Labiaplasty in Iran – Prices 2023

Labiaplasty in Iran

Labiaplasty in Iran

What Is Labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty in Iran is a type of cosmetic surgery that improves the appearance of the inner or outer vaginal edges. Statistics show that most women seeking labiaplasty tend to reduce the size or length of their vaginal inner edge.

Although technically the normal size for the vaginal edge has not yet been defined, it is ideal for most women to have the inner vaginal edge not protrude from the outer edge. It goes without saying that extera clitoris can also be removed in this surgery.

Why Do Women Want Vaginal Beauty?

The demand for vaginal beauty surgery has increased in recent years. Most women undergo labiaplasty in order to have a more beautiful vagina. There are, of course, women who are in need of surgery because of discomfort in dressing up and doing exercises or acute sexual problems.

Although protruding inner edges of the vagina are not abnormal, if the vagina has large edges it can cause pain and discomfort and even embarrassment. So, in short, we can say that labiaplasty can make women feel better about themselves and their quality of life, improve both physically and sexually.

If you want to do in Iran , we recommend reading the article on whether labiaplasty is right for me. This article can help you make the final decision on vaginal cosmetic surgery.

The main reasons women undergo vaginal cosmetic surgery are:

• To have a clean and beautiful appearance
• Correction of vaginal asymmetry
• Pain during intercourse
• Low clitoris stimulation due to excess skin of clitoris
• Pain or discomfort during activities such as cycling
• Discomfort when wearing tight cloths like tight pants
• Feeling stretched, abrasive and burning during exercise


Introduction to Vaginal Cosmetic Surgery Methods

There are different ways to perform labiaplasty. But there are usually two methods preferred by surgeons: the trim method and the wedge method.

In the trim method, the labia minor (internal vaginal edge) is cut and the two edges are stitched together. The advantage of this method is the speed of surgery. But it is also possible that the inner edge of the vagina will be cut too much and a straight scar will remain on the border of the vaginal edge. That is why the second method is usually the preferred method in vaginal cosmetics surgery.

In the wedge method a V-shaped cut is made at the center of the extra edge. This method is better than the trim method because it maintains the natural border of the vaginal edge.
Your doctor may use a surgical foam or MonaLisa laser to perform labiaplasty. Using lasers can help cutting more precisely and it also can improve the stitches faster.

Minimizing Clitoris during labiaplasty in Iran

Minimizing Clitoris can be done at the same time as a vaginal cosmetic surgery or as a separate operation. In this case, the entire vaginal area should be examined separately and surgery should be performed in a way that fits the outer vaginal components in size. In fact, in some patients, there is extra skin on the clitoris and labia area and if only the labia be treated,

the upper half of the area will look abnormal. So, the surgeon will minimize the clitoris during labiaplasty in order to make the vagina look more beautiful.

How Long Does Labiaplasty in Iran take?

Before any labiaplasty surgery, a consultation session is required. In this session, your doctor will explain the procedure to you and help you figure out what to expect before, during and after surgery.

Most labiaplasty procedures are performed under local anesthesia without intravenous injection. The procedure usually takes about an hour. However, depending on the technique used and whether or not your surgery will be operated with laser, the duration of operation can vary from half an hour to one hour.

Complications of labiaplasty

Labiaplasty in Iran is a safe surgery. If done by a qualified surgeon in a reputable clinic, it will be completely safe and will give you a sweet experience.

That is why we offer you Irantreatments, who is experienced in over 1,000 vaginal cosmetic surgeries, will help you achieve your goal of having a beautiful body. After the surgery, because of the stitches patients normally need to use cold compresses for a day. It’s normal to have pain and swelling in your vaginal area for 3 days and the pain can be treated by painkillers.

You can return to work after a maximum of one week and achieve complete recovery. Finally, after a maximum of one month, the person can have sex.

Labiaplasty with Laser

One of the newest methods in the world of cosmetic surgery in women and especially vaginal cosmetic surgeries is using MonaLisa laser. The high precision of the laser in cutting makes the result more beautiful. In addition, the possible complications of the procedure are much less and the person can return home after half an hour of rest without any problems.

If you are interested in knowing more about this procedure and its advantages and disadvantages, we suggest you read the article “Labiaplasty with Laser”.

Visits After Cosmetic Surgery Labiaplasty in Iran

Postoperative visits are usually as follows:

One week after surgery: To check the stitches

One month after surgery: To check the final result of the procedure and the person’s readiness to have sex

Postoperative cares for Labiaplasty in Iran

Recovery is kind of fast after labiaplasty in Iran . Here are the things you should follow after the surgery:

In the first three days after surgery, the pain and swelling are normal and can be easily controlled with painkillers such as Brofen tablets.

– The first day after surgery, it is advisable to use an ice compress and keep the genital area clean.

– Avoid wearing tight cloths.

Most patients return to their normal work schedule in less than a week (3 to 5 days).

You can shower 24 hours after surgery, but you should avoid rubbing the surgical area.

Long baths, sitting in the bathtub or going to the pool until full recovery is forbidden.

Swelling and pain are normal for up to three days and swelling will decrease gradually until two or three weeks after surgery.

– Avoid exercises that directly exerts pressure to surgical area (cycling, horseback riding, etc.) till complete recovery.

Sexual activity can be resumed 3 to 4 weeks after surgery, but most women prefer to wait 6 to 8 weeks to prevent the wound from opening. (You’d better let your wound heal completely, otherwise you’ll probably have to go through a new recovery period.)

Note that all recommendations and processes for recovery vary from patient to patient. Therefore, these general

recommendations may not apply to all patients. Be sure to contact your doctor and resume activities as directed.

If you need more information on this, you can read the Postoperative cares for labiaplasty in Iran .

What age is suitable for vaginal cosmetic surgery?

One of the questions that is usually asked from  is the appropriate age to perform the labiaplasty in Iran . Vaginal cosmetic surgery is a light and outpatient and uncomplicated cosmetic procedures that many women undertake.

This can be done for women from the age of 20 to 50 without any problems. At the age of 50, the body usually has problems repairing itself and improving stitches, so vaginal cosmetic durgery is not recommended at this age.

There is still a possibility that women under the age of 20 still have not completed their sexual development and haven’t reached full maturity. It is important to note that sexual maturity is associated with the growth of labias. For this reason, girls under the age of 20 are advised to avoid doing labiaplasty in Iran .

Can virgin girls have labiaplasty too?

Yes. This procedure is ok for virgin girls. Labiaplasty is a procedure that works with the vaginal edges while the hymen is inserted into the genital tract. So labiaplasty won’t cause any harm to virginity and it is not prohibited for virgin girls.

Is it possible to do the Labiaplasty in Iran during childbirth?

Since vaginal bleeding is high at delivery, while labiaplasty surgery is considered a cosmetic surgery, this should be postponed to another time. Two months after childbirth is a good time for vaginal cosmetic surgery.

Does Labiaplasty Cause Pain?

Undoubtedly, many women are afraid of labiaplasty and think it is a painful operation. We give these women the right and we know that this is because of the high number of sensory nerves on the vaginal edges and its strong sensitivity.

But it is necessary to explain that this procedure is now performed in the clinic with the latest anesthesia methods and in several stages of anesthesia. Labiaplasty is now done under complete anesthesia and completely painless.

Does labiaplasty decrease sexual desire?

Some women worry that labiaplasty will decrease sexual desire. The answer is that the female sexual nerves are located in two points in the vagina. The first part is at the G point, which is inside the vagina, which induces vaginal sex, and the second part is at the clitoris, causing the external orgasm.

Since there is no sex nerve in the labia, the labiaplasty does not decrease sexual stimulation. On the other hand, with the vaginal beauty, the self-esteem of a woman is much higher in sexual intercourse, which improves her sexual activities. This is one of the main reasons women are attracted to vaginal cosmetic procedures around the world.

Your questions about vaginal beauty practice

Till what age can I have Labiaplasty in Iran?

Labiaplasty can be performed from the age of 18 years up to 50 years and is not prohibited in this age range.

How many days after labiaplasty can I have sex again?

As explained in the postoperative cares for labiaplasty article, resuming vaginal sex is subject to complete healing of stitches. This recovery usually takes about 4 weeks and you can resume having sex after four weeks.

Can other cosmetic methods, such as gel injection into the vagina, be used to form the desired shape during the labiaplasty in Iran ?

Yes. These operations are usually performed with a break of several months. Vagina gel injection requires healing of swelling after labiaplasty and after about a month, the person should be able to have sex. Then you can use gel or fat injections for more beauty.

Is this also useful for vaginal lightening?

It depends on the type and amount of vaginal darkness. If the vaginal darkness is in the major labia area, it cannot be corrected using vaginal cosmetic surgery. To do this, we need to use other lightening techniques, such as MonaLisa touch laser. But if the minor edges of the vagina are dark, the vaginal cosmetic surgery will be effective in reducing the darkness.

I have genital warts. Can I do this procedure?

Hello. This is not recommended for you. We suggest that you first treat the HPV virus and treat it thoroughly, then do vaginal cosmetic surgery. In general, performing cosmetic surgeries is a top priority in treatment. I personally recommend to my clients to first treat vaginal diseases and infections and then perform cosmetic surgeries, such as vaginal cosmetic surgery.

Can vaginal beauty be done during pregnancy?

Hi. It is best not to do vaginal beauty during this period. During pregnancy, small labias grow larger due to hormonal changes. This enlargement of the labias continues until two months after delivery. Since the size of the labias are different from normal, it is recommended to postpone the Labiaplasty in Iran to after delivery (two months after delivery).

Is sexual desire completely gone by shortening labias?

No. Sex nerves are not located in the minor labias and are mainly located in the clitoris and in the G-spot in the vagina, so this procedure does not kill them.

I have doubt choosing the right surgeon for this procedure. Some say the gynecologist should do this and some say cosmetic

surgeons should do the Labiaplasty in Iran . What is your opinion?

In this case, I suggest you read the article of the best cosmetic gynecologists. In this article we have fully answered your question about which specialist and what conditions are best to perform vaginal cosmetic surgery.

Is it possible to get vaginal infections after doing vaginal cosmetic?

If by infection, you mean postoperative stitches infection, I must say that labiaplasty with laser is currently used to perform vaginal cosmetic surgery and one of its advantages is that it doesn’t need stitches and if it does it is a limited number. Also, to prevent infection you only need three days to five days to follow what your doctor tells you and you won’t have any problems.
If you think you may get infected later, that’s not true.

Actually, vaginal and genital infections have nothing to do with the presence or absence of labias, and anyone who does not observe personal hygiene is likely to be infected. So don’t worry about it.

Why not do this procedure during pregnancy? I’m pregnant right now and I feel like my labias are getting bigger and I like to undergo. But during a call I had with you, you told me to do this two months after delivery. Why?

Dear friend, during pregnancy, due to the secretion of some hormones in the body, the labias become larger and bolder than normal. That is why it is best to perform vaginal cosmetic surgery at least two months after delivery.

At that time, your body’s hormones are in balance and the size of the labias are back. So you don’t need to do this procedure now and you can focus on your health and your sweet baby! 🙂

Do Labias Grow Up Again After Natural Birth?

No. labias do not grow. I also said in the answer of the above question, that labias grow up in pregnancy, they grow in size due to hormonal changes.

When we make the labias shorter and more beautiful for you in labiaplasty in Iran , it is no longer possible for them to grow again. So don’t worry about it. Among cosmetic surgeries, vaginal tightening procedures such as perineorrhaphy or vaginoplasty can be reversed after normal delivery.

Labiaplasty in Iran
Labiaplasty in Iran

Does labiaplasty also cause vaginal tightness?

If the vaginal looseness is high, you may need vaginal tightening. But if the vaginal looseness is low, yes. Brief vaginal tightness can be done with labiaplasty in Iran .

My vaginal minor edges are very black and do not look good at all. Can this be solved by cosmetic surgery?

Dear friend, undoubtedly, when you correct minor labias and remove extra parts, the problem of this areas being dark will be resolved. If the larger edges are dark, you can use a lightening vagina with laser, which works very well.

I only have one day to come to Tehran for labiaplasty, is it possible to do the cosmetic surgery at the same day?

Yes, there is possibility of labiaplasty on the visiting day. Just make sure you coordinate with the secretary and get the necessary guidances.

Is it possible to have Labiaplasty in Iran and laser hair removal together?

No. It is best to do labiaplasty first and apply laser hair removal after one month.

Is it possible to show me postoperative photos of the labiaplasty before surgery and during a consultation session to make sure I get the result I want?

Yes. You can view pre-operative and postoperative photos in the clinic during the pre-operative session to make sure you are okay with the quality of the operation.Labiaplasty in Iran

Do we need a companion for this operation?

Many of patients who undergo labiaplasty come here alone have no problem, especially if they have labiaplasty with laser, after just half an hour they easily leave the clinic and go home.

However, since people’s bodies are different, it is advisable to have one with you to accompany you to your home if the pain and burning bothered you after the surgery.Labiaplasty in Iran

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