can return to work even if you are in good physical condition.
Avoid any physical activity for up to two weeks, even if you sit down and get up quickly and suddenly. You can usually resume exercising a month after surgery.

What changes after eyebrow lift in Iran?

After endoscopic eyebrow lift surgery, the eyebrows are usually slightly higher than their original location. You have to wait for the swelling to go away and the eyebrows to return to normal. It will also take a few months to see the final result of your surgery and facelift. You have to wait until then.
Remember that each person’s body condition and biological response to surgery is different. So never compare yourself to someone who has had the same surgery. Eventually you will find that your eyebrows return to their pre-sagging nature. The frown lines between the eyebrows are removed. There are no more wrinkles on the forehead. Eventually, you will look happier and younger, and you will get a more beautiful face by improving the shape of your eyebrows and making your eyes bigger.

How does eyebrow and forehead lift in Iran make the face look younger?

Since the process of aging the face in all parts of the face is shown, usually only the endoscopic eyebrow lift alone is not recommended. Depending on how wrinkled and sagging your skin is, your cosmetic surgeon may suggest several other treatments:
The most common complementary method is forehead and eyebrow lift, blepharoplasty, or upper eyelid surgery. In this method, the drooping of the upper eyelid is reduced and the springs become larger.
Facial lift is also recommended to remove sagging facial skin.
Liposuction with a tummy tuck can also help reduce sunburn and rejuvenate the face.
Eventually, the endoscopic lift removes eyebrows and forehead, as well as complementary procedures, sagging and wrinkles on the forehead, eyebrows and face; This means you will look 10 to 15 years younger and fresher.
forehead lift in Iran
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