Temporal lift in Iran – Endotine Lift – Results and care + Price

Temporal lift in Iran

Temporal lift in Iran – Endotain Lift – Results and care + Price

Temporal lift is a non-invasive plastic surgery and does not require general anesthesia. By pulling and lifting the outer part of the eyes and eyebrows, it is one of the most effective cosmetic surgeries that makes the face look younger and more beautiful.
Wrinkles around the eyes disappear and you have a more beautiful face when you pull two vessels of the temples or temples back and forth in front of the mirror.
Some women try to lift by pulling the temples back and ponytail, which in some cases causes severe hair loss.

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Types of Temporal lift methods in Iran

Depending on the need and the amount of lift, the type of Temporal is selected
Classic method (endoscopic lift):
If the beautiful atmosphere tends to pull the skin to the sides, the classic method should be used
Endotine lift method:
If, in addition to lifting the eyebrows and eyes to the sides, you want to lift and pull the corners of the eyebrows and eyes up, the Endotine or screw lift method is used.
In this method, in addition to two 4 cm cut lines in the growing area, 2 incisions are made 2 to 3 cm above the eyebrows and inside the hair cutting line.
And with the help of endoscopic device, like the classic method, the layers are released and the fixing operation is done with the help of Endotine prosthesis.
Due to the fact that the Endotine prosthesis has a high level of contact with the soft tissue of the drug, it has a long shelf life of about 7 to 10 years and the result of the operation is much more natural.
Endotine prosthesis is composed of natural polymers and can be absorbed, and after soft tissue welding and repair of layers, it is absorbed.

Temporal lift cuts

Temporal lift surgery is performed in Iran with two types of incisions
The first type of incision is about 4 cm in front of the hairline and stitches can be seen
The second type of cut is about 1.5 cm behind the hairline and the size of the cut is about 4 cm
After releasing the deep and middle layers of the skin muscles, a lift is performed
The advantage of the second type is that the stitches are not visible
What is the best way to improve this practice?
To improve things such as removing drooping eyebrows and to some extent removing wrinkles around the eyes caused by aging and correcting the shape of the eyes and making the face more beautiful and increasing self-confidence is required.
Who are the best options for pulling Temporal skin?
To beautify the shape of the face and rejuvenate the face and eliminate some wrinkles around the eyes, Temporal lift is a good option.
Some drooping eyebrows and eyes create a sad or tired face, and pulling the migraine helps to beautify these people.
People who have eyebrows the size and shape of the eyebrows and the shape of the eyebrows is not out of normal shape due to tattoos or eyebrow implants are suitable candidates for this lift.
People who are older or have a genetic problem with drooping eyelids and eyebrows, upper eyelid surgery and Temporal lift are very suitable for these people.
Pre-Temporal lift care in Iran
Due to the non-invasive nature of Temporal lift surgery, there is no special care and, like all surgeries, smoking, hookah and alcohol should be stopped 2 weeks before surgery.
See the link to previous plastic surgery procedures
Care after Temporal lift surgery
In order to last for a long time and release the layers, it causes bruising and swelling in the upper, lower eyelids and forehead, and after one to two weeks, these bruises will disappear.
Ice packs cause faster healing
To remove bruises, place your head up and use 2 pillows when resting
After 3 weeks of Endotine lift surgery, the skin staples are removed at the surgeon’s discretion.
Endotain Lift
Endotain Lift in Iran


At what age are people suitable for Temporal skin removal?
There is no age limit for Temporal surgery, and the durability of this surgery depends on the type of skin and the type of procedure chosen.
Is the Temporal lift performed without anesthesia?
Lifts are performed in the classical way with both anesthesia and general anesthesia
However, the Endotine lift in Iran procedure should be performed under general anesthesia due to the implantation of the Endotine prosthesis, and the surgical time of the Endotine lift is longer than the endoscopic lift.

Is a lift effective without surgery?

Non-surgical lift or thread lift has a short-term effect of 3 to 5 months and may have complications such as infection.

The difference between a Temporal lift and a forehead lift

Temporal lift is for people who want to shape the eyebrows and eyes on the side and outside. Forehead lift is suitable for people who have wrinkles on the forehead due to aging.
In forehead lift, an incision is made in front of the hair growth line and the forehead lift is performed by releasing the skin layers.

But both operations are part of facial plastic surgery

The difference between a Temporal lift and an eyebrow lift
In a classic or endoscopic Temporal lift, only the Temporal and the outer part of the eyes are pulled up.
But in the endotain method, because the eyebrows are pulled up, it is also called eyebrow lift
The difference between Temporal lift and cantoplasty in Iran
In canthoplasty, the canthus part of the eye is lifted and the temporal part is not pulled out
But in the temporal lift, the cactus of the eye is also pulled out to some extent
Upper eyelid surgery and temporal lift
In some beauticians who have more severe drooping eyelids, the combination of two endotain lift surgeries and eyelid surgery will have a very positive effect on people’s beauty.
Does the temporal lift also lift the cheek?
In the temporal lift, in order to last for a long time, the release of the layers is done completely on all levels, and these releases are done up to the beautiful cheek, and after the lift, we will have a cheek lift to some extent.
Cost of temporal lift in Iran – Price of endotain lift in Iran – Cost of endoscopic lift in Iran
In the form of Endotine lift For endoscopic Cost of temporal lift surgery in Iran
Salary of a plastic surgeon Salary of a plastic surgeon
The cost of a surgical clinic or hospital The cost of a surgical clinic or hospital
Cost of preoperative photos and tests Cost of preoperative photos and tests
The cost of Endotine prosthesis


.Video of migraine lift surgery in Iran – Endotine lift

Temporal lift in Iran
Temporal lift in Iran

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