Dr. Afsaneh Sanaei

 Dr. Afsaneh Sanaei

General Surgery Board

Plastic Surgery

Lipolysis laser Certification from Italy

Have done too many Successful surgeries 

” Laser lipolysis (Fat removal by laser)
Face fat Injection
Eyelid surgery
Breast Prosthesis
Men Breast reduction
Breast reduction surgery
Small abdominal surgery
Facial rejuvenation
Botox injection

Dr. Afshaneh Sanaei Medical Services

Laser Hair Removal
Scar, Acne Removal
Scar treatment
Laser rejuvenation
Eyebrow planting
Hair transplantation
Laser Hair Removal Alexander
Facial lift with barbed yarns “

 Laser lipolysis, commonly known as ‘laser lipo’, is a non-invasive liposculpture procedure for the removal of stubborn pockets of fat such as saddlebags, love handles and double chins. It can effectively reduce areas of fat resistant to diet or exercise with fewer side effects than traditional procedures such as liposuction. The procedure uses a laser to effectively ‘melt’ unwanted fat on the face and body, and then either allows to body to metabolise the melted fat or uses ‘aspiration’, a form of suction that allows the practitioner to remove greater quantities of fat.

Although it has been touted as a lunchtime treatment, laser lipolysis is classified as a minor surgical procedure as the surgeon will need to make a small incision and the area being treated will be numbed with local anaesthetic. Because you are awake throughout the procedure, there are fewer risks involved than with traditional liposuction, which is often done under general anaesthetic. Laser lipolysis is not a weight loss treatment and is not suited to people who are significantly overweight, it is better for those with small localised areas of stubborn fat. The results give rise to a more harmonious body shape in a short time, without the bruising and swelling of more aggressive procedures.

Anyone who has unwanted, stubborn areas of fat may be a candidate for laser lipolysis. The ideal candidate should be at, or close to, their healthy body weight and have realistic expectations of what the treatment can achieve. People who have a significant amount of weight to lose or are obese are not suitable for this treatment as it is designed to contour and shape the body rather than provide significant weight loss. Pregnant women are also not suitable for this treatment. 

Dr. Afsaneh Sanaei MD, Negin Tower, Unit 301, Afrigha Blvd, Tehran, Iran





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