which country is cheapest for hair transplant ? – 2023 Top 7

which country is cheapest for hair transplant

which country is cheapest for hair transplant ?

The effect of hair transplant on the face of people is very great
Appearance attractiveness and self-confidence are important for every person

How much do you have to pay to get this good feeling ?

cheapest for hair transplant country list 

  1. Iran
  2. India
  3. Turkey
  4. Mexico
  5. Thailand
  6. Hungary
  7. Poland

In the following, we will introduce you the cheapest countries for hair transplant

The cost of hair transplantation depends on the number of hair follicles, and the cost of each hair follicle can determine the list of the countries for cheapest for hair transplant.

Other factors besides cost are important for hair transplant
Doctor’s skill, use of modern equipment, standard clinic, medicine and care after hair transplant

As an example, the cost of a hair transplant in Iran starts at 30 cents per hair graft. This price is 55 cents for Turkey, 80 cents for India, 90 cents for Hungary, and 1 dollar for Poland and Thailand.

On contrary, the same hair transplant procedure in the UK and USA costs $2+ per graft which makes it 4-5 times more expensive for the same, maybe a less successful procedure.

Iran – between $900 and $2,000

Due to the low cost of living in Iran, the cost of hair transplant is also very low in Iran

The two cities of Tehran and Shiraz have the most hair transplants for foreigners

The cost of hair transplant with FUE method is about 1000 dollars – Iran is cheapest for hair transplant

Iranian doctors are very skilled and there are many well-equipped clinics in Tehran and Shiraz

Usually, all people are very satisfied after hair transplant in Iran and they travel to Iran again for other treatments such as plastic surgery and dentistry.

Iran is the paradise of plastic surgery and hair transplant for foreign applicants

The average cost of staying in a 3-star hotel is $30 per night

The average cost of food is $8 per day

Tehran hair transplantaion

If you decide to transplant hair in Iran, contact us through WhatsApp

Iran is the first country - cheapest for hair transplant
Iran is the first country – cheapest for hair transplant

India – between $1,000 and $5,000

Besides the low cost of hair transplant, there are many hair transplant clinics in India

Every year, a large number of foreigners travel to India for hair transplant

India’s interesting culture and vibrant cities also attract the attention of people who are looking for a tourist trip and their medical visit.

India is the Second country - cheapest for hair transplant
India is the Second country – cheapest for hair transplant

Turkey – between $2,000 and $6,000

The price of hair transplant operations in Turkey ranges between $2,000 and $6,000. Further, the country is a great touristic attraction with its rich culture, historic places, and beautiful nature. Most patients also get a holiday out of their operation thanks to attractive package deals.

Istanbul hair transplantaion

If you decide to transplant hair in Istanbul , contact us through WhatsApp

Turkey is the Third country - cheapest for hair transplant
Turkey is the Third country – cheapest for hair transplant

Mexico – between $2,500 and $4,500

The average price in Mexico is between 2,500 and 4,500 USD. The cost will depend on the degree of baldness and the hair clinic where the treatment is performed.

Mexico is the Forth country - cheapest for hair transplant
Mexico is the Forth country – cheapest for hair transplant

Thailand – between $3,000 and $8,000

Hair transplant surgery is therefore very advanced and safe in Thailand . Thailand plays host to some of the most well-known FUE hair transplant surgeons in the world. They’re cosmetic surgery specialists, boasting impressive qualifications and extensive experience at clinics across the globe.

Thailand is the Fifth country - cheapest for hair transplant
Thailand is the Fifth country – cheapest for hair transplant

Hungary – between $3,000 and $8,000

Hungary has become an increasingly popular country for hair transplants in recent years. Its healthcare system is among the best in Europe, with competitive prices, modern facilities, and exceptional standards of patient care. Cosmetic surgery specialists in Hungary are some of the best in the industry.

S < 1150 2990 € 2290 €
M 1200-1600 3990 € 3190 €
L 1650-2150 5990 € 3890 €
XL 2200< 6990 € 4690 €
Hungary is the Sixth country - cheapest for hair transplant
Hungary is the Sixth country – cheapest for hair transplant

Poland – between $4,300 and $5,300

The average cost of Hair transplant in Poland ranges between $4300 and $5300. The offers include a hair transplant, providing a permanent solution to hair loss.
Poland is the Seventh country - cheapest for hair transplant
Poland is the Seventh country – cheapest for hair transplant

For comparison, we pay for the cost of hair transplant in other countries

average cost of hair transplant in Germany – between $5,000 and $9,000

average cost of hair transplant  UK – between $5,500 and $15,000

average cost of hair transplant  USA – between $7,500 and $25,000

کاشت مو در آلمان – جرمنی Germany Hamburg – 2023

Steps of hair transplant

Hair transplant is a surgical procedure that involves transferring hair follicles from one part of the body, typically the back or sides of the scalp, to a balding or thinning area. There are two main techniques used for hair transplantation: Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). The steps for each technique may vary slightly, but the general process is as follows:

1. Consultation and planning:

Before the procedure, you will have a consultation with your hair transplant surgeon to discuss your goals, expectations, and the most suitable technique for your situation. The surgeon will examine your scalp, assess the quality and quantity of your donor hair, and help you make an informed decision.

2. Preparing for the surgery:

You may be asked to stop taking certain medications and supplements that may increase the risk of bleeding during the procedure. You should also avoid smoking and alcohol consumption for a few days before the surgery, as they can impair your body’s ability to heal.

3. Anesthesia:

On the day of the procedure, the surgeon will administer local anesthesia to numb the area where the hair follicles will be removed and the area where they will be transplanted.

4. Harvesting the hair follicles:

– *FUT Technique:* The surgeon will remove a strip of skin with hair follicles from the back or side of your scalp. The strip is then dissected into individual follicular units, which contain one to four hair follicles each.
– *FUE Technique:* The surgeon will use a specialized instrument to extract individual follicular units directly from the scalp. This method leaves minimal scarring and usually results in a faster recovery time.

5. Preparing the recipient sites:

The surgeon will create tiny incisions in the balding or thinning area, taking care to mimic the natural direction and angle of hair growth. These incisions will serve as recipient sites for the harvested follicular units.

6. Transplanting the hair follicles:

The harvested follicular units are carefully inserted into the prepared recipient sites. The surgeon will ensure that the placement, angle, and density of the transplanted follicles create a natural-looking result.

7. Closing the donor area:

– *FUT Technique:* The surgeon will close the incision in the donor area using sutures or staples.
– *FUE Technique:* Since FUE involves extracting individual follicles, there is no need for sutures or staples. The tiny extraction sites will heal on their own.

8. Post-operative care:

After the procedure, your surgeon will provide you with detailed instructions on how to care for your scalp and promote optimal healing. You may be prescribed medications to manage pain and prevent infection. You should avoid strenuous activities for a few weeks and follow your surgeon’s recommendations to ensure a smooth recovery.

9. Hair growth and final results:

The transplanted hair follicles will enter a resting phase and may shed the transplanted hairs within a few weeks. This is a normal part of the process. New hair growth typically begins after three to four months and continues to improve over the course of a year. Most patients see significant improvement in hair density and coverage within 6-12 months after the procedure.

Keep in mind that individual results can vary, and it’s important to have realistic expectations. Discuss your goals with your surgeon to ensure the best possible outcome.

5 cheapest countries for plastic surgery – 2023

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