Endoscopic forehead lift in Iran

Endoscopic forehead lift in Iran

Have you heard of an endoscopic forehead lift in Iran?

Why is it important to be young, beautiful, or feel young and beautiful, and to have an impact on everyday life?

Why is medical science constantly looking for more optimal ways to beautify and rejuvenate the skin?

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We are constantly in touch with those around us, including family, friends and colleagues. The feelings we receive from these people about ourselves form an important part of how we feel about ourselves.

For this reason, we want to look beautiful and young in the eyes of those around us. There are several ways to keep your skin young and even restore it, one of which is endoscopic analgesia. In this article, we will get acquainted with the applications of endoscopic forehead lift.

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What is a Endoscopic forehead lift in Iran?

Endoscopic forehead lift is a minimally invasive procedure performed under anesthesia. After creating a series of small hidden incisions in the hair, the surgeon uses a series of specialized tools to separate and lift the forehead tissue.

This method usually has a shorter recovery period than more traditional methods and provides faster recovery for the patient.

forehead lift in Iran
Endoscopic forehead lift in Iran

Preparing for a frontal endoscopic lift

First, talk to your plastic surgeon about eyebrow lifts. At your first visit, your surgeon may be examining some of the following:

Your medical history will be checked. Be prepared to answer questions about current and past medical conditions. Talk about any medications you have recently taken, as well as the surgeries you have had, and tell your doctor about any medications you are allergic to.

Your doctor will examine and evaluate different parts of your face, both open and closed.

Be sure to talk about your expectations for a frontal endoscopic lift. Explain why you want to have an endoscopic forehead lift and what you expect to look like after the operation. Make sure you are aware of all the pros and cons of this cosmetic surgery.

Before endoscopic forehead lift in Iran , it is necessary to observe the following:

Do not smoke; Smoking lowers blood flow to the skin and can slow the healing process. If you are a smoker, stop before the operation and during recovery.

Avoid certain medications such as aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements; These medications can increase bleeding.

Make arrangements with family members or friends to accompany you after the operation. After leaving the hospital, someone should take you home and stay with you for at least the first night of recovery.

forehead lift in Iran
Endoscopic forehead lift in Iran

What are the uses of a Endoscopic forehead lift in Iran?

When talking about the upper part of the face, we must pay attention to the direct connection of the forehead, eyebrows and upper eyelids. Patients often see a doctor for drooping eyelids, but treatment can often be done through an eyebrow lift. In these cases, endoscopic forehead lift can be considered as an alternative or complementary treatment for eyelid surgery.
The frontal endoscopic lift can also do the eyebrow lift with minimal postoperative scarring and cleft palate. In fact, the main goal is not just a forehead lift to raise eyebrows; It also removes wrinkles on the forehead and skin lines.

What happens during the endoscopic forehead lift in Iran procedure?

The frontal endoscopic lift is performed under local or intravenous sedation or general anesthesia to make the process easier. After this step, the patient will be ready to start the incisions.
The incisions used in the endoscopic lift are different from the ones used in the forehead lift in older methods. With the endoscopic technique, about three to five cuts are made in the hairline, which are very short cuts. In contrast, the old-fashioned lift produced a long cut that required more healing time.
After making the incision, the endoscope is inserted carefully. The endoscope is a medical device with a light and a camera. The camera transmits video information to a TV monitor, allowing details to be created in the underlying tissues of the forehead.
At the end of the procedure, after the tissue changes, the surgeon closes the incisions with special sutures.
What will be the patient’s condition after endoscopic forehead lift surgery in Iran?
The amount of pain varies from low to medium for different people and you can easily control it with oral medications. There are rare cases of severe pain in people, in which case you should contact a doctor immediately.
Normally, the pain should start to subside within 48 hours of surgery. If you experience increased pain at this time, you should see a doctor.
You may feel a stretch in the forehead and above the eyebrows. This feeling of discomfort and stretching may be present on the scalp and back, as these areas are also affected during the endoscopic forehead lift process.
After the surgery, you will see pain and swelling, especially on the top of the eyelids. Because bruising goes down, sometimes the swelling and bruising are transferred to the lower eyelid and to the bridge of the nose.
Usually, between 36 and 48 hours after surgery, the swelling reaches its maximum, which can cause the eye to close.
After 48 hours, the swelling and bruising usually subside. But to minimize it after surgery, you need to keep your head at a height higher than your body during sleep.
In the first 2 to 3 weeks after the operation, the forehead and eyebrows may appear to be too high; but do not worry; Because over time, they return to normal. The final position of your forehead and eyebrows can be seen approximately six months after the operation.
It is important to talk to your doctor about your medical history before surgery. Be sure to talk to your doctor if you have had radiotherapy to your head and neck or have been treated for steroid control.
People with immunodeficiency (HIV-positive), people undergoing chemotherapy, people with AIDS, and people with certain autoimmune disorders may not be good options for forehead lifts; Because they are likely to have problems with the recovery process. Weakness in the wound healing process can lead to prolonged recovery and permanent scarring.

Postoperative endoscopic forehead lift in Iran care

Take antibiotics and painkillers only as directed by your doctor.
Do not take any aspirin or anti-inflammatory compounds for two weeks before and two weeks after surgery unless coordinated by your surgeon.
The night before the operation, it is better to wash your hair with a antibacterial shampoo or soap.
To minimize swelling around the eyes, you can use cool, clean compresses or ice wrapped in a dry cloth. Gently rub on your closed eyes for four to six times a day for the first twenty-four hours. It is not possible to use ice or compresses on the forehead;
This area is covered with a cotton swab for the first four days after the operation. If you don’t have a dressing, you may be able to use a cold compress on your forehead.
When you go to the hospital for surgery, wear loose, comfortable clothing, preferably a button or zipper.
Some surgical instruments are used to close small incisions in your scalp that are removed between 10 and 21 days after surgery.
Sometimes tiny metal screws (the size you usually see in eyeglass frames) are also used to help keep your scalp healthy, which can be removed at regular intervals. It is important to know that removing this base and screw is almost painless and should not worry you.
In addition to feeling stiff on the forehead and scalp, you may also feel numb. Of course, the anesthesia area gradually gets smaller. Sometimes, this numbness may continue. You need to be very careful when drying your hair.
You should refrain from strenuous exercise or strenuous physical activity for at least 3 weeks after the operation, such as lifting a heavy object.
Do not massage the area for at least 4 weeks after the operation.
Conclusion Endoscopic forehead lift in Iran
In general, the frontal endoscopic lift has made significant progress in rejuvenating the upper face. If you have the following conditions, you may be able to use an endoscopic eyebrow lift as a solution:
  • Curvature or low eyebrow shape, which makes you look tired or sad
  • If you have deep horizontal wrinkles all over your forehead
  • If you have frown lines between your eyebrows or above your nose
  • If you have excess skin or a lot of fat on your eyes
The frontal endoscopic lift pulls the soft, loose tissues of the forehead and tightens them to restore youth to the area of ​​your upper eyelids and eyebrows. This type of lift is a tried and tested method for rejuvenating the upper third of the face, and every year thousands of people undergo successful endoscopic forehead lift surgery and are satisfied with the results.
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