Dr. Amir Soleymani – Dermatologist, specialist and surgeon

Laser Hair Removal
February 14, 2018/0 Comments/in Articles /by drsoleymani
Disadvantages of using a blade on the skin

Excess growth of the hairs
Shows the hair longer
Blade, removes the skin and skin seems crinkly
There is risk of infection
In the simplest form, the laser can be described as a source of light or radiant energy. After laser, some hair immediately disappears, specially within two weeks. Different lasers are used for different skin types. Laser is the most effective, permanent and latest method for completely removing hair.

Laser procedure

Hairbrush contains a lot of melanin (pigment). When we send light waves to the surface of the skin, it penetrates a depth of five millimeters and absorbs the skin and hair. This action causes the hair follicle to be disappeared, so that the skin and follicle around the affected area does not grow. Removing hair is usually between 3 and 8 sessions, and the intervals between sessions vary from one to two months.

Laser hair can be used for all areas of the body. Major areas include, back of the lips, chin and neck, cheeks, eyebrows, forehead, ears, chest, abdomen, back, armpit, arm, shoulders, thigh, groin, and so on.


Diseases like psoriasis, lichen planus, vitiligo and lupus
History of Hypertrophic Oscars
Hereditary history
burning with sunlight
People with dark skin
Pregnant women
Benefits of Using the Laser Hair Removal

Confirm this procedure by FAD
The person has less pain and discomfort than other methods.
Huge areas of the hair can be eliminated by this method.
The possibility of a wound is very low
This method has a great effect and can have a permanent or semi-permanent result.

“Dermatologist, specialist and surgeon”

In the simplest form, the laser can be described as a source of light or radiant energy. After laser, some hair immediately disappears, specially within two weeks. Different lasers are used for different skin types. Laser is the most effective, permanent and latest method for completely…

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