Dr. Hamed Farhadi – advanced plastic and aesthetic surgeon

Dr. Hamed Farhadi
1-Botox injections
2-Gel injections
3-Fat injections
4-Eyebrow lift
6-Face lift
7-Forehead rejuvenation surgeries
8-Cosmetic eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty)
9-Neck lit
10-Facial skeletal augmentation surgery
11-Liposuction and body sculpting
12-Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
13-Arm contouring
14-Plastic surgery after weight loss
15-Breast implants
16-Breast lift (Mastopexy)
18-Male breast reduction (gynecomastia surgery)




Nose Job Iran
Nose job Iran, or rhinoplasty, is one of the most common cosmetic procedures in the world. With well-educated specialists performing different kinds of nose surgeries (cosmetic and medical) Iran enjoys one of the richest manpower resources for nose surgery in the world.
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If an individual is unhappy with the appearance of his/her nose, nose job Iran can help improve his/her self-esteem greatly and give that person more confidence. Because even a subtle alteration in the nose can result in a dramatic change to the appearance of the entire face. In addition to the procedure’s well-known cosmetic benefits, it can improve nasal function after trauma, injury, or disease, and help correct breathing problems that affect sleep and the ability to exercise.
Insurance typically covers the rhinoplasty cost if it’s done to improve or correct breathing or a major deformity or is a result of an injury. On the flip side, if it is entirely a cosmetic surgery procedure your insurance carrier may not cover the rhinoplasty costs.
Nose Job Iran Techniques
Closed Rhinoplasty
Surgeons make no incision on the outside of the nose when performing a closed rhinoplasty. This technique limits visibility and access to the underlying structure because the procedure is conducted inside the nose through separate narrow surgical openings. It also does not allow the surgeon to perform complex reshaping of the tip. The advantages of a closed rhinoplasty include shorter surgery time, shorter recovery period, less scarring, and less nose swelling.
Open Rhinoplasty
Surgeons perform open rhinoplasty by making an incision in the bridge of tissue that separates the nostrils at the base of the nose (columella). This incision allows the surgeon better visualization and access to the internal structures of the nose. The ease of access to underlying bone and cartilage structure enables the surgeon to achieve the desired result that would not be possible using the closed technique. Reshaping of the tip cartilages through intricate suturing or grafting techniques are also possible through this technique. After making the incisions, the nasal passageways can be improved and nasal reshaping (if desired) can be done. Visible scarring in open rhinoplasty is the downside to this technique. However, the scar is small and will fade over time.
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Depending on a patient’s nose anatomy and goals the surgeon uses one of the above techniques. Most rhinoplasty surgeons consider open rhinoplasty as procedure of choice for difficult nasal anatomy of any type, and many of the most effective techniques of contemporary rhinoplasty can only be performed through the open approach. So if you are considering rhinoplasty, you should consult with the doctor to know which procedure is best for you.
What Can Nose Surgery Fix?
Nose job can be done to correct functional problems of a nose such as a crooked septum, which often results in nasal obstruction. However, majority of rhinoplasty cases are unhappy with the shape of their nose and decide to have a cosmetic nose job. Nose job for cosmetic reasons can correct the following problems:
Crooked or asymmetrical nose
Too large or too small nose (not in proportion to the rest of the face)
Prominent nasal bridge or dorsal hump (commonly referred to as ‘hook nose’)
Too wide nose
Bulbous, droopy or enlarged tip
Asymmetrical nostrils
Good Candidates for Nose Job
People who are in good general health and have realistic expectations and a positive outlook are most likely a good candidate for this procedure. Additionally, they should be a non-smoker and their facial growth should be complete.
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Fleshy Nose Surgery Vs. Bony Nose Surgery
The surgeon can use different techniques to do a nose job for fleshy noses and bony noses. A fleshy nose is described as a nose with a thick skin and thin cartilage. In this type of surgery, the surgeon reshapes the nasal tip and refines the sides of the nose to achieve a good result. He/she uses new techniques to make a support for the nasal tip and prevent it from dropping because there is a possibility of deformation of the lower part of the nose after surgery.
A bony nose is described as a nose with a thin skin and firm anatomy, so small alteration in the structure will bring remarkable changes. Swelling after surgery will be less severe in a bony nose than a fleshy nose. In bony noses, the surgeon must perform rhinoplasty with utmost delicacy so that there would be no asymmetry in the final result. Generally, choosing an experienced and skillful surgeon will be the most important step in achieving the desired result from a boney nose surgery or a fleshy nose surgery.
Common Nose Job Styles
Fantasy nose job
In a fantasy nose job, commonly referred to as “dolly nose” in Iran, the surgeon makes the nose upturned and smaller much more than normal. It is suitable mostly for girls with small faces and produces a favorable result mostly in bony noses.
Natural Nose Job
In a natural nose job, the surgeon applies smaller changes to the nose. It means that he/she does not make the nasal tip upturned and the nasal bridge too curved. In this type of nose job, the angle between the nasal tip and the upper lip is not too wide.
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Best Nose Job Doctor in Iran
Best nose job doctor in Iran: The number of men and women having rhinoplasty has grown substantially over the years. If you are not happy with your nose, or it is not in proportion to other facial features then you can get a nose job to repair it. In addition, if you find it hard to sleep or breathe properly, nose job can help you get rid of this condition.
Iran is the capital of nose surgery in the world and home to some of the best nose job doctors who make sure you get the look you have always wanted. A successful procedure will make you feel more like yourself and give you greater confidence for years to come so your choice of nose job doctor will have a significant impact on your life.
How to Find the Best Nose Job Doctor in Iran?
Choosing the best nose job doctor in Iran can be a difficult task. If you are considering a nose job with a satisfactory outcome, you need to choose a surgeon with considerable experience, genuine rhinoplasty expertise, and a resume of consistently favorable results. Because the quality of your nose job outcome depends upon the quality of your surgeon.
One of the most common ways to find a good surgeon is searching in the internet for all the necessary information about surgeons. You can check clinics’ website, read patient reviews, and see before and after photos. This can help you achieve an idea of the results you could achieve with that surgeon. Besides, you can ask your friends and relatives whether they know a good rhinoplasty surgeon. The process can be time-consuming and challenging, but for most individuals, a satisfactory choice eventually becomes clear.
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Qualities of the Best Nose Job Doctor in Iran
An important thing that you should consider when choosing a nose job doctor is the experience. An experienced and skillful surgeon can help minimize, however, do not eliminate, the risk of complications. They know what to do in case of difficulty and not likely to make mistakes because they have learnt from their past encounters. So, by choosing the best nose job doctor in Iran that has several years of experience, ensure you are in good hands.
Surgeons who specialize in a particular surgical niche are more skillful in that subspecialty. So final results are better and more consistent. Nose job can be carried out by plastic surgeons, otolaryngology specialists (ear, nose, and throat specialists), and facial plastic surgeons. Each has pros and cons and no educational pathway has an exclusive lock on quality outcomes. Leaders in rhinoplasty have emerged from each of these educational pathways and in virtually every instance, their practices have been focused largely on nasal surgery.
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Although many rhinoplasty surgeons only tell patients what they want to hear, the best nose job doctor in Iran is the one who tells you if your goal for the rhinoplasty is unrealistic and is not afraid to say no when underlying medical concerns are obvious.
Aesthetic Knowledge
After seeing plenty of before and after photos of rhinoplasty surgeries by a nose surgeon, you can get a sense of his/her abilities and whether he/she has a particular style that shows up on several past patients. If you notice that the surgeon always produces similar results, it is better to find another doctor.
Hospital Affiliation
When you choose the best rhinoplasty surgeon, you will discover he or she has an affiliation at a prestigious and renowned hospital.
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