Brachioplasty or arm lift – Arm Liposuction in Iran

arm lift in Iran

Brachioplasty or arm lift – Arm Liposuctionin Iran

Brachioplasty or arm lift is usually used in patients who are dissatisfied with their arms. This surgery helps to remove excess skin and fat from the arms, which creates a loose, sagging, and uncomfortable position for the arms, so that the patient is no longer uncomfortable with their arms.
In some cases, due to having large arms, the person can not wear sleeveless clothes or has to use clothes with a larger size.
Skin changes are usually caused by weight change, including weight gain or loss, the destructive effects of the sun, aging, or genetics.
Removing excess skin caused by various factors helps to eliminate sagging arm and look more beautiful.
Many people have successfully performed this arm lift surgery so far and are completely satisfied with the result. This plastic surgery covers the armpits to the elbows, and in cases where the complication is extensive, it continues to the side of the chest.
In some cases, in addition to having extra skin, liposuction is used to remove excess fat to make it look more attractive.
arm lift in Iran
arm lift in Iran

What are the benefits of arm lift surgery?

The arm lift has the following advantages:
  • Help reduce arm volume and make it smaller and slimmer.
  • Improve appearance and increase patient confidence.
  • Create an attractive appearance in the arms so that the person can wear any type of clothing he wants without embarrassment.

Who is brachioplasty suitable for?

In general, people with the following conditions can use brachioplasty surgery and have successful results.
Adults who:
  • They have very loose skin.
  • Their arms are too big and it disturbs their fitness.
  • They are not smokers and do not use any drugs.
  • They have no specific medical history or high-risk disease. Because it may increase the risk of surgery and negatively affect the outcome.
  • They have a relatively stable weight and are not overweight. People who are overweight must first lose weight and reach a stable weight.
  • Unrealistic expectations of surgery result.

How to perform arm lift surgery in Iran?

This surgery usually takes about two hours depending on the type of surgery. The surgeon first determines the best incision site before surgery.
Arm lifts are generally performed in two ways:
  • Traditional lift
  • Wide lift
In a traditional arm lift, the surgeon makes an incision under the arm and can remove more of the sagging skin.
In a wide arm lift; The incision continues from the arm down to the body so that the doctor can remove the fat and sagging tissue along the chest as well. This treatment is usually common in patients who have lost a lot of weight.
In both traditional and extensive methods, different techniques are used for arm lift, which the surgeon will choose the most appropriate method according to the specific conditions of each patient.
arm lift in Iran
arm lift in Iran

Side effects of brachioplasty in Iran

In some patients, there is a lot of swelling in the upper arm after surgery. Swelling of the arm and tingling in the hands have also been observed in some people.
The most important side effect of this surgery is a long scar that starts from the armpit and continues to the elbow.
In very few cases, the following complications have been observed in patients:
  • Complications and risk of anesthesia
  • Bleeding
  • Infection of the surgical site
  • Accumulation of fluid under the skin
  • Damage to nerves and muscles
  • Too much pain
  • Inflammation and burning in the surgical area
What is the scar of a brachioplasty surgery?
The most worrying part of the arm lift operation is the scar or scar. Because the skin of the arm is so thin, the scar on this organ is generally more pronounced than on other parts of the body.
However, the wound will not be visible when the arms are placed next to the body. But in any case, you have to come to terms with the fact that there is no way to remove excess skin, which can be said that there will be no scars or scars.
In any case, the decision is with the patient. When you see a doctor, he will definitely share all these things with you and the final decision will be with you.
How is arm lift surgery with liposuction – Arm Liposuction in Iran?
Arm lift surgery with liposuction is a very convenient method in which the scar does not remain.
With this method, you will no longer have to worry and the scars that remain after brachioplasty will not be present in this method.
To perform liposuction on the arm, the fat is removed from the area using a water spray and drained.
Necessary care after arm lift surgery
The surgeon will give you all the necessary advice regarding the care of the wound or how to wash it. In addition, it will prescribe certain medications for faster recovery. The following precautions should be observed after arm lift surgery:
Use tight support to hold the arm firmly for up to 2 weeks after surgery.
Go to the clinic two days after surgery to open the dressing and do not do it yourself at all.
Immediately after regaining consciousness, open and close your fingers and try to move your arms slowly in the following days.
After surgery, avoid all strenuous activity for up to two weeks after surgery to prevent the stitches from opening or the wound from bleeding.
How much does brachioplasty or Arm Liposuction cost in Iran?
Many factors affect the cost of brachioplasty surgery. To know and ensure the cost of arm lift surgery in Iran, you can contact WhatsApp consultation number
After performing the necessary consultations and determining the type and method of treatment, be aware of the cost of arm lift surgery.
What are the factors that determine the cost of brachioplasty or arm lift surgery?
Factors such as:
  • Type of anesthetic
  • Type of health insurance
  • Surgeon’s salary, which varies according to his skill and experience
  • Anesthesia doctor salary
  • Type of treatment
  • Tests, tests and medications required before and after surgery
If you have fat under your arms and because of that you can not wear your favorite clothes, you can try brachioplasty. Do this to beautify the appearance of your arms and get rid of excess fat.
Many factors affect the cost of brachioplasty in Iran and we mentioned it in this article.


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