dental laminate in Iran

dental laminate in Iran

What is dental laminate in Iran ?

Dental laminate (also known as Porcelain veneers) is a thin shell which is designed by tooth colored material based on the individual’s need. These shells are bonded to the front surface of the teeth in order to change their color, shape, size, or length and improve the appearance.
Porcelain laminate is made of different thin porcelain layers which are replaced by natural teeth enamel and a sticky layer. Unlike public perceptions, for making porcelain laminate, there is no need to scraping tooth and in case of choosing appropriate treatment method by a special dentist, only some limited preparation is needed for embedding laminates without any damage to natural teeth.

Since proper lamination performance is important along with its beauty aspect, proper attachment of the natural tooth and ceramic lamination is essential. A light-sensitive resin is used between the natural tooth and the laminate to secure it by special radiation after the laminate is installed.

Does dental lamination damage the natural teeth?
No, your natural teeth will not be harmed if your dentist is a specialist in cosmetics and has sufficient experience in this field. Before you begin the lamination process, your dentist asks you to get a general X-rays of your mouth and jaw and examines your teeth to make sure dental laminates are appropriate for you. If your dentist diagnoses that laminate is not an appropriate choice for you, he will suggest other options like composite veneers, tooth bonding, orthodontic, tooth whitening or just teeth contouring.
The important thing is to get enough information about all these options so you can make better decisions.

Benefits of dental lamination
Since lamination is made for each individual individually and similar to their teeth, it is almost impossible to distinguish the difference between laminates and natural teeth. Unlike natural teeth, laminates are resistant to stains of tea and coffee and cigarette smoke because they are made from high-tech materials.

Laminates can whiten even the darkest teeth that are resistant against other bleaching processes. Laminates may even be suggested for problems such as tilting teeth and short teeth.

Disadvantages of dental lamination
Manufacturing porcelain laminates in the lab is time consuming and delays the lamination process for at least a week.

If the laminates are properly installed and the teeth decay factors are limited or eliminated, the patient should be able to use the laminate like their normal teeth. Despite their high strength, they can sometimes be fragile.

Just as you should not put too much pressure on the natural teeth, the laminates should not be under pressure. For example, avoid chewing your nails, chewing ice, or opening bottles with your laminates.

dental laminate in Iran
dental laminate in Iran

The process of dental lamination insertion
The process of making dental laminate involves several steps

Step One: In one session the required preparation processes will be done on teeth with millimeter accuracy.

Step Two: In the same session your dentist will make a model of your both jaws teeth (even for doing laminate just for one jaw’s teeth).
Then the work will be postponed to the next session, which usually in a about a week.

In the meantime, the molds are sent to the dental laboratory. There the laminates will become in the form of porcelain thin shells, baked in the oven, or shaved on porcelain blocks to make porcelain laminates translucent and shiny and the same as your teeth.

In the second session, the laminates are placed on the teeth and are bonded to the surface of the teeth by resin cements with a very strong bond. If all the lamination steps are performed correctly, the teeth will be fully integrated and there will be no seams and just like regular teeth you can floss to clean them.

Obviously, creating the most natural look and keeping the tissues healthy, the skill and accuracy of a specialized dentist and well-versed laboratory collaboration as well as the proper use of appropriate materials are very important.

dental laminate in Iran
dental laminate in Iran

Taking care of dental laminate in Iran
It is very easy to take care of dental laminate and just like natural teeth you need to use toothbrush and dental flossing to keep it clean. Your dentist usually recommends using a toothpaste that contains fluoride to prevent tooth decay.

You should see your dentist again a week after the laminate is installed to check the performance of the laminates and the oral response to the laminates. Even if you don’t have any problem with laminates, you should see your doctor after a week to ensure your teeth are healthy.

If you have habits like grinding or clenching your teeth, your dentist will suggest you to use of a teeth protector in order bite it so you don’t harm laminates.

You should also visit your doctor regularly, because porcelain laminates should be polished with a special non-abrasive paste. Your dentist should also examine your teeth for short intervals to look for the slightest sign of damage to the laminates and treat them.

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