Arm lift price in Iran – Lipomatic arm cost 2022

Arm lift price in Iran

Arm lift price in Iran – Lipomatic arm cost 2022

To calculate the cost of lipomatic arm surgery or Arm lift price in Iran, the following factors are effective
Surgeon and hospital salaries have the greatest impact
Table of lipomatic arm cost and arm lift price in Iran
Surgeon’s salary Lipomatic arms between $ 500 and $ 1,000 Arm Lift between $ 1000 and $ 2,000
Hospital costs Between $ 200 and $ 500 Between $ 300 and $ 600
Preoperative tests Between $ 80 and $ 200 Between $ 80 and $ 200
Bra price after surgery Between $ 30 and $ 100 Between $ 30 and $ 100
The cost of medicine Less than $ 50 Less than $ 50
Hidden Costs Of Arm Surgery Between $ 30 and $ 100 Between $ 30 and $ 100

According to the table of costs of arm slimming surgery in Iran, we will deal with it in more detail

Cost of surgeon’s salary for lipomatic arm or arm lift in Iran

The price and salary of surgeons usually vary depending on the skill and expertise of the surgeon and the city and location of the surgery
This operation is usually performed by a specialist plastic surgeon
To choose the best arm lift surgeon, you should see the surgeon’s history and a photo of the surgeon’s portfolio
The liposuction devices used by the surgeon are also effective in the cost of surgery
Pal and visor devices usually cost more than lipomatic devices and have better results
In arm slimming surgery, due to the fact that liposuction surgery has fewer steps and less time than arm lift, usually the price of arm lift is twice as much as lipomatic arm lift.
Arm lift price in Iran
Arm lift price in Iran

Hospital fee for arm slimming operation in Iran

Liposuction or arm lift is possible under anesthesia or anesthesia
These operations can be performed both in the hospital and in the surgery clinic
Surgery in a hospital is usually more expensive than a surgery clinic
People who have blood problems or heart problems or underlying diseases or are old, it is recommended to do this operation in the hospital.
The difference between a hospital and a surgery clinic is having cardiologists and other specialists in the hospital and receiving a blood package if needed
People who do not have an underlying disease or blood problem can have surgery at a surgery clinic
Liposuction and arm lift usually do not require overnight hospitalization, but if the patient wishes, he can be hospitalized overnight, which is added to the total cost.

Cost of pre-arm slimming tests in Iran

Inform the surgeon during the visit if you have an illness
Heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, thyroid, blood diseases can be done if controlled
The cost of heart counseling
Cardiac counseling is usually done by a cardiologist for people over the age of 40, and the letter allows for arm slimming
The cost of a heart consultation, if you do not have a heart problem, includes the cost of an ECG and a visit to a cardiologist
If a heart problem is observed, the heart problem must first be resolved and the cost of heart treatment paid
The cost of a blood test
A blood test is required before the arm slimming operation. Koch is usually the following tests
CBC, FBS, BUN, Creatinine, SGOT, SGPT, ALK.P, T4, T3, TSH, PT, PTT, HCV Ab, HIV Ab, HBs Ab, Hbs Ag
The test result is usually ready in 24 hours
The cost of a blood test is usually between 200,000 and 400,000 tomans
If a blood problem is observed, the problem must be treated first and treatment costs must be paid

Price of Lipomatic Arm Bra in Iran

Lipomatic arm has different brands and types of Iranian and foreign models, and usually foreign brands are more expensive
The arm lift Bra should cover the entire area of the operation with pressure to have the desired result, and the size of the lipomatic medical gun will be given to you by the surgeon.
Usually, the use of a gene is very effective in the treatment process and the result of arm slimming surgery, and it is used for one to two months, and it should be used most of the day and night.
The price of different types of lipomatic arm medical Bra is Between $ 30 and $ 100 and it affects the Arm lift price in Iran

Lipomatic Arm Bra

Cost of medicine Slimming arm surgery in Iran

Antibiotics and antibiotic ointments and restorative and analgesic are usually given by the surgeon

Timely and correct use of these drugs prevents the complications of arm slimming surgery

Most drugs are usually Iranian and do not have a high cost and price and are under $ 50

The hidden costs of arm surgery in Iran

After 2 weeks, using a silicone sheet to repair and heal wounds, especially in arm lifts, helps to reduce the stitches.

The price of silicone sheet is usually above $ 50.

After a few months and with the advice of a doctor, laser repair of the suture can help fade the suture

The cost of a laser varies depending on the type of laser and is usually more than $ 50 and affects the Arm lift price in Iran.

قیمت لیفت بازو

شد الذراعين في ايران

Brachioplasty or arm lift – Arm Liposuction in Iran


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