Vaginal tightening in Iran – Best Treatment, Purpose & Procedures 2023

Vaginal tightening in Iran

Vaginal tightening in Iran

One of the cosmetic surgeries for women is vaginal tightening in Iran, which is known as vaginoplasty. vaginal tightening in Iran is performed to repair the tissue of the genital area and return it to its original position.

Feeling beautiful and wanting to be beautiful is a psychological issue, which is why most people love beauty and being beautiful, and this has led to a greater tendency to perform surgery.

But it is interesting to know that sometimes cosmetic surgery is not done just because of the appearance of beauty and the person is associated with problems that have to perform surgery.

Vaginal tissue usually loosens with age and some factors such as multiple deliveries, sex, which in turn will lead to more problems for the person.

It is interesting to know that the loosening of the genital tissue occurs for another reason, which we will describe below. Vaginal tissue is elastic due to the presence of collagen, which usually decreases with increasing age of collagen production and estrogen levels, and this causes the tissue of the genital area to lose its elastic state.

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Methods of vaginal tightening in Iran

Genital tightening is performed by both surgery and laser. The choice of vaginal tissue repair method is determined depending on the patient’s condition and the physician’s discretion.

If for any reason you have loosening of your genital area, it is better to consult a gynecological cosmetic surgeon to choose the appropriate method to determine the type of treatment after the necessary examinations.

Vaginal tightening surgery in Iran

Vaginal tightening in Iran is a rejuvenation procedure in which pelvic floor muscles and vaginal tissues are repaired. It is interesting to know that this surgery can help repair the muscles in the vaginal area and increase sexual desire in a person.

Laser tightening of the vagina

With the advancement of science and technology, cosmetic laser devices for women have found great application in performing surgeries, and this has made people more willing to perform vaginal tightening with laser.

Laser vaginal tightening in Iran is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that is performed without any incisions. It is interesting to know that laser vaginal tightening is performed without the need for any anesthetic and does not require hospitalization.

Vaginal tightening in Iran
Vaginal tightening in Iran

It is one of the most popular methods because laser surgery is lighter than open surgery and does not require stitches. Laser gynecological cosmetic surgery is usually associated with fewer risks and complications and can be performed in the office.

One of the most important points is that in order to achieve the desired result, in addition to the fact that the laser device must meet the world standards of the day, you must be careful in choosing your gynecological cosmetic surgeon.

Advice before tightening the vagina

If you are planning to have gynecological cosmetic surgery, it is better to consult a gynecologist before performing any operation in this field, because conducting counseling sessions will increase your level of knowledge about the method of surgery and its results. You can also share your expectations with your doctor by doing these sessions.

Post-vaginal tightening care

One of the most important factors in achieving the desired result is following the advice and medical care after tightening the vagina. Medical care after vaginal tightening will vary depending on the type of treatment. But in this section, we are going to point out some common medical recommendations in this field, stay tuned.

Heavy sports and non-sports activities

It is important to know that people who undergo vaginal tightening are required to avoid strenuous sports and non-sports activities for about four to six weeks and to avoid pressure on the genital area.


The rest time after tightening the vagina varies depending on how it is done, but normally the patient should rest for a week.

Have sex

Sex is one of the factors that should not be done for at least a month because having sex can put pressure on the genital area and cause bleeding or congestion.


Smoking and alcohol consumption is one of the factors that affect the speed of wound healing and slows down the patient’s recovery.

Complications of vaginal tightening in Iran

There is a possibility of complications in any cosmetic surgery, but usually the complications of surgery are divided into two categories: side effects and surgery. Side effects such as; Bleeding, infection, swelling and pain are normal and go away in a very short time. But complications from surgery,

such as excessive tightening of the vaginal area, usually occur by non-specialists. Therefore, to prevent such complications, it is better to be careful in choosing your gynecological cosmetic surgeon.

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Vaginal tightening recovery period

The length of the patient’s recovery period varies depending on the method. Normally, the recovery period for laser vaginal tightening will be shorter than for open surgery, but naturally the recovery period will be about one to two months.

One of the most important points for people who perform this cosmetic surgery and are obliged to achieve the desired result is to avoid having sex for one to two months.

Is vaginal tightening effective in treating postpartum or menopausal urinary incontinence?

Genital loosening is one of the factors that can cause urinary incontinence and sexual problems. It should be noted that most postmenopausal women usually experience diseases such as urinary incontinence due to hormonal changes, which usually narrow the vagina can improve the patient’s problems.

The cost of vaginal tightening in Iran

The cost of vaginal tightening varies depending on some factors such as how it is done. Therefore, the exact cost can not be determined in any way before the necessary examinations and tests. For more information on the cost of vaginal tightening, it is best to consult a gynecological cosmetic surgeon.

last word

Vaginal tightening is one of the most popular gynecological cosmetic surgeries. If the muscles of your genital tissue are weakened for any reason, you can consult a gynecological cosmetic surgeon in this field to select and perform the appropriate treatment method according to your condition. .


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