Thigh slimming cosmetic surgery in Iran

Thigh slimming cosmetic surgery in Iran

Thigh slimming cosmetic surgery in Iran

Thigh lift or thighplasty

Nowadays, cosmetic surgeries are very popular. Thigh lift and hip lift are both popular.

Thigh lift surgery removes the skin and in some cases, extra fat on the thighs, re-shapes the thighs, smooths the thigh, and gives the legs and thighs a more beautiful appearance.

If losing weight and exercising doesn’t get you the results you want, and you can’t get a thinner, younger look and a more beautiful appearance, thigh surgery may be the solution.

Arm lift is also an effective solution for people who have problems with excess fat and skin in their arms and have failed to achieve the desired results in shaping their arm using exercise and diet.

A Thigh Lift or Thighplasty cosmetic surgery performed by Dr. will reshape the thighs and remove excess skin and fat in the thigh area, resulting in smoother skin and thinner thighs and fitness.

You’ll also find that after your thigh cosmetic surgery, your clothes will look much better and your confidence will increase.

During a consultation session with Dr. , he will explain to you all the details of lift surgery, including how to prepare for surgery and how to go through the post-surgical recovery process.

Thigh slimming cosmetic surgery in Iran

Dr. talks to you about all the options and methods and gives you the right information to help you have reasonable expectations of your surgical results and your appearance after surgery.

Thigh lift surgery is not just designed to remove excess fat. Thigh liposuction alone can also remove excess fat, but only of the patient’s skin has good elasticity and can adapt well to the new shape of the legs.

In cases where the skin is not well-resilient (the skin is loose and drooping), a combination of liposuction and thigh lift techniques and thigh slimming surgery is recommended.

Preparation for thigh lift surgery

In order to prepare for a thigh lift surgery, your doctor may ask you to:

Get medical examinations and some tests on you.

Make changes to how you are currently taking the medicines and prescribe certain medications.

Stop smoking.

Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements, because they can increase your bleeding during surgery.

Thigh slimming cosmetic surgery in Iran
Thigh slimming cosmetic surgery in Iran

Thigh lift surgery may be performed at a private surgical center, a clinic with surgical facilities, or in a hospital.

If your thigh slimming surgery is performed on an outpatient basis (meaning you won’t be hospitalized after surgery), be sure to arrange with someone to bring you to the clinic and accompany you, and then take you home from the clinic and stay with you for at least one night after the surgery.

Stages of Thigh Lift Surgery

Thigh lift surgery has the following stages:

Stage One – Anesthesia

Anesthetic is injected to keep you comfortable during your thigh cosmetic surgery. Topical and sedative anesthetics may be given to you, or general anesthesia may be applied.

Your surgeon will give you the best option depending on your condition.

Stage Two – making the incisions and the surgery

How the incisions are made depends on the area of ​​the lift, the amount of changes that are going to be made, as well as the opinion of the plastic surgeon and the patient, and the pattern of incisions on the skin vary from patient to patient.

One of the most commonly used techniques for incision for thigh lift surgery is that the incisions start from the front of the groin, extend downward and into the inner part of the thigh, and then continue around the inner thigh to reach the back of the thigh.

The matrix of tissues beneath this area during surgery is stretched and reshaped.

Also part of the skin is cut and separated and the cutting edges are again stitched together, and in addition to improving the shape of the thighs, the thigh skin also becomes perfectly smooth.

Depending on your situation, you may be a good candidate for an internal thigh lift with a small incision, in which case only one incision will be made in the inner part of your groin.

Your surgeon will discuss with you the surgical procedures and techniques that are right for you before surgery.

To improve the shape of the thighs on the outer part, there should be cuts extending from the front of the thigh to the back of the thigh.

In more advanced surgical techniques, incisions can be made in a way that they are placed in places that can be hidden with most of the clothes that one may wear. However, in this case, the cuts may still be large.

Stage Three – Suture

In the deep tissues of the thighs, sutures are inserted to extend and support the inner tissue of the thighs, so they will change the shape of the thighs. The incisions are then sutured.

Stage Four – Results

Even right after surgery, the results are noticeable, and the thighs will be smoother and more beautiful.

Of course, at first the surgical results are largely hidden due to the initial swelling and bruising and the actual result can be seen after the recovery period.


Suitable candidates for thigh lift surgery

Generally, suitable candidates for thigh lift are:

People whose weight is almost constant.

People with soft tissue and extra skin in their inner and / or outer thighs.

People with good general health who do not have a disease or problem that may interfere with recovery after surgery or increase the risk of surgery.


People who have a positive view of the surgery and their expectations of the surgery results are realistic.

People who are committed to a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition and exercise.

Recovery After Thigh Lift Thigh slimming cosmetic surgery in Iran

During the post-surgical recovery period, your surgical incisions are bandaged, and you may also be asked to wear a thigh compression sleeve to reduce swelling and support new thigh formation during the early stages of recovery after surgery.

Very thin tubes may be placed temporarily under your skin to get the blood and extra fluid that accumulate at the site of surgery out.

After surgery, you will be given specific instructions to follow, including how to care for the location of the surgical wound and the extra fluid drainage, how to use the medications prescribed for faster healing and reduce the risk of infection, specific symptoms at your surgical site or in your general health, which may be a sign of danger and complication, as well as subsequent appointments with your surgeon.

Results of Thigh Lift Surgery

Initial results of thigh lift surgery are evident even immediately after surgery. But it may take several months for the final results to be revealed.

After a thigh lift surgery, the quality and appearance of the thighs will dramatically improve, not only the appearance of the thighs, but also the feeling that the patient has about their body.

Surgical wounds remain somewhat. But the results of surgery will last, as long as your weight remains constant and with enough physical mobility to maintain your body shape.

With age, it is quite natural for the thighs to lose their stiffness again. But most of the changes made in this surgery are permanent and will never go away.

Although you are expected to achieve excellent results from this surgery, achieving these results is not guaranteed. In some cases, surgery may not be enough to achieve the most ideal results, and additional surgery may be necessary.

Thigh slimming cosmetic surgery in Iran
Thigh slimming cosmetic surgery in Iran

Post-Thigh Lift Surgery Care

It is very important that you follow your surgeon’s instructions after surgery. These instructions may include:

Make sure that someone will take you home after surgery and take care of you for at least a few days.

Use painkillers as instructed.

You should see your doctor at a specified time, between 5 to 10 days after surgery, to remove the extra fluid drainage tubes and also to remove the surgical sutures.

You should wear a special compression sleeve for 3 to 4 weeks after surgery to support the surgical tissues well and help your skin adapt to the new thigh shape, especially if liposuction is performed.

Light exercise is usually recommended because it will speed up your recovery and reduce the risk of blood clots. Of course, you should not do heavy exercise. Your surgeon will tell you when you can get back to your normal activities.

You should contact your surgeon immediately if you see any signs of infection or bleeding or severe pain.

Thigh slimming cosmetic surgery in Iran

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