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    Dr. Farhad HafeziDr. Farhad Hafezi

    My name is Farhad Hafezi and I’m an advanced plastic surgeon.

    In this topic, I will answer your questions about nose surgery.

    The more information you get about the sides of nose job, the better the result would be.


    Nose enlargement

    The size of the nose should be appropriate with the whole face. In some nations, such as Iranians, noses are quite big so there’s no place for nose enlargement surgery in aesthetic surgeries done in Iran. But in some other nations, such as east Asians, one of the problems of patients is small noses.

    Most of the patients in Iran do this surgery because of the bad result of their last surgery in which their nose got too small, so they have to do an enlargement surgery to make their nose appropriate with their face.

    Small noses not only make it hard to breathe, but also confront problems such as little cartilage and lack of skin while doing the surgery.


    Nose miniaturize

    The appropriation between the nose and other parts of the face is really important, most of the people in Iran need rhinoplasty to miniaturize their nose. This surgery can be done by miniaturizing the tip of the nose, removing cartilage or nose bones and increasing the angle between the nose and lips.

    You have to know that a beautiful nose necessarily doesn’t have to be extremely small and has to be appropriate with the whole face, otherwise it won’t be beautiful and it will cause breathing problems.


    Removing nasal hump

    Nasal hump is mostly found on Iranian noses and is one of the reasons people do nose jobs. Sometimes this humps are caused by hits. In nasal hump removal nose jobs a part of the bone and cartilage should be removed so the nose would have a straight shape and the angle between the nose and lips becomes about 105 degrees.

    In nasal hump removal nose job, there might be extra skin but we don’t need to remove it. Because correcting the bones will make the extra skin fixed.


    Fat nose’s surgery

    Most of the fat noses have weak hard tissue (bones and cartilages) and thick soft tissue (skin and…). In this kind of noses, removing the soft tissue doesn’t work, or it technically can’t happen. In this kind of surgeries, we try to correct the hard tissue, and if necessary improve the cartilage as well as decreasing the soft tissue. By changing the latest approaches in nose aesthetic surgeries, the results are way better than how it was in past years but anyway, it’s not better than the results of nose jobs on patients with thin soft tissue.


    Nasal septum deviation surgery 

    There are different kinds of septum deviation such as C-shape or S-shape. Septum deviation is different than deviation in appearance. In appearance deviation, the nose isn’t in the middle of the nose in the face to face view.

    You need to know that the septum deviation is sometimes look the same as appearance deviation and it should be checked by a doctor.

    In nasal septum deviation correction surgery, we can have the nose in the middle of the face by removing a part of the septum, moving the tip of it or improving the cartilages.


    What should we expect after the nose surgery and how is recovering after the surgery?

    After doing the nose aesthetic surgery you might feel like you nose is plumped which is normal and will be okay after some time.

    Nose swelling will decrease in the first month after the surgery but you can’t do any nose surgeries for 1 or 2 years after that. Septum deviation might decrease in the recovering so you may won’t need to correct it.

    If the swelling be too much the surgeon will decrease it by injections.

    In the patients who have done nose jobs more than once, or the patients who have thick skin, the swelling might be there for 2 years, after 2 years you can decide whether if you want to do another surgery or not.


    How many days off I need to get from work after the surgery?

    Schedule for surgery and how to get prepared for the nose job

    To do rhinoplasty , the surgeon should check the patient’s breathing and check if the patient has septum deviation, non-symmetry or other problems. He should also get to information about the patient’s expectation. Medical photography is taken before the surgery. Other tests are also taken before the surgery, if necessary. If the patient has prolonged bleeding background, he should inform the surgeon so the necessary actions would be taken.

    After that the surgery can be done.


    How effective is nose job?

    In different patients, the surgeon would have different expectation on the result. The result is different on each person and you shouldn’t compare other people with each other. You should compare the shape of the nose before and after the surgery. If the surgery is done by an experienced surgeon, comparing the medical photographs would make a satisfying result for both surgeon and patient.


    How to get prepared for the nose job?

    What should I do if I wasn’t satisfied with the result?

    When you remove the splint, the patient doesn’t expect to see a swollen nose. You have to know that removing the splint doesn’t show its effect right after the surgery. Usually by the time the nose swelling fixes, the patient will be satisfied with the result. The only thing that might not be fixed is the angle between the nose and lips.

    If after the predicted time you still were satisfied with your nose, you should visit your surgeon for the reconstructive surgery.


    Secondary rhinoplasty

    If there’s any problem which makes you need another surgery, you should decide 1 or 2 years after the first surgery. In this kind of surgeries, we may need to use ear cartilage or rib cartilage to fix the shape of the nose. Sometimes you need a small secondary surgery which doesn’t need extra cartilages and nasal cartilage is enough to correct the nose.

    Nose swelling will last more in these surgeries and you have to judge the shape of the nose much longer after the surgery.


    Reconstructive nose surgery

    In reconstructive nose surgery, mostly done because of congenital problems, the nose needs to be reconstructed. There is mostly lack of cartilage, bones, nasal mucosa or skin. We mostly need to use ear cartilage or rib cartilage and we may also need forehead skin or smile line to cover the skin or mucosa. The expectations in these surgeries are different than aesthetic surgeries.


    Necessary actions after the surgery:

    Not using glasses in first weeks, taking pills, using ice packs in the first day, using nose spray or serums to wash the nose, using ointment if necessary.



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