Hysterectomy in Iran – Procedure, Best price, 2023

hysterectomy in Iran

Uterine resection or hysterectomy in Iran

  • What is a hysterectomy in Iran and how is it performed?
  • What care should be considered after hysterectomy in Iran?
  • How is married life and menopause after a hysterectomy in Tehran?

All these questions are frequently asked by dear users, and due to the high importance of this issue, we have decided to provide you with an article by studying from reliable and credible scientific sources, because medical knowledge can be high on you dear ones. As a positive factor to prevent this type of disease or even how to treat it.

What is a hysterectomy?

As you know, the uterus is one of the most important and sensitive organs of women and if it has a problem, it should be treated because it causes a disorder in the reproductive process and if you have other serious diseases,

you should remove it to Do not damage other organs. Now we are talking about hysterectomy, a type of surgery in which the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries are removed in whole or in part. It is noteworthy that this surgery is known as the most common treatment and operations among women.

hysterectomy in Iran
hysterectomy in Iran

Types of hysterectomy in Iran

Hysterectomy in Iran is a surgery that consists of three types, each of which is described below.

Complete hysterectomy

It is the most common type of surgery in which the uterus and cervix are completely removed from the body.

Partial hysterectomy

In this operation, only part of the uterus is removed.

Radical hysterectomy

With this type of surgery, the upper areas of the vagina, cervix, uterus and some internal tissues of the pelvis are removed. This procedure is used when a person has cervical cancer.

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Types of hysterectomy procedures in Iran

Hysterectomy is a type of hysterectomy that comes in many forms.

Vaginal hysterectomy

Vaginal hysterectomy in which the uterus is removed through the vagina. Of course, this will not always be possible, and if there is a lot of intrauterine adhesions, sometimes surgery will have to be done with a laparoscopic guide and then the uterus will be removed from inside the vagina.

Finally, this operation, which is performed through the vaginal entrance, is known as an effective and low-risk method.

Laparoscopic hysterectomy

The second method of performing ectopic surgery with the help of hysterectomy and laparoscopy of the uterus is removed through the vagina or from the trochanter. This surgery is performed with the help of incisions or creating cavities on the abdomen and a hysterectomy is performed through these cavities with the help of a device called a laparoscope.

Robotic surgery

There is robotic surgery in Iran, but it is not used much and its use is very limited.

Abdominal or abdominal hysterectomy

Among the various methods of hysterectomy surgery, the most commonly used method is abdominal or abdominal hysterectomy, in which the surgical removal of the uterus is performed through an abdominal incision.

Causes of hysterectomy surgery

Various causes and factors cause hysterectomy in Iran to be performed, which are:

Abnormal bleeding

One of the factors that causes hysterectomy to be performed is abnormal and excessive bleeding of the patient. If the person has so much bleeding that has led to anemia and medical and non-surgical treatments have not been effective in treatment, it is better to have surgery.

Uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are benign masses of uterine muscle that may be very large and put pressure on the abdominal and pelvic organs.

For example, uterine masses can put pressure on the ureters, causing hydronecrosis or inflammation of the kidneys and abdominal pain. It can also put pressure on the bladder and cause urinary symptoms. Fibroma masses can even be small in some cases and lead to abnormal and excessive bleeding.

Pelvic prolapse

Hysterectomy surgery in Iran will be necessary if a person has a prolapse of the uterus and has come out of the vagina following several normal deliveries. In such cases, surgery is usually performed vaginally and the uterus is removed through the vagina.

Cancer and precancerous lesions

The fourth factor that causes hysterectomy surgery is cancer and precancerous cases. When the cells of the cervix or the inner endometrial layer of the uterus are precancerous or cancerous, we remove the uterus.

Is the uterus the only organ that comes out during hysterectomy surgery in Iran?

It varies depending on the cause of the hysterectomy and the patient’s request. Sometimes the cervix or cervix, ovaries or fallopian tubes may come out with the uterus.

It should be noted that, before surgery, ask your doctor about which organ is removed from your body, because additional measures after surgery vary depending on whether or not the organs are removed. For example, a woman whose cervix is ​​completely removed and whose cells do not have a problem does not need a Pap smear, but a person whose cervix remains should have a periodic Pap smear like other women.

If the ovaries come out, sometimes medical and hormonal treatments are needed. Removal of the ovaries during hysterectomy surgery is not necessary, but removal of the fallopian tubes with the uterus is necessary because the retention of the fallopian tubes increases the risk of serous ovarian cancer.

Although it is very rare to get this disease, it is better to remove the fallopian tubes with the uterus.

Vaginal rejuvenation in Iran

Complications of hysterectomy in Iran

One of the most common questions among people who decide to have such surgery is whether hysterectomy has any side effects. It should be noted that hysterectomy or removal of the uterus will have no side effects other than the complications of the surgery, and people will have a normal life after this surgery like other women. Even the majority of women will experience an even better life after the hysterectomy due to the disappearance of the annoying symptoms.

Postoperative hysterectomy care

Care after hysterectomy in Iran will have a significant impact on the outcome of treatment, so to achieve the desired result, it is better to follow the following recommendations.

  • You may feel pain or discomfort for a few days after the operation when your doctor prescribes strong painkillers that you should take on time.
  • After this operation, it is better for the person to be hospitalized for 3 to 5 days and receive intensive care to perform the necessary examinations.
  • Note that smoking and drugs can disrupt the healing process and are prohibited for up to 6 weeks after surgery.
  • Eat a healthy diet that includes a variety of proteins and vitamins so that the body has the energy it needs to repair and rebuild damaged tissues.

How long does it take for the hysterectomy to heal?

Keep in mind that the recovery time in this type of surgery may be a little longer than other surgeries. Of course, in the case of certain diseases such as malignant cancers, this period will take longer. Of course, the recovery time after this operation depends on the type of surgery.

For example, in abdominal surgery, it takes about 4 to 6 weeks, and in vaginal surgery, or laparoscopy, the recovery time is something between 3 to 4 weeks.

Warning signs after hysterectomy in Iran

If you have any of the following symptoms after a hysterectomy, you should see a doctor or medical center as soon as possible.

  • Redness, swelling and inflammation
  • Abnormal and foul-smelling discharge from the vagina
  • Increase in body temperature
  • Severe and uncontrollable bleeding

Cost of hysterectomy in Iran

Since hysterectomy is performed to treat a variety of gynecological diseases, it is fortunately covered by insurance. However, you may also incur a small amount of money as we provide effective cost estimation factors so that you can easily plan your budget.

The cost of a surgeon’s salary, which depends on his level of expertise, experience, reputation and high skill.
Type of hospital where the surgery is performed, whether it is private or public

  • Duration of hospital stay
  • Travel expenses
  • Cost of surgical clothes
  • Content result

It is best to seek the help of the best obstetrician for such an operation, which is performed in a very sensitive and complex area, in order to minimize the complications and risks of surgery.

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استئصال الرحم في إيران


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