Foxy Eye – Cat eye surgery in Iran – ٍEndoscopic method 2023

Foxy Eye - Cat eye surgery in Iran - ٍEndoscopic method

Cat eye surgery in Iran ( Endoscopic method )

Many people are not satisfied with the shape of their eyes or suffer from sagging eyelids and eyebrows and even the corners of their eyes have fallen, which has a significant effect on the beauty of the face and will also cause a decrease in self-confidence in people, which for To fix them, you can do the Cat eye surgery in Iran .

Some people also perform Foxy Eye surgery to increase the beauty of their eyes and make their eyes more elongated.

Today, Cat eye surgery in Iran is considered one of the most popular and sensitive cosmetic surgeries. In this article, we will fully discuss the suitable candidate for this surgery and how to perform it, so stay with us.

What is Cat eye surgery in Iran ?

This procedure is performed for cosmetic or therapeutic purposes. The purpose of this surgery is to change the location of the outer corner of the eye.

Of course, the location of the lower eyelid also changes. Normally, in women, the outer corner of the eye or external canthus is slightly higher than the inner corner of the eye. The lower eyelid is placed at the level of the black eye.

Sometimes the outer corner of the eye is at the level of the inner corner or even lower. Likewise, the lower eyelid is placed at a lower level than the black eye, and the white of the eye is seen between the black eye and the lower eyelid. This condition gives the eyes a tired and indifferent look.

These people may be good candidates for fox eye surgery. These conditions can happen for various reasons, such as the unfavorable result of previous surgery, age, hormonal conditions, hereditary factors, trauma or facial paralysis.


Foxy Eye - Cat eye surgery in Iran

Good candidate for Cat eye surgery in Iran

People of any age and with different physical characteristics can benefit from cat eye surgery. If you have drooping eyes and eyelids and you want to have long and beautiful eyes, you are the right person to do this procedure.

Cat eye surgery in Iran can help to correct and even create a specific and beautiful form of the eye and eyelid and make the eye look more beautiful and elongated.

Precautions before cat eye surgery in Iran

  • In the consultation with your doctor, inform him of the medications you are taking.
  • Avoid taking any medication that thins your blood before the procedure. These drugs include pain relievers such as aspirin and ibuprofen and pharmaceutical supplements.
  • Do not wear contact lenses for four weeks before surgery.
  • Do not use any topical treatments on your face, including the day before surgery.
  • Before surgery, wash your eye area thoroughly and do not wear eye make-up.
  • Eat a light meal the evening before surgery.
  • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight before surgery.
  • Avoid smoking for a few days before and after the operation.

Methods of performing Cat eye surgery in Iran

This surgery can be performed by two methods: canthoplasty and Temporal lift and canthus release, which we will examine in the following.

Cat eye operation with canthoplasty

In this surgery, the location of the outer corner of the eye (external canthus) is corrected and moved slightly outward and up. With this change of location, the eye becomes elongated. The outer corner of the eye being higher than the inner corner gives the eye a more beautiful look. This condition is considered one of the criteria of eye beauty in women.

Foxy Eye - Cat eye surgery in Iran
Foxy Eye - Cat eye surgery in Iran

Cat eye operation with Temporal lift in Iran

Another method used for cat eye surgery is Temporal lift. With this operation, the tail of the eyebrow is lifted upwards. During this operation, the natural adhesions of the outer corner of the eye (external canthus) can be released. The traction of the lift is transferred to the outer corner of the eye through the Temporal and causes the corner of the eye to move upwards.

Foxy Eye - Cat eye surgery in Iran

endoscopic cat eye method in Iran

Endoscopic Temporal lift is one of the advanced methods of Temporal lift, which has both a higher amount of lift and a higher durability than other cat eye methods.

In the endoscopic cat eye method, with the help of an endoscope and several small incisions between the hairs, the surgeon performs the liberation of the corners of the eyes and eyebrows and lifts them, or restrains them with endotine or suture tools.
Usually, people between 20 and 30 years old should use the endoscopic method due to having strong muscles in the forehead area

The classic Temporal lift method is not suitable for people between 20 and 30 years old, the bottom may return to the bottom after a while due to the strength of the forehead muscles.

In the classic Temporal lift method, there is a possibility of hair loss in the cutting area, and after one year, that part of the hair transplant should be done.

Benefits of endoscopic Temporal lift for cat eye in Iran

  • There is no place for stitches
  • It does not cause hair loss
  • It lasts longer
  • It is more suitable for people between 20 and 30 years old]
  • it does not cause changes in the eye structure and does not damage the eyelid and eye structure
  • There is no stitch mark on the eyelid

The only disadvantage of cat eye endoscopic method is its higher cost compared to other cat eye surgery methods in Iran

Opinions of applicants for cat eye surgery in Iran - Endoscopic method

If necessary, Cat eye surgery in Iran may be combined with other cosmetic and therapeutic surgeries of the eyelids and around the eyes such as blepharoplasty, ptosis surgery, eyebrow lift and face lift. This surgery is performed under local anesthesia, or general anesthesia. If you plan to perform other cosmetic procedures at the same time, you may need general anesthesia.

Care and measures after Cat eye surgery in Iran

Recovery after canthoplasty is usually not very difficult. To keep your surgical site healthy, keep the following points in mind after surgery:

  • Avoid looking at the laptop, phone or TV for some time.
  • Take prescribed medications as directed.
  • Avoid smoking, as it delays the healing process.
  • Get enough rest.
  • For a few days, put your head higher than your body when sleeping, so that there is no pressure on the eyes.
  • Avoid going to the sauna and swimming pool until recovery.
  • Avoid vigorous activity for at least four weeks after surgery.
  • Do not go to the bathroom on the first day after the operation.
  • Try wearing sunglasses for a few weeks
  • Use sunscreen or SPF 30 or higher for the first six months after surgery, as the incisions will be sensitive to sunlight.
  • Use cosmetic and medical lenses until recovery.

How long does it take to recover after Cat eye surgery in Iran ?

Recovery after this surgery takes about a week to ten days. During the recovery period, the bruising and swelling will gradually decrease and it is completely normal to have some swelling and bruising, which will subside in the first 2 weeks.

As with all cosmetic surgeries, minor redness and swelling may take several weeks to months to fully resolve. Your surgeon may prescribe oral antibiotics and eye ointment as well as eye drops. The stitches are usually removed one week after the operation.

The important thing to pay attention to is the appearance of the eyes in the first few weeks. Usually, after canthoplasty, eye elongation and the shape of the outer corner are abnormal and exaggerated for a while. This condition is normal after a canthoplasty, and this condition is gradually resolved.

See your surgeon if you experience symptoms such as severe pain or changes in vision after surgery. Of course, such cases are very rare, unless you have not followed your doctor’s instructions or have the procedure performed by a non-specialist.

final word

Cat’s eye surgery is one of the methods of cosmetic eye surgery, which, as we mentioned in this article, is performed to stretch the eyes, remove puffiness and drooping eyelids, and one of its advantages is freshness and rejuvenation of the eyes and finally the face. It is possible that the increase in facial beauty will lead to an increase in people’s self-confidence. Note that to reduce the complications and get the desired result from this surgery, visit the best plastic surgeon.

Frequently asked questions about cat eye surgery

How long does cat eye surgery last?

Normally, the result of this surgery will last for 10 years or more with proper post-surgery care, but factors such as skin aging, gravity and over time will lead to changes in the eyes.

What are the possible complications of canthoplasty?

Side effects of canthoplasty, like most cosmetic procedures, include swelling and redness, which are completely normal and will disappear over time. Other dangerous complications, although rare, may include infection and bleeding. Another complication is a very rare case that results in asymmetry between the two eyes. Following the instructions and care after surgery and choosing a good and experienced plastic surgeon will minimize these complications.

What are the other names of this surgery?

Foxy Eye – Cat eye surgery in Iran
Brow lift – Eyebrow Lift
Endoscopic Brow Lift in Iran
Temporal lift in Iran
Cleopatra surgery in Iran

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