Gastric sleeve surgery in Iran – 2022

Gastric sleeve surgery in Iran

Gastric sleeve surgery in Iran

Fortunately, with the advancement of medical science, obesity surgeries have been invented that allow us to get rid of accumulated body fat quickly; Gastric sleeve obesity is one of the most common and popular methods that you will learn more about in this article.
General information about gastric sleeve surgery in Iran
The cost of gastric sleeve surgery in Iran 2500 USD
general anesthesia  
Hospital stay 2 to 3 days
Return to work 1 to 3 weeks

Everything you need to know about sleeve gastrectomy in Iran

This surgery is very effective for people who want to reach their ideal weight quickly, eat small items and are interested in sweets.
Gastric sleeve surgery is performed by making a very small incision from 5 different areas of the patient’s abdomen with a laparoscopic device, then 75 to 80% of the stomach is removed from the abdomen and the stomach becomes a narrow tube.
In fact, the role of the stomach is to deliver food from the esophagus to the intestines, but during the same process of food transfer, because the stomach is not in its normal state and its volume is reduced, it works obstructively for the person and prevents the person from eating indiscriminately. And the person can not eat more than three to four bites per meal and immediately feels full.
These changes in the size of the stomach are very effective on the hormones of the body and reduce the appetite hormone and make the person feel less hungry.
It is good to know that with increased gastric motility after sleeve slimming surgery, food passes through the stomach and intestines more quickly, and keep in mind that in this operation we have nothing to do with the intestines, so there is no interference in the absorption of vitamins.
This will make a big difference in your life:
  • – Change the quality of life and its significant improvement
  • Loss of 60-70% overweight only after one year of surgery
  • Improve or control obesity-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, fatty liver, joint pain and hyperlipidemia
  • Decreased tendency to eat food
  • Decreased appetite and feeling of hunger

How to perform gastric sleeve surgery in Iran

1) Make small incisions in the abdominal wall to insert the laparoscope and other surgical instruments.

Gastric sleeve surgery in Iran

2) The stomach is examined and the blood vessels are separated towards the side of the stomach.

Gastric sleeve surgery in Iran

3) A tracheal tube is inserted into the stomach and used as a size for the new stomach.

4) A surgical stapler is used to divide the stomach into two parts.

sleeve gastrectomy
5) Finally, the stomach is completely divided into two parts.

sleeve gastrectomy

6) The new stomach, which has a banana-like shape, now has about 20-25% of the original stomach volume.

sleeve gastrectomy
sleeve gastrectomy

بهترین جراح اسلیو معده

Laparoscopic gastric sleeve surgery in Iran

Who should have gastric sleeve surgery?

Every obese person does not necessarily need surgery and should never try methods such as exercise and changing eating habits such as reducing unhealthy foods and if surgery fails.
To perform sleeve surgery, the patient must first see a doctor and seek advice from him, and the doctor will suggest a body mass index based on the patient’s medical history and after performing several tests.
It is good to know that after sleeve slimming surgery, you must also contact a nutritionist to adjust your diet after the operation so that it does not cause obesity again, because people who do obesity surgery.
In the first few years, they must use dietary supplements so that their body does not suffer from severe decline and experience fewer side effects.
People who are over 40, ie obese, are usually given priority for gastric sleeve surgery;
Also, people who suffer from various diseases such as diabetes, fatty liver, high cholesterol, sleep apnea and all diseases caused by obesity and can not do sports and even have problems in their daily activities are suitable candidates for gastric sleeve surgery because This helps them lose weight fast.
The best age for gastric sleeve surgery is between 18 and 50 years. Keep in mind that the mental and physical condition of the patient is effective in the process of operation and recovery of the patient.

How does gastric sleeve work?

Because the stomach volume decreases so much after the operation, the person feels full much faster.
Hormonal changes that reduce the secretion of hunger hormones cause a person to feel less hungry.
Due to increased gastric motility, food passes faster through the stomach and intestines.

What is the process of losing weight after gastric sleeve surgery?

On average, people lose between 60 and 70% of their weight.

  • The first two weeks: 5 to 10 kg, most patients daily close to 0. They lose 5 kilos of weight.
  • First trimester: 35-45% overweight is lost.
  • The first six months: 50-60% of overweight is lost.
  • First year: 60-70% of excess body weight is lost.
  • Most people reach their lowest weight 12-24 months after surgery, and it is good to know that the effectiveness of gastric sleeve surgery is close to 80-90%.

Improve obesity-related diseases with gastric sleeve surgery

Numerous studies and clinical trials have shown that gastric sleeve surgery eliminates or improves a number of obesity-related problems, such as:

  • Type 2 diabetes Most studies have shown that 60-80% of patients with type 2 diabetes have improved or their stomach has improved following sleeve surgery.
  • Hypertension
  • Fatty liver disease
  • High cholesterol
  • Apnea or sleep apnea
  • Reduce the risk of cancer
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS
  • Migraine
  • joint’s pain
  • Depression and other related psychological problems
  • Infertility
  • Low testosterone: Gastric sleeve can naturally cause high testosterone levels.
  • Involuntary urination
  • Gout

Recovery and recovery of gastric sleeve

  • The operation takes about 70-40 minutes.
  • Usually after 1 to 2 nights, the patient is discharged from the hospital.
  • The patient should be encouraged to walk 3-4 hours after the operation.
  • The pain caused by the operation can be completely controlled with the help of medicine.
  • Most patients return to daily activities such as work or university after 2-4 weeks; However, in the first two weeks, the patient may feel extremely tired
  • due to low calorie intake due to high fluid intake.
  • Patients can start exercising 4 weeks after surgery.

Risks and complications of gastric sleeve surgery

Over the decades, due to the improvement of surgical techniques and experience of physicians, gastric sleeve surgery is generally considered a safe operation for weight loss. Of course, complications related to any surgery may occur during or after surgery, which we will mention a number of complications of gastric sleeve.
Leakage from stapler lines: The division of the stomach and the formation of a new tube in the stomach is done with the help of a device called a stapler, which, of course, the surgeon’s expertise minimizes this risk and complication. It is good to know that the probability of this complication occurring is between 0. It is 7 to 3 percent.

  • blood clotting
  • Heartburn or sourness: Although the results of this complication are very different, but for some patients there may be a problem that can be easily
  • controlled with the help of antacids.
  • Lack of vitamins or nutrients
  • Weight gain again: The patient may experience weight gain after 1-2 years and 10-20% of patients who undergo this operation are exposed to this complication.
  • Excess skin: Another major complication of gastric sleeve is excess skin on parts of the body that have lost a lot of weight. Some insurers cover the cost of removing excess skin after the operation.

Diet after gastric sleeve surgery in Iran
Day 1: Fluid Diet Some doctors allow patients to drink water a few hours after surgery.
Days 2 to 14: Liquid-rich diet including protein shakes, yogurt, watery soup, milk and juice
Weeks 3 to 5: Mild diet
Patients are able to start eating on a regular basis 5 weeks after the operation.
All patients should take B complex and multivitamins after surgery.


Frequently asked questions about gastric sleeve slimming surgery in Iran

Is gastric sleeve better or gastric bypass?
– Gastric sleeve surgery is performed more than gastric bypass in recent years due to its technical ease and lower long-term complications.
Gastric sleeve surgery takes an average of 40-70 minutes, while gastric bypass takes 2-3 hours.
In gastric sleeve surgery, the possibility of vitamin or nutrient deficiency is much lower and in addition, malabsorption does not occur in this operation, while one of the main problems after gastric bypass is not absorbing the vitamins needed by the body.
Long-term complications after gastric bypass surgery, such as intestinal obstruction, peripheral gastric ulcer, and internal hernia, are rare in patients with gastric sleeve.
Who can not do gastric sleeve?
Patients with esophageal dysmotility or difficulty swallowing, gastric paralysis or gastroparesis for a long time, and gastric return disease to the GERD or Barrett’s esophagus should have gastric bypass surgery. Gastric sleeve surgery is not prohibited in patients with mild reflux.
How do doctors remove the rest of the stomach from a small incision?
Due to overeating, the volume of the stomach increases dramatically, so that studies have shown that the stomach of a large human can hold 2-4 liters of food. During sleeve surgery, a tube is inserted through the mouth into the stomach to remove all the gases and fluids from the stomach and reduce the volume of the stomach. In most cases, there is no need to enlarge the incision, and the incised stomach will eventually come out of the same 3-cm incision that was inserted to insert the laparoscope. Small incisions dramatically reduce postoperative pain and hernia risk.
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