Laser skin rejuvenation in Iran

Laser skin rejuvenation in Iran

Laser skin rejuvenation in Iran

Facial skin rejuvenation with laser is a popular skin surgery technique that makes skin youthful and reduces the effects of sunburn, skin rash, aging and some skin disorders. Skin rejuvenation with RF lasers is safe, effective and appropriate. Also, the cost of rejuvenating and beautifying facial skin with a fractional laser is much lower compared to many ways of skin rejuvenation. The laser absorbs damaged outer layers of the skin and stimulates the production of collagen and new skin cells in the lower layers of the skin, bringing a smoother, younger, and healthier skin.

What are the disadvantages of laser treatment with my face?
Fine or wrinkled lines, around or under the eyes, forehead and mouth
The remaining effect of acne or chicken pox
Skin after surgery
Old or dermal skin damaged by the sun (hand rejuvenation)
Liver spots
Improve face color if the face skin is yellow or gray
Congenital teeth like linear epidermis
Fat glands enlarged on the nose

What age is appropriate for laser rejuvenation?
The lower the age of the person and the younger one, the better the laser responds because young people have more collagenization. People aged 70 to 70 years are not the right option for skin rejuvenation because their skin is not much irritated and does not have collagenization. People who have a bullous or dyspnea or surgical wound are better off at a young age.

What is the West’s Recovery Treatment with Laser?
This skin rejuvenation procedure usually involves local anesthetics (anorexia injection at the treatment site). A dermatologist uses special lasers to rejuvenate the face of the face with a laser. The outer layers of the skin, using a laser beam of light steam, make the underlying skin smoother and younger. When old layers disappear, the growth of new skin cells is stimulated. Laser skin rejuvenation lasts between 30 and 45 minutes, and lasts for up to two hours with a laser mask.

Laser skin rejuvenation in Iran

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