0 -100 about breast implants in Iran

breast implants in Iran

Zero to 100 Information about breast implants surgery in Iran

breast implants in Iran
If you are planning to enlarge your breasts, they have definitely offered you various ways such as gel injections, fat injections, taking hormonal pills and breast prostheses.
Some of these methods are completely unscientific and have many side effects such as breast tightening infection, breast cancer and…
The best and safest way to increase breast size is to use prostheses that have the US FDA, such prostheses do not cause any harm to people.
Common prostheses in Iran such as:
Nagor, Motiva, Polytech, Mentor
Available in Iran, all have the necessary licenses and FDA approval.
In the following, we intend to have a detailed examination of the material, shape, location, incision and. Breast prostheses.
Breast prosthesis is a foreign body, to increase the size and shape of the breast and is known as one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the world and in Iran.
In this article, we want to give you complete information about this surgery so that after studying it, you can make the right decision about this operation.
Important note ( Prosthesis Pexy )
If you are a woman who has sagging breasts due to aging or breastfeeding and you are going to have a breast prosthesis
You should know that in addition to prosthetics, you are a candidate for a combination of breast prosthesis surgery and breast lift (lifting).
You are a candidate for Prosthesis Pexy surgery.
Examination of prostheses, in terms of ingredients:
Prostheses are divided into two categories in terms of materials:
1. Silicone prosthesis
2. Saline prosthesis
Silicone prostheses give the breast a more natural shape and are more durable than saline prostheses. Their outer layer is made of silicone or ethylene.
Saline prostheses are also said to increase in size over time, and this is suitable for people who at first can not use a large prosthesis size for various reasons such as weight loss, and the use of saline prostheses can be a good choice for them because According to some people, prostheses increase in size over time.
But due to the low risk of silicone prostheses, it is more commonly used
breast implants in Iran
breast implants in Iran
Examination of prostheses in terms of shape and size:
Breast prostheses, whether silicone or saline, are divided into two categories in terms of shape:
1. Anatomical (teardrop)
2. Round
Its round shape is more popular than its anatomical shape because this type of prosthesis fills the upper chest area.
Choosing the right size of breast implants in Iran
One of the most important factors when performing this surgery is choosing the size of the prosthesis
The choice of size is selected according to the doctor’s measurements in the face-to-face consultation and the applicant’s wishes, and in cases such as obesity and thinness.
For example, people who are underweight should use smaller prostheses.
Choosing the location of the breast implants in Iran
Another thing that is decided in Rajab’s face-to-face consultation session is the location of the breast prosthesis.
Depending on the decision of the prosthetist, the prosthesis can be placed in the breast in the following two ways.
  • On the Muscle
  • Under Muscle
If the applicant has enough tissue (skin tissue) to place the prosthesis, they place it on the muscle, and if they do not have enough tissue, they place it under the pectoralis muscle.
In people who are very thin and do not have enough tissue, the prosthesis is placed under the muscle.
Where is the breast prosthesis incision made:
The incision is made in three ways, and we will tell you all three methods:
Breast aura incision :
This incision is suitable for applicants who have a large breast aura and want to use small prostheses.
The applicant should keep in mind that if the nipple is cut around, there is a possibility that the nipple sensation will disappear for a while.
Incision under the breast:
The most common incision during breast prosthesis surgery is an incision below the back line
Because it has no side effects and the location of the scar is in a part that is not clear after surgery.
Underarm incision:
One of the most difficult places to choose for this surgery is the armpit
It should be noted that the prosthesis that is placed in this area should be small in size.
breast implants in Iran
breast implants in Iran

People are candidates for breast implants in Iran

  • Women whose breasts are small.
  • Women who have sagging breasts after pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  • Women whose breasts are asymmetrical.
  • Those who want a rounder shape and a fuller upper chest.
  • Women who have lost their breast tissue due to breast cancer.

Procedures before breast prosthesis in Iran

  • Do not smoke for 6 weeks before breast prosthesis.
  • Perform pre-breast prosthesis tests (blood test, ultrasound or mammography)
  • Measure height and weight to determine size
  • Avoid taking medications that interfere with blood clotting. Like aspirin
  • Avoid alcohol one month before a breast prosthesis.
  • Laser and solarium are not recommended one month before surgery.
  • Be sure to discuss this with your doctor if you are taking certain medications.

Care after breast prosthesis surgery in Iran

  • Use the special dress for 2 to 3 months
  • If you have pain and swelling, use the medication prescribed by your doctor.
  • You should rest at home for 5 to 7 days.
  • Strictly avoid lifting heavy objects for 2 months.
  • Do not take a bath for 2-3 days after the operation.
  • Have a mammogram done annually to make sure the prosthesis is healthy and not torn.
  • Contact a specialist if you have pain or shortness of breath.

Possible complications of breast prosthesis:
In general, this surgery is known as one of the least dangerous and least complicated cosmetic surgeries
But it may rarely have a complication that we have tried to address in this article all the possible side effects.

Rejection of the prosthesis
This is one of the complications that very, very rarely happens to the applicant.
How to notice the rejection of the prosthesis is that part of the breast will tighten after a while.
Breast atrophy
If the size of the prosthesis is large and does not fit the breast mold, the prosthesis will put pressure on the breast tissue over time and there will be a possibility that the breast tissue will disappear after a while.
Breast sagging
Another major complication of prosthesis size is sagging breasts over time, so be sure to choose the prosthesis size.
Problems with breastfeeding
One of the complications that may occur after the breast prosthesis for the applicant is the problem of breastfeeding
Of course, it should be noted that this complication does not occur in all people and only a limited percentage will face the problem of not breastfeeding.
Accumulation of fluid in the chest cavity infection or blood clot, allergy to anesthetic
These are complications that occur very rarely
But in case of any of the above, call your doctor.
Cost of breast implants in Iran
Certainly the cost of surgery is one of the most important factors for people who intend to have it
The price of a breast prosthesis in 2021 is between $ 2,000 and $ 4,000, depending on the price of the prosthesis (prosthesis company).

Frequently Asked Questions about Breast Prosthetics in Iran:

Does a breast prosthesis cause breast cancer?
The answer to this question is that according to research, FDA-approved prostheses do not cause any damage to the breast.
All prosthetic brands in Iran have this license
Breast implants can be a problem when a person has breast cancer, if you have breast cancer the prosthesis should be removed from the breast.
Does a breast prosthesis cause a problem for pregnancy or breastfeeding?
This surgery does not cause any problems for the pregnancy
In some limited cases, a person may have difficulty breastfeeding.
Is a breast prosthesis permanent?
According to the advertisements of the companies and the new series of prostheses that are offered to the market, it is said that the life of prostheses is permanent.
But what we have seen over time is that prostheses generally need to be replaced 10 to 15 years after implantation.
It is best to have a mammogram once a year to make sure the prosthesis is healthy.
Fat injections to the breast is better or dentures?
Undoubtedly, breast prosthesis is a safer and more suitable solution than injecting fat into the breast
In some cases, people who have had fat injections into their breasts have developed breast cancer over time
 While this theory has not yet been scientifically confirmed or rejected, most plastic orthopedic surgeons find a more appropriate solution.
Does the breast prosthesis burst at a high altitude or cause a problem?
No, this is just a rumor, breast prosthesis at high altitudes will not be harmed, even divers at low altitudes will not have any problems with the prosthesis.
How long does breast implants in Iran surgery take?
This surgery will take between 1 to 2 hours and will be performed under anesthesia.
How long is your stay in Iran?
For breast prosthesis surgery, you need to be in Iran for a week to 10 days
One week is enough if the surgery is without the need for a breast lift
If surgery requires a breast lift, 10 days is enough
  • The first day of meeting with a plastic surgeon in Iran
  • Perform blood tests and heart counseling and chest ultrasound photos
  • The third day of breast prosthesis surgery
  • Day 5 The first visit of a plastic surgeon
  • And on the last day of the second visit of the plastic surgeon

عملية جراحه تجميل ثدي اصطناعي في إيران

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