Tummy Tuck in Iran – Cost for Abdominoplasty 2023

Tummy Tuck in Iran - Abdominoplasty

Tummy Tuck in Iran – Abdominoplasty Price

Tummy Tuck in Iran , also known as abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that aims to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen and tighten the underlying abdominal muscles. This procedure can help improve the appearance of a protruding or sagging belly and create a smoother, flatter abdominal profile.

Tummy Tuck in Iran results are considered permanent, insofar that the fat cells and skin removed during an abdominoplasty cannot grow back. Likewise, the internal sutures placed to repair abdominal muscles are designed to remain in place indefinitely.

Type of Abdominoplasty in Iran

Abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure to remove excess fat and skin from the abdomen. There are several types of abdominoplasty:

• Traditional or full abdominoplasty – Involves removal of excess fat and skin of the lower abdomen below the belly button and tightening of underlying muscles. It results in a scar that goes from hip to hip.

• Extended abdominoplasty – Removes excess fat and skin of the abdomen including the flanks or sides. The scar extends all the way to the back. This is useful for people with excess fat and skin that extends to the back and flanks area.

• High lateral tension abdominoplasty – Uses specific techniques to provide a more athletic looking abdomen. In addition to removing excess skin and fat, the abdominal muscles are tightened from the rib cage all the way to the pubic area. The scar is wider but usually concealed under a bikini bottom.

• Circumferential abdominoplasty – Belt Abdominoplasty Removes excess fat and skin not just from the lower abdomen but also from the back and buttocks. Useful for massive weight loss patients with excess hanging skin. The scar goes all the way around the waist.

• Mini abdominoplasty – Removes only limited excess fat and skin from the lower abdomen below the belly button. The muscles are minimally tightened, and the scar is shorter. Best suited for patients with mild to moderate abdominal laxity. Limited fat removal so best for people close to ideal weight.

• Endoscopic abdominoplasty – Uses an endoscope to tighten abdominal muscles without cutting the overlying skin and fat. Only internal scars result. Minimal downtime but limited muscle tightening and no excess fat/ skin removal. Mainly for abdominal muscle separation (diastasis recti) correction.

So in summary, there are many types of abdominoplasty based on the extent of correction needed and desired cosmetic results. Patients should discuss the options carefully with their plastic surgeon to determine the best approach based on each individual’s needs and goals.

How much does a tummy tuck cost in Iran

The cost of tummy tuck in Iran includes the following
Surgeon’s salary Between 2,500 and 4,000 dollars
Hospital and operating room fees
360 liposuction
The cost of pre-surgery tests About 50 dollars
Drug cost
The cost of a 9-day stay in Iran 300 dollars on average
Transportation costs Optional
The cost of care after surgery Optional
The cost of a special garment after surgery Between 50 and 100 dollars
abdominoplasty surgery package cost in Iran (without flight cost) Between 2,900 and 4,350 dollars

Mini Abdominoplasty cost in Iran: Between 2,000 and 3,000 dollars

Belt Abdominoplasty cost in Iran: Between 4,000 and 6,000 dollars

There are several reasons why people might consider a Tummy Tuck in Iran, including:

1. Post-pregnancy: Women who have gone through pregnancy may have stretched abdominal muscles and skin that do not return to their original state.

2. Aging: As people age, the skin loses elasticity, and the abdominal muscles may weaken, leading to a sagging appearance.

3. Significant weight loss: People who have lost a substantial amount of weight may have excess skin that does not shrink back.

4. Genetic factors: Some individuals may have a predisposition to carry excess fat or have loose skin in the abdominal area.

It’s important to note that a tummy tuck is not a substitute for weight loss or an appropriate exercise program. It is also not an effective treatment for stretch marks, although some may be removed or slightly improved if they are located on the excess skin that is excised.

Tummy Tuck in Iran Procedure

A Tummy Tuck in Iran can be performed using general anesthesia or a combination of local anesthesia and sedation. The procedure typically involves the following steps:

1. An incision is made horizontally across the lower abdomen, usually between the pubic hairline and the belly button. The length and shape of the incision depend on the amount of excess skin that needs to be removed.

2. The skin and fat layers are separated from the abdominal wall, exposing the underlying muscles.

3. The abdominal muscles are tightened by suturing them together, creating a firmer, flatter abdominal wall.

4. Excess skin and fat are removed, and the remaining skin is repositioned and sutured in place.

5. In some cases, the belly button may need to be repositioned to achieve a natural-looking result.

6. Finally, the incisions are closed with sutures, staples, or surgical tape.

Tummy Tuck in Iran Procedure
Abdominoplasty in Iran Procedure

Tummy tuck recovery and results:


• The recovery from a tummy tuck typically takes several weeks to months. The first few days after surgery are typically the most uncomfortable, with pain and swelling. Medications and drains help manage pain and prevent fluid build-up.

• Patients wear an abdominal binder for several weeks to help with swelling and provide support. Most people can return to light daily activities after 2 to 3 weeks. More strenuous exercise and activities are usually allowed after 6 to 8 weeks.

• Most swelling dissipates within 3 to 6 months. The incision lines remain reddish in color for 6 months or more before fading. Numbness around the incision and belly button persists for several months to years. Final results may take up to 1 year to become apparent.


• A flatter, trimmer abdominal profile. Excess skin and fat are removed leading to a smoother abdomen. Stretch marks within the excised skin area are removed.

• Tightened abdominal muscles. Underlying muscles are tightened during the procedure which provides greater core stability and support.

• Improved belly button appearance. The belly button is re-sited and reshaped to appear more natural. Excess skin around the belly button is trimmed.

• Reduced back strain. Excess abdominal skin and fat put strain on the back. Their removal provides greater back comfort and mobility.

• Enhanced self-confidence. A trim and toned tummy can boost confidence and self-esteem especially with fitted or minimal clothing.

• Long-lasting results. Although some skin laxity returns over years, the results of a tummy tuck tend to be permanent for most patients when weight is maintained. Additional surgeries are usually not needed.

• Scarring. A tummy tuck results in a scar across the lower abdomen which typically stays hidden under most clothing and swimwear. The scars continue to fade over 12 months to 3 years but never fully disappear. Scar care and sun protection help improve scar appearance.

Risks include bleeding, infection, blood clots, skin loss, poor healing, and revision needs. When performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon, risks are reduced for most patients. Close follow-up and patient compliance also minimize risks and complications. Overall, tummy tuck provides dramatic improvements in abdominal contour and muscle function for many patients.

Who should not get tummy tuck?

There are several conditions that make someone a poor candidate for a Tummy Tuck in Iran:

• Being overweight or obese – Tummy tuck is best performed on people who are at or close to their ideal weight. Obese patients have a higher risk of complications and the results may not be satisfactory. Losing weight first before undergoing tummy tuck is usually advised.

• Medical conditions – Patients with chronic medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, or pulmonary disease have a higher risk of complications from the procedure and anesthesia. A tummy tuck may be too risky for some patients with unstable medical issues.

• Smokers – Smoking significantly increases the risk of poor wound healing, skin necrosis, and other complications after a tummy tuck. Smokers are usually not considered good candidates and need to quit smoking at least 4 to 6 weeks before and after surgery.

• Future weight loss plans – If substantial weight loss is still planned, it is best to postpone a tummy tuck. Pregnancy or weight changes after the procedure can negatively impact the results.

• Unrealistic expectations – Patients who expect a tummy tuck to transform their body into an ideal figure will likely be disappointed with the results. The procedure focuses on tightening abdominal muscles and removing excess fat and skin. It cannot correct body shape issues. Realistic expectations are important.

• Abdominal hernias – Underlying abdominal wall hernias need to be repaired first before undergoing an abdominoplasty. The tummy tuck surgery can worsen an untreated hernia. A hernia repair may need to be done together with the Tummy Tuck in Iran.

• Heavy scarring – Patients with excessive scarring or adiposity (fat buildup) in the abdominal area may get less than satisfactory results. In some cases, scar revision or fat removal may be needed to get good results from a Tummy Tuck in Iran.

So in summary, the ideal tummy tuck candidate is someone at a stable weight, with no major medical issues, non-smoker, has realistic expectations, and limited scarring or underlying abdominal wall hernias. For some people, medical clearance and certain lifestyle changes may be needed before undergoing the procedure.

What are the risks of a tummy tuck?

Like any surgical procedure, a tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, carries certain risks. Some of the potential risks associated with a tummy tuck include:

1. Infection: Infection is a potential risk with any surgical procedure, including tummy tucks. Patients are typically given antibiotics to minimize the risk of infection.

2. Hematoma or seroma: A hematoma is a pocket of blood that forms under the skin, while a seroma is a pocket of fluid that can form after surgery. Hematomas and seromas can cause swelling, pain, and other complications.

3. Blood clots: Blood clots are a risk associated with any surgery that involves making incisions in the body. Blood clots can be life-threatening if they travel to the lungs or brain.

4. Poor wound healing: In some cases, the incision site may not heal properly, which can lead to scarring, infection, or other complications.

5. Numbness or changes in sensation: Some patients may experience numbness or changes in sensation in the abdominal area following a Tummy Tuck in Iran.

6. Anesthesia risks: General anesthesia carries its own set of risks, including allergic reactions, breathing difficulties, and other complications.

7. Unsatisfactory results: While tummy tuck surgery can produce excellent results, there is always a risk that the final outcome may not meet the patient’s expectations.

It’s important to discuss these risks with your surgeon and carefully consider whether the benefits of a tummy tuck outweigh the potential risks for your individual case.

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