Breast augmentation in Iran – Pexy prosthesis – Best Surgeons & Price

Breast augmentation in Iran - Pexy prosthesis in Iran

Breast augmentation in Iran – Pexy prosthesis

Usually, women who have loose, sagging or small breasts are looking for solutions to increase the size and tighten their breasts. There are various methods to improve the condition of the breasts, which include breast implants and breast lifts. But the combination of these two surgeries at the same time leaves a wonderful result, Breast augmentation in Iran , which we will provide further explanations about.

The cost of Breast augmentation in Iran

The cost of pexi prosthesis surgery in Iran includes the following
Surgeon’s salary Between 2,500 and 4,000 dollars
Hospital and operating room fees
The cost of buying a prosthesis
The cost of pre-surgery tests About 50 dollars
Drug cost
The cost of a 10-day stay in Iran 350 dollars on average
Transportation costs Optional
The cost of care after surgery Optional
The cost of a special garnment after surgery Between 50 and 70 dollars
Breast augmentation in Iran package cost (without flight cost) Between 3000 and 4500 dollars

This surgery is usually the most expensive breast surgery
It is a combination of breast lift surgery and breast prosthesis surgery
To perform prosthopexy surgery, the surgeon must be highly skilled so that the results are desired

Usually, the cost of Breast augmentation in Iran is between 2,500 and 4,000 dollars

For this surgery, you need to stay in Iran for 10 days

Plastic surgeon visits

  1. Usually, the first visit is done the day after the operation
  2. 3 or 4 days after the operation, the drains were usually removed by the surgeon
  3. 8-9 days later, the surgeon will remove the stitches and you can leave Iran at the discretion of the surgeon

I believe what you are referring to is a combination of two different procedures: breast lift (mastopexy) and breast augmentation with implants.

These procedures are commonly performed together, and the resulting surgery is sometimes referred to as a “pexy prosthesis” or “augmentation mastopexy.”

Breast lift surgery involves removing excess skin and reshaping the breast tissue to raise the breasts and give them a more youthful, perky appearance. This procedure can address sagging breasts that may result from aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight loss.

Breast augmentation in Iran, on the other hand, involves placing implants under the breast tissue or chest muscle to increase the size and improve the shape of the breasts. Implants can be filled with saline or silicone gel, and come in various sizes and shapes to suit individual preferences.

When these procedures are combined, the surgeon will first perform the breast lift portion of the surgery to address any sagging or drooping of the breasts. Then, they will place the implants to add volume and improve the overall shape of the breasts.

As with any surgery, there are risks and potential complications associated with breast lift and augmentation. It’s important to discuss these risks with your surgeon and carefully consider all of your options before deciding to undergo any surgical procedure.

What method is used to perform Breast augmentation in Iran ?

Usually, to determine the method used, the amount of sagging breasts is determined first. If the sagging of the breasts is less, smaller incisions are made for the breasts. Usually, this incision is made in a part that is covered with clothes and will not be seen.

In general, it can be said when the breast prosthesis operation is performed at the same time as the breast lift. The doctor uses the incision made for the breast lift to place the prostheses, and no separate incision is made to place the prostheses.

There are two types of incisions to perform a breast lift, and each of these incisions is created according to the patient’s condition.

Peri-areolar cut, which is created exactly on the line of the dark halo of the chest and the light part. This incision is hidden and cannot be seen after complete recovery.

The vertical cut, which is made at this time from the bottom of the dark area around the nipple to the bottom of the breast, this cut can be easily seen after the work is done.

Who are suitable candidates for Breast augmentation in Iran ?

  • Women who want to increase the volume of their breasts also pull the breasts upwards.
  • Women who have sagging breasts but would like to have bigger breasts.
  • Women who have changed the size of their breasts after surgery or weight loss.
  • Women who need a breast prosthesis, but their breasts are sagging so much that the prosthesis alone cannot fix it.
  • Women who have a tight breast disorder.

Important points that you should know about for Pexy prosthesis in Iran

Usually, patients think that breast prosthesis will cure breast sagging. It can be said that this operation will partially remove sagging breasts.

But in fact, it is not a complete operation for this problem, and when the sagging breasts are severe, other methods should be used for treatment, and the best treatment for sagging breasts is lift surgery.

Some surgeons may use large prostheses to fix sagging breasts, which does not bring good results, and usually patients will not be satisfied with the operation.

The best way to have big and beautiful breasts is to perform breast prosthesis at the same time as a breast lift, which you can discuss with the doctor during the consultation session.

Advantages of breast lift and prosthesis at the same time in Iran

  • increasing the self confiedence
  • Save money
  • saving time
  • Rejuvenation and breast size increase
  • Breast symmetry
  • Shortened recovery time

Post-operative care of simultaneous lift and prosthesis in Iran

After the breast prosthesis surgery is performed at the same time as the breast lift, the doctor recommends care to the patient for faster recovery, which prevents complications after the operation.

  • It takes about 7 to 14 days for the patient to complete the recovery period and start his daily activities.
  • Avoid sports activities for at least three months after the lift and prosthesis.
  • Avoid sleeping on your stomach for a month. And sleep on your back so that the prostheses are in the right place.
  • To prevent inflammation and swelling, use a cold compress on the cuts.
  • Take your medicines on time.
  • It is better to have a companion with you when you go to the hospital and after the surgery.
  • Use medical bras for a month and open them only when taking a bath.
  • Do not do activities that cause chest pressure for 14 days.
  • Clean the wound thoroughly and use antibiotics to prevent infection.

Types of incision in Pexy prosthesis in Iran

There are several types of incisions that can be used during a Pexy prosthesis in Iran, depending on the extent of the breast lift and the type of implant being placed. The most common incision types include:

1. Periareolar incision: This incision is made around the edge of the areola, the darker skin surrounding the nipple. This incision is often used for patients who require a moderate lift and are having implants placed. It can also be used for patients who are having a breast lift without implants.

2. Inframammary incision: This incision is made along the fold beneath the breast, where the breast meets the chest wall. This incision is often used for patients who require a larger lift and are having implants placed. It provides the surgeon with better access to the breast tissue and allows for more precise placement of the implant.

3. Transaxillary incision: This incision is made in the armpit and is typically used for patients having implants placed. The implant is inserted through this incision and then moved into place in the breast tissue.

4. Transumbilical incision: This incision is made in the belly button and is used for patients having saline implants placed. The implant is inserted through this incision and then filled with saline after it has been placed in the breast tissue.

The choice of incision type will depend on several factors, including the patient’s anatomy, the degree of lift required, and the type of implant being placed. Your surgeon will help you determine the best incision type for your individual case.

incision in breast lift surgery
incision in breast lift surgery – Breast augmentation in Iran

عملية شد الثدي في إيران

Breast augmentation in Iran

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