six-pack surgery in Iran – Abdominal etching cost 2023

six-pack surgery in Iran - Abdominal etching

six-pack surgery in Iran – Abdominal etching

Abdominal etching, also known as six-pack surgery in Iran or liposculpture, is a cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the appearance of the abdominal muscles by removing excess fat and sculpting the underlying tissues. The goal of this surgery is to create a more defined and toned appearance, often resembling a “six-pack.”

Six-pack surgery cost in Iran

Most people can also perform this surgery for body shaping with liposuction
This surgery can be used as a supplement to liposuction

Usually, the cost of liposuction of the abdomen and sides + six pack (sports line) in Iran is about 1800 dollars

If other areas of the body need liposuction, it will be added to this cost

The best results are when a person has athletic muscles and the muscles are revealed by removing fat
Six pack for men and sports lines for women
In this case, the results of this surgery can be long lasting

If the person is not an athlete, it is possible to create these six-pack or sports lines by shaping and simulating the removal of abdominal fat.
In this case, the durability of the surgical result depends on the person’s fat absorption status and lifestyle after the surgery

Procedure – six-pack surgery in Iran

The abdominal etching in Iran procedure typically involves the following steps:

1. Consultation: The surgeon evaluates the patient’s medical history, current health, and aesthetic goals to determine if they are a suitable candidate for the procedure. They will also discuss the risks, benefits, and expected outcomes.

2. Anesthesia: The patient is administered general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation to ensure comfort during the procedure.

3. Incisions: The surgeon makes small, inconspicuous incisions in the navel or natural creases of the abdomen.

4. Liposuction: Using a cannula (a thin, hollow tube), the surgeon removes excess fat from the targeted areas of the abdomen while preserving the natural contours of the muscles.

5. Etching: The surgeon sculpts the remaining fat and tissue to create the desired definition and muscle appearance.

6. Closure: The incisions are closed with sutures, and the treated areas may be wrapped in compression garments to minimize swelling and support healing.



Recovery from six-pack surgery in Iran may take several weeks. Patients can typically expect the following:

  •  Pain, swelling, and bruising in the treated areas, which can be managed with pain medication and cold compresses
  •  Wearing a compression garment for several weeks to reduce swelling and support healing
  •  Limited physical activity for the first 1-2 weeks, with a gradual return to normal activities and exercise
  •  Full results become visible after several months, once the swelling has completely subsided

Risks and Limitations

As with any surgery, there are risks and potential complications associated with six-pack surgery in Iran, including:

  •  Infection
  •  Bleeding
  •  Scarring
  •  Asymmetry or irregular contours
  •  Changes in skin sensation

It’s important to note that six-pack surgery in Iran is not a weight loss solution and is best suited for individuals who are at or near their ideal weight with good muscle tone. Additionally, the results are not permanent, as future weight gain or loss can affect the appearance of the abdomen.

To ensure the best possible outcome, it’s crucial to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with experience in performing abdominal etching procedures and to follow their preoperative and postoperative instructions carefully.


Abdominal etching, also known as abdominal etching surgery or six-pack surgery in Iran, is a cosmetic procedure that enhances the appearance of abdominal muscles. It is done in the following way:

1. The first step is liposuction of the abdomen. Liposuction removes excess fat deposits and creates a more contoured shape. It is done using small incisions through which a thin tube called cannula is inserted. The cannula is used to loosen the fat cells and then suction them out.

2. After liposuction, the abdominal muscles are tightened and stitched. The surgeon makes small incisions around the belly button and tightens the abdominal fascia – the tissue that surrounds the muscles. This gives the abdomen a firmer and flatter look.

3. In some cases, additional fat is removed using ultrasound or laser assisted liposuction. This helps achieve a highly defined six pack look.

4. Finally, the incisions are closed using absorbable sutures. A compression garment is provided which helps in recovery and in maintaining the contour.

5. The entire procedure typically takes 2 to 3 hours. Recovery takes about 2 to 4 weeks. Some swelling and bruising are common side effects which subside over a few weeks. Patients can usually return to work within 7 to 14 days. Exercise and strenuous activities need to be avoided for 3 to 4 weeks.

6. Follow up visits are required to monitor healing and results. Touch up procedures may be needed in some cases to achieve the desired look. The final results become apparent over the next few months as the swelling resolves and definition improves.

The results of six-pack surgery in Iran typically last for many years provided stable weight and fitness are maintained. The procedure can be repeated in the future if needed to account for aging or other changes.

Am i candidate for six-pack surgery in Iran

The ideal candidates for abdominal etching surgery are:

• People with excess fat deposits in the abdomen that do not go away with diet and exercise. Abdominal etching removes this excess fat and enhances muscle definition.

• Those with lax or loose abdominal muscles. The procedure can tighten and strengthen the abdominal muscles.

• Healthy individuals without any serious medical conditions. Since it is an elective cosmetic surgery, good health and ability to heal properly are required.

• Non-smokers. Smoking can affect the healing process and results. Patients are required to quit smoking for a few weeks before and after surgery.

• People with realistic expectations. six-pack surgery in Iran can enhance appearance and create a contoured shape, but it does not produce a perfect body or six pack abs. A lot depends on a person’s overall physique, muscle mass and skin tone.

• You should be willing to make lifestyle changes to maintain the results. Staying in shape with proper diet and exercise is required. Significant weight gain can reverse the effects of abdominal etching.

• You should not plan to become pregnant in the future. Pregnancy can stretch and damage the abdominal muscles and skin, altering the results of the procedure.

• Individuals committed to follow up visits and any touch up treatments. Additional treatments may be needed based on how your body heals and the overall look you want to achieve.

• Those with good skin tone. Abdominal etching works best for people with elastic skin that readily contracts after liposuction. Poor skin tone may need additional treatments to tighten loose skin.

So in summary, the ideal candidate is someone in good health, with realistic expectations, and a commitment to maintain a healthy lifestyle after the procedure. Abdominal etching requires an investment to achieve and maintain results. The key is choosing candidates likely to be satisfied with the outcome of the surgery.


Recovery after abdominal etching surgery in Iran typically takes 2 to 4 weeks. Some important things to know about the recovery process:

• The first few days after surgery will involve resting, limiting movement, and managing discomfort. Your surgeon will prescribe pain medications to help keep you comfortable during this initial recovery period.

• Swelling and bruising are common and peak during the first week. The swelling will reduce over the next few weeks. Arnica montana and other homeopathic oral drops or creams can help minimize bruising.

• A compression garment will need to be worn for 4 to 6 weeks. This helps reduce swelling, supports the abdominal area during healing and helps achieve the best results. The garment should be worn day and night, only removing for showering.

• Stitches are usually dissolving absorbable sutures that will absorb on their own in 1 to 2 weeks. Any non-absorbable sutures will be removed at a follow up visit.

• Most patients can return to light activity (such as walking, climbing stairs) within 3 to 7 days after surgery. Avoid any strenuous exercise for 4 weeks. Activities like jogging, yoga, weight training will need to be stopped during this initial recovery period.

• Diet will need to be limited to soft, bland foods for the first week. Stay well hydrated, include high protein and iron-rich foods. Limit salt intake to avoid fluid retention. Healthy diet and nutrition aid in the healing process.

• Showers are allowed after the 3rd day, but baths and swimming should be avoided for 3 to 4 weeks. Keep incisions clean and monitor for signs of infection like swelling, redness or pus.

• Follow up visits will be required to monitor your recovery and results. Typically the first 2-3 follow ups will be within the first month. Additional treatments like laser therapy or dermabrasion may be scheduled if needed based on your healing and how the skin is reattaching around the muscles.

• Most patients can return to work within 7 to 14 days, if the job does not require strenuous activity or heavy lifting. Tell your employer you have had abdominal surgery and may need certain restrictions initially.

• Six pack definition starts becoming noticeable within 4 to 6 weeks as swelling resolves and muscles continue to contract. Final results are typically seen by about 3 months but you must stay diligent about diet and exercise to maintain sculpted abs.

So in summary, allow ample time for rest and recovery after an six-pack surgery in Iran. Following your surgeon’s instructions carefully and being patient through the process will ensure you heal properly and achieve your desired end results. Stay committed to your follow up care and a healthy lifestyle long term.


As with any surgical procedure, six-pack surgery in Iran comes with some potential risks and side effects. Some of the most common side effects and risks of the procedure include:

1. Swelling and bruising: Swelling and bruising around the treated area are common and can last for several weeks after the procedure.

2. Pain and discomfort: Pain and discomfort are common after the procedure and can be managed with pain medication.

3. Infection: Infection is a potential risk with any surgical procedure. Patients are typically prescribed antibiotics to minimize the risk of infection.

4. Scarring: Abdominal etching involves the use of small incisions, which can result in minor scarring. However, the scars are typically small and fade over time.

5. Uneven contouring: In some cases, patients may experience uneven contouring or asymmetry after the procedure.

6. Numbness: Patients may experience temporary numbness or decreased sensation in the treated area.

7. Seroma or hematoma formation: Seroma (a collection of fluid) or hematoma (a collection of blood) can occur after the procedure.

It is important to discuss the potential risks and side effects of abdominal etching surgery with a qualified plastic surgeon before deciding to undergo the procedure. The surgeon can provide information on how to manage these risks and can help to ensure the best possible outcome.

Is the result of six-pack surgery in Iran permanent?

Abdominal etching, also known as ab etching, is a surgical procedure that is designed to define the abdominal muscles by removing excess fat from the abdominal area. The procedure involves the use of liposuction to sculpt the abdominal area, creating a more toned and defined appearance.

The results of six-pack surgery in Iran can be long-lasting, but they are not necessarily permanent. The success of the procedure depends on several factors, including the patient’s lifestyle, diet, and exercise habits. If a patient gains weight after the procedure, the fat cells that were not removed during the procedure can expand, potentially diminishing the appearance of the abdominal definition.

To maintain the results of six-pack surgery in Iran, it is important for patients to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise routine. It is also important to continue to follow any post-operative instructions provided by the surgeon, including wearing compression garments and avoiding strenuous activities for a certain period of time after the procedure.

Overall, while the results of six-pack surgery in Iran can be long-lasting, they are not necessarily permanent and require ongoing maintenance to ensure the best possible outcome.





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