BBL in Iran 2022 – Brazilian Butt lift – After care

BBL in Iran

BBL in Iran – Brazilian Butt lift

The form and fit of the hips is one of the important factors in having an attractive and proportionate body.

With Brazilian butt lift surgery ( BBL in Iran ), a skilled cosmetic surgeon can use specialized fat transfer techniques to create a fuller, rounder buttock and shape it. If you want to know more about this, keep reading!

BBL in Iran
BBL in Iran

What is Brazilian butt lift surgery?

Brazilian butt lift ( BBL in Iran ) is one of the body contouring surgery methods that transfers fat from one part of the body to the buttocks.
The purpose of this work is to create more fullness in the hips and improve its appearance.
This method can also help to fix some issues such as sagging and misshapen hips that may occur due to aging.

Unlike other forms of buttock surgery, the Brazilian butt lift does not use implants such as silicone buttock implants and uses the person’s own fat to shape the butt.
Therefore, the Brazilian butt lift has more natural results and is a safe method because no foreign body is placed in the body.
In addition, the Brazilian butt lift has a lower risk of infection and reaction than silicone buttock implants.

The results of a Brazilian butt lift can last from a few months to years.
Of course, you may need to undergo several surgeries to achieve the desired results.
It may also take up to 6 months to see the full results of the initial surgery.

Why is a Brazilian butt lift performed?

The shape and proportion of a person’s hips is largely determined by genetics. Both your skeletal structure and how your body stores fat affect the appearance of your lower body.
A healthy diet and exercise can be effective in achieving a healthy weight and building muscle, but many patients are unhappy with their flat butt, despite living a healthy lifestyle.
Brazilian butt lift surgery can help overcome genetic effects by changing the shape of the butt and surrounding areas such as the waist and thighs.
You may want to do Brazilian butt lift surgery for the following reasons:
  • Reduce fat deposits on your hips, thighs or stomach while filling out your butt.
  • Increase your overall fitness by improving upper and lower body balance
  • Make your butt shape more attractive.
  • Strengthen the curvature of your lower body.

Brazilian butt lift , BBL movie

How is the Brazilian butt lift performed?

  • This procedure is usually performed under anesthesia, but in procedures where a smaller volume of fat is transferred, it may be performed under local anesthesia alone.
  •  If anesthesia makes you nauseous, it is better to ask the nurse for anti-nausea medicine before anesthesia to prevent the issue.
  • Your surgeon will then use a liposuction machine to remove fat from other areas of the body, such as the buttocks, abdomen, and thighs.
  • To perform liposuction, the surgeon makes incisions in the skin and then uses a tube to remove body fat.
  • The fat deposits that have just been removed from your body are refined and prepared for injection into your buttock.
  • By injecting processed fat into specific areas of the buttock, your surgeon creates a rounder, more shapely appearance. He makes three to five incisions around the buttock to transfer the fat.
  • Both liposuction and fat transfer incisions are closed with stitches. A compression garment will then be placed over the affected area of ​​skin to minimize the risk of bleeding.

Brazilian butt lift side effects

A Brazilian butt lift may carry fewer risks compared to other surgeries such as silicone butt implants. However, like any surgery, this procedure has its own side effects, some of which are very serious. These complications include:
  • infection
  • Oscar
  • the pain
Lumps under the skin in suctioned or injected areas
Skin loss in treated areas due to deep infection
Fat embolism in the heart or lungs, which can be fatal
Current reports indicate a mortality rate of 1 in 3,000 Brazilian butt lifts. If the surgeon who performs this procedure is not up to speed, he may mistakenly inject fat into the large veins of the buttock.
This causes the fat to go to the lungs through these veins. This causes respiratory distress and eventually death.
Another well-known side effect of your buttock being unable to store transplanted fat. Some of the injected fat may be broken down and absorbed by the body, and the shape of the hips may not be as desired.
Usually, to prevent this, the surgeon injects more fat into the buttocks.
BBL in Iran
BBL in Iran

Am I a good candidate for a BBL in Iran?

Brazilian butt lift can be a great option to improve the shape and size of the butt. However, certain patients are better suited for this procedure and it is important to have realistic expectations about surgery, recovery and results.
In general, if you agree with the following statements, you are probably a good candidate for a Brazilian butt lift:
  • Do you want to enlarge your hips without implants?
  • You have good skin quality.
  • You have enough fat reserves in other areas of your body to harvest and inject into the buttocks
  • You can avoid sitting directly on your hips for several weeks
Despite the name of this surgery, the Brazilian butt lift is not a traditional “lifting” procedure, as it does not address sagging skin on the buttocks.
Therefore, if the sagging skin on your hips or thighs is too much and bothers you, thigh and hip lift surgery can be a more suitable option for you.

BBL in Iran recovery and outlook

As with any cosmetic surgery, you need to take special care after a Brazilian butt lift. You will not be able to sit on your butt for two weeks after surgery and will need to sleep on your side or stomach until the area is fully healed.
Your hip may be swollen for a few weeks after surgery.
In general, the effects of this surgery last from a few months to years.
You may need more than one surgery to achieve the exact results you want. It may also take up to six months to see the full results of the initial procedure.
BBL in Iran
BBL in Iran

Life after Brazilian butt lift surgery

The results of a Brazilian butt lift are meant to last for many years. Fat cells removed with liposuction do not return to the area, and fat cells transferred to the buttocks remain there for years.
However, significant weight fluctuations can affect your results, so keep a consistent weight to keep your results as good as possible.
Results are usually seen within 6 months after surgery, after residual swelling has resolved and complete healing has occurred. At this time, the hips become more curved and the fit of the lower body improves.
If performed by a skilled surgeon, it is a useful procedure with long-lasting results. The best way to learn more is to meet with a board-certified cosmetic surgeon.

Brazilian butt lift vs Sculptera butt lift, silicone implants and liposuction

Buttock contouring surgeries are on the rise, which is why there are so many different ways to contour the butt. Be sure to talk to your doctor about the different hip surgery methods during the consultation session:

Sculptra beauty filler

Sculptra is a type of dermal filler used to plump up the skin. Fillers are often used for facial wrinkles, but may also be used in conjunction with a Brazilian butt lift to achieve the desired result.

Silicone buttock implants

As the name suggests, this procedure involves the use of silicone implants that are placed in your buttock.
This procedure is much more invasive than the Brazilian butt lift, although the two procedures are sometimes used together.
Silicone implants carry the risk of long-term displacement, so you may need to have surgery again in the future.


If you have excess fat deposits in the gluteal area, your surgeon will sometimes recommend removing them as a way to shape your butt. This method only focuses on fat removal.

Summary BBL in Iran

The popularity of butt lift surgery in Brazil is increasing in the world. When you have this or any cosmetic procedure performed by an experienced and board-certified surgeon, you have a better chance of achieving the desired result.
Although the Brazilian butt lift is a popular surgery, it is not for everyone.
Discuss your desired results as well as your health history with your surgeon.
He or she may recommend this method or something different that better suits your needs.
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