Dr. Faramarz Safaei

 Dr. Faramarz Safaei has a General Surgical Board of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. After graduating in 1998 and conducting more than 5,000 surgical procedures in various fields of general surgery, since the end of 2003, he has focused his activities on cosmetic and laser surgeries.

Dr. Safaei has also completed various graduate courses in laparoscopic surgery, using face lifting threads, hyaluronic acid gel injections, laser lipolysis, use of contour threads and natural hair extensions inside and outside the country. 

” Mammoplasty

Breast Implants

Laser lipolysis and Liposuction ( Abdomen, Thigh, Arm )

Abdominoplasty , Lipoabdominoplasty

Fat Injection

Eyelid surgery

Hair transplant

Botox Injection

Hyaluronic Acid Gel injection

Gynecomastia treatment

Laser Treatments


Gynecomastia Treatment:

Generally, no treatment is required for physiologic gynecomastia. Pubertal gynecomastia resolves spontaneously within several weeks to 3 years in approximately 90% of patients. Breasts greater than 4 cm in diameter may not completely regress.

Identifying and managing an underlying primary disorder often alleviates breast enlargement. If hypogonadism (primary or secondary) is the cause of gynecomastia, parenteral or transdermal testosterone replacement therapy is instituted. However, testosterone does have the potential to exacerbate gynecomastia through the aromatization of the exogenous hormone into estradiol.

Dr. Faramarz Safaei Gynecomastia Surgery

For patients with idiopathic gynecomastia or with residual gynecomastia after treatment of the primary cause, medical or surgical treatment may be considered.

A major factor that should influence the initial choice of therapy for gynecomastia is the condition’s duration. It is unlikely that any medical therapy will result in significant regression in the late fibrotic stage (a duration of 12mo or longer) of gynecomastia. As a result, medical therapies, if used, should be tried early in the condition’s course. The diagram below is a suggested treatment approach for patients presenting with breast enlargement. 

Dr. Faramarz Safaei, No. 22, Unit 9, Separ St., Near JahanKoodak Crossroad, Afrigha Blvd, Tehran, Iran







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