Acoustic neuroma brain tumor in Iran – treatment 2022

Acoustic neuroma brain tumor in Iran

Acoustic neuroma brain tumor in Iran

Acoustic Neuroma is a non-cancerous tumor that grows in the eighth cranial nerve.
This nerve connects the middle ear to the brain and is made up of two separate parts.
One part is involved in transmitting sounds and the other part sends information from the ear to the brain.

Acoustic neuroma, or acoustic neuroma (tumor of the auditory nerve), also known as vestibular schwannoma, is slow-growing and will appear over several years. Although they do not attack the brain, they can put pressure on the brain as it grows.
Larger tumors can put pressure on adjacent cranial nerves, the nerves that are responsible for controlling muscle expression. If the tumors are large enough to put pressure on the brain or cerebellum, they can cause complications such as death.

Acoustic neuroma brain tumor in Iran
Acoustic neuroma brain tumor in Iran

Signs and symptoms of acoustic neuroma

The signs and symptoms of acoustic neuroma are often imperceptible.
The first sign can be hearing loss in one ear with tinnitus or a feeling of heaviness in the ear.
 In some cases, this condition can lead to sudden hearing loss.
Some other symptoms that appear over time include:
  • Problems in maintaining balance
  • Dizziness
  • Facial numbness that can be continuous
  • Feeling weak in the face
  • Change in taste
  • Swallowing problems
  • Headache
  • Feeling confused
The important thing is to see the best brain tumor surgeon if you notice any of these symptoms.
What causes acoustic neuroma?
There are two types of acoustic neuroma: one that occurs occasionally and the other that is associated with a syndrome called neurofibromatosis type 2, an inherited disorder that is associated with the growth of noncancerous tumors in the nervous system.
 Acoustic neuroma is the most common of these tumors, often seen in both ears.
Neurofibromatosis type 2 is a rare disorder that affects only five percent of acoustic neuromas.
 This means that in most cases, people get the diffuse type of the disorder.
The underlying cause of the disorder is not yet known, but factors such as radiation exposure, especially to the head and neck, can increase the risk.
Acoustic neuroma brain tumor in Iran
Acoustic neuroma brain tumor in Iran

Definitive treatment of acoustic neuroma

The treatment steps are:

Patient supervision

Because acoustic neurinoma is noncancerous and slow-growing, prompt treatment is not necessary and the patient should be monitored and cared for.
Tumor growth and progression are often monitored by MRI scan, and if symptoms increase or symptoms appear, treatment will begin.
Acoustic neuroma surgery
Surgery can involve removing part or all of the tumor. There are three types of surgery:
– Make an incision under the ear and remove the bone behind the ear or part of the middle ear. This method is used for tumors larger than three centimeters.
 This procedure allows the surgeon to access the cranial nerves before the tumor is removed.
Access to the back of the tumor by opening the skull, close behind the head. This procedure is done for tumors of all sizes and will not damage your hearing.
Removal of part of the bone above the auditory canal, in order to access and remove tumors. This method also does not damage the hearing.


Radiotherapy is prescribed for some types of acoustic neuroma tumors.
In this method, a high dose of radiation is irradiated to the tumor, while the least amount of damage will be done to the surrounding tissues.
Radiotherapy is applied in one of two ways:
Single-session stereotactic radiotherapy, in which thousands of laser beams are applied to a tumor in one session.
Multi-session stereotactic radiotherapy, in which a low dose of radiation is given to the tumor daily or for several weeks.
Both procedures are performed on an outpatient basis and do not require hospitalization.
This procedure is done to kill the tumor cells or to stop and slow down the growth of the tumor and the tumor will not be removed.
Appropriate and effective treatment will be considered for the patient according to the following factors:
  • Tumor size
  • Tumor growth rate
  • Patient age
  • Patient medical condition
  • The severity of symptoms and its impact on quality of life

The best Acoustic neuroma brain tumor in Iran

To treat and diagnose this tumor, you must refer to the best neurosurgeon in Iran to prescribe the best treatment for you by carefully examining the problem.
The doctor’s expertise and skill in treatment is very important and affects the patient’s life.
Be very careful in choosing a brain tumor surgeon to get a good result from the surgery.

الدکتور مهدي زينلی الزادة – استاذ جراحة المخ و قاعدة الجمجمة

Dr. Mehdi Zeinalizadeh – professor in brain surgery and cranial base


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