Abdominoplasty in Iran – Introduction of 3 methods of operation

Abdominoplasty in Iran

What is abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty in Iran is a surgery that removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen and flanks to achieve a beautiful and fit body.
Abdominoplasty surgeries are often associated with other procedures, such as liposuction, umbilical cord replacement, and abdominal muscle tightening.

Over time, the body naturally falls off and loses skin and muscle firmness, and the abdomen is no exception.
The abdomen can change in appearance due to fluctuations in weight, pregnancy and aging.
The skin may become loose, the abdomen may appear sagging, and excess fat may cause the body to deviate, make it difficult to wear certain clothes, and also have a negative effect on self-esteem.

Abdominoplasty surgery can be performed to correct sagging, tightening of the skin and muscles.

Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck surgery is usually combined with other procedures.
Abdominal stretching is usually performed at the same time as liposuction.
The applicant undergoes general anesthesia at all stages of the operation.
The incision is customized to achieve the individual goals of the applicant, but in general an incision in abdominoplasty is always fixed, a horizontal incision from the left side to the right side.
Abdominoplasty is suitable for people who do not have obesity
Because abdominoplasty is not a practical way to lose weight
It is a practical way to remove sagging skin caused by weight loss
Therefore, obese people should first lose weight through exercise, diet or activities such as sleeves
Then remove the sagging and loose skin with abdominoplasty
The goal of abdominoplasty surgery is to correct a protruding or sagging abdomen
It can be caused by aging, heredity, pregnancy, previous surgery or significant weight fluctuations.
The time required for abdominoplasty in Iran is about 12 days
  • The first day is a visit to the doctor and blood tests and heart counseling
  • The third day of surgery
  • Day 4 Remove the drains and tubes and change the dressing
  • Sixth day of massage
  • Day 7 The first visit to the doctor
  • Day 11 Doctor’s second visit

Abdominoplasty in Iran

Types of abdominoplasty in Iran
There are different methods of abdominoplasty, but the most common ones that are used in the world are the differences in the size of the incisions and are as follows:
Standard or classic abdominoplasty
Where side-to-side (horizontal) cutting is given as needed
The umbilicus is completely removed, the abdominal muscles are repaired, and a new umbilical cord is inserted, and the extra skin is removed and the layers of skin are sutured one by one.
Small or mini abdominoplasty
In this type of abdominoplasty, the incision is smaller than the previous method and the umbilicus remains in place and only the muscles below the umbilicus are repaired and the extra skin is removed.
Excess skin and sutures in this method are less than other methods
Modern abdominoplasty
For people whose drooping abdomen is due to severe weight loss, to achieve the ideal limb, in addition to the horizontal incision, a vertical incision should be made so that the extra skin gathers in all directions to create a more even and beautiful limb.
Abdominoplasty in Iran
Abdominoplasty in Iran

Preoperative measures of abdominoplasty in Iran

  • Avoid smoking cigarettes and hookah separately for 4 weeks before and after surgery
  • Because it interferes with the wound healing process
  • Stop taking blood thinners such as aspirin and 2 weeks before surgery
  • Start taking laxatives (gastrointestinal emollients) 2 days before surgery

Operations during surgery

  • Take a bath before surgery because you are not allowed to take a bath for 3 days
  • After admission to the operating room, you will be placed under general anesthesia by an anesthesiologist
  • Surgical nurses sterilize the area
  • The surgeon will perform the surgery using the incisions he made with you during the visit
  • After cutting the abdominal muscles are repaired
  • If necessary, a new umbilicus is placed in a specific place and the extra skin is removed and the layers are sewn
  • To reduce the discharge caused by the operation, 2 drains are placed in the abdomen, which accelerates the healing process and reduces the
  • discharge caused by the operation.
  • The wound is bandaged under a sterile environment and transferred to recovery after the operation and anesthesia.

Immediately after abdominoplasty surgery in Iran

  • You have mild pain in the abdomen and flanks, which can be relieved by ordering a pump
  • You will feel shortness of breath due to the tightening of the abdominal muscles, which is normal and improves
  • Special pillows are placed under your knees to put less pressure on the wound
  • Therefore, in case of discharge at home, put 2 to 3 pillows under your knee while sleeping
  • And walk while walking – 1 to 3 weeks after surgery
  • Have complete rest for 24 hours after surgery
  • The drains were then removed at the surgeon’s discretion during this time
  • It is allowed to take a shower 48 to 72 hours after the surgery at the discretion of the surgeon (Discuss how to change the dressing with your surgeon)
  • Do not do heavy work lifting heavy weights for 2 weeks separately
  • Surgical incisions should not be in contact with water for 3 weeks
  • Use abdominoplasty dress except when bathing (duration of use 3 months)
  • Return to sedentary work after 2 weeks
4 weeks after surgery and more
Make an appointment with your surgeon.
Return to higher activity after week 3
Full recovery may take between 6 months and 1 year
Complications of abdominoplasty
Swelling, pain, accumulation of fluid in different areas, bruising, gastrointestinal disorders
And the most common complications are wound opening and surgery site infection
Of course, according to the doctor’s instructions, these complications are greatly reduced
The difference between liposuction and abdominoplasty in Iran
For young people who suffer from the accumulation of fat in the abdomen, but still do not have a sagging abdomen, only liposuction, which is performed with a variety of devices such as PAL, is recommended.
See sculpture with PAL
However, people who have lost weight due to weight loss or multiple deliveries, skin cracks due to childbirth, and even young people who have drooping skin due to high fat accumulation, abdominoplasty surgery is recommended to get the ideal result.
The priority is with minimally invasive methods, so the priority is with liposuction. If abdominoplasty surgery is not concluded, it is recommended.
The difference between abdominoplasty and obesity surgery
Abdominoplasty surgery is commonly used for people with a body mass index of less than 32 BMI
People with an index above 32 should first be treated for obesity and then have abdominoplasty surgery.
Abdominoplasty suture site
The location of the suture depends on the skin type of the person, but wound healing ointments, repair dressings, and fractional lasers can also be used to remove suture marks.

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