Breast surgery in Iran – Mammoplasty Prices 2023

Breast surgery in Iran

Breast surgery in Iran – Mammoplasty

Mammoplasty, also known as breast surgery in Iran, is a surgical procedure that aims to change the size, shape or position of the breasts.

There are many types of mammoplasty, including breast augmentation, breast reduction, and breast lift. Each type has its own techniques and methods, but the general process is similar.

What people need Breast surgery in Iran?

Mammoplasty, which refers to breast augmentation or breast reduction surgery, may be considered by several groups of people:

• Women who feel their breasts are too small or asymmetrical, and want to increase their breast size and fullness. Breast augmentation can help improve self-confidence and self-image for these women.

• Women with larger breasts that are causing physical discomfort or pain. Breast reduction surgery can help relieve back pain, neck pain, and skin irritation for these women. It can also help improve mobility and the ability to exercise and be physically active.

• Women who have lost breast volume or firmness due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, aging or weight loss. Breast augmentation can restore a more youthful breast shape and fullness.

• Men who want a more feminine chest shape. Breast augmentation, especially with implants, can create the appearance of female breasts.

• People who feel their breast shape or size does not match their gender identity. For example, a transgender woman may consider breast augmentation to develop breasts, while a transgender man may consider breast reduction surgery.

• Younger patients with asymmetrical or underdeveloped breasts. Breast augmentation can be used to encourage symmetrical breast development during puberty.

• Women who have had a mastectomy to treat breast cancer. Breast reconstruction typically involves implants or natural tissue flaps to recreate one or both breasts.

So in summary, good candidates for mammoplasty include women who want larger, smaller or more uplifted breasts, as well as some men and people identifying as transgender or gender non-conforming. The reasons for Breast surgery in Iran can be both cosmetic and medically therapeutic.

Different types of Breast surgery in Iran

The main types of mammoplasty or Breast surgery in Iran include:

Breast augmentation

Also known as breast enlargement or augmentation mammoplasty. It aims to increase the size and fullness of the breasts using implants or fat transfer. The most common implants are silicone and saline implants.


breast prosthesis surgery cost Between 1,800 and 2,500 dollars

Pexy prosthesis cost Between 2,500 and 4,000 dollars

Breast lift

Also known as mastopexy. It aims to raise and reshape sagging or drooping breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue to support the newly shaped breasts. A breast lift can be done alone or in combination with breast augmentation or reduction.


mastopexy cost Between 1,300 and 2,000 dollars

Breast reduction

Also known as reduction mammoplasty. It aims to decrease the size and weight of oversized breasts by removing fat, tissue and skin. It can help relieve discomfort caused by excessively large breasts.


reduction mammoplasty cost Between 1,700 and 2,700 dollars

Breast reconstruction

Aims to rebuild or reshape the breasts after a mastectomy (surgical breast removal) or injury. It can be done using implants, natural tissue flaps, or a combination of both techniques.


Breast reconstruction cost is different and depends on the type and condition of the surgery

Nipple and areola reconstruction

Aims to improve the appearance or correct the position of the nipples and areolas. It is often done as part of post-mastectomy breast reconstruction.


Nipple and areola reconstruction cost is different and depends on the type and condition of the surgery

Gynecomastia surgery

Aims to reduce overdeveloped breast tissue in men through liposuction, breast tissue excision or a combination. It helps correct the protruding or pendulous breast appearance that can happen with gynecomastia.


Gynecomastia with liposuction cost between 800 to 1000 USD

Gynecomastia surgery cost between 1400 to 2000 USD

Fat transfer breast augmentation

A natural breast augmentation technique that uses liposuction to take fat from other parts of the body and inject it into the breasts. It provides a subtle increase in breast size without the use of implants. However, results are more variable and may be partially reabsorbed over time.


Fat transfer breast augmentation cost between 700 to 1400 USD


The surgical removal of one or both breasts, typically to treat or prevent breast cancer. Mastectomy is not generally considered a cosmetic procedure, although it may be followed by breast reconstruction.


Mastectomy cost between 1700 to 2300 USD

Mammoplasty, also known as Breast surgery in Iran, is a surgical procedure that aims to modify the size, shape, or position of the breasts. There are several types of mammoplasty, including breast augmentation, breast reduction, and breast lift. Each type has its own specific techniques and procedures, but the overall process is similar.

Breast surgery in Iran procedure

1. Preoperative assessment and consultation:

Before the surgery, you’ll have a consultation with your plastic surgeon to discuss your goals, expectations, and any potential risks. The surgeon will evaluate your overall health and take detailed measurements of your breasts, including their size, shape, and skin quality. This information will help the surgeon determine the best technique and approach for your surgery.

2. Anesthesia:

Mammoplasty is typically performed under general anesthesia, which means you’ll be unconscious for the entire duration of the surgery. In some cases, local anesthesia with sedation may be used.

3. Incision in breast surgery in Iran:

The surgeon will make an incision in the breast area, the location of which will depend on the type of mammoplasty being performed. Common incision locations include:

Periareolar incision: This incision is made around the edge of the areola, the darker skin surrounding the nipple. This incision is often used for patients who require a moderate lift and are having implants placed. It can also be used for patients who are having a breast lift without implants.

Inframammary incision: This incision is made along the fold beneath the breast, where the breast meets the chest wall. This incision is often used for patients who require a larger lift and are having implants placed. It provides the surgeon with better access to the breast tissue and allows for more precise placement of the implant.

Transaxillary incision: This incision is made in the armpit and is typically used for patients having implants placed. The implant is inserted through this incision and then moved into place in the breast tissue.

Transumbilical incision: This incision is made in the belly button and is used for patients having saline implants placed. The implant is inserted through this incision and then filled with saline after it has been placed in the breast tissue.

incision in breast Prosthesis surgery

– In the crease under the breast (inframammary fold)
– Around the areola (periareolar)
– In the armpit (transaxillary)

Breast surgery in Iran - Incision
Breast surgery in Iran – Incision

The incision size and location are chosen to minimize visible scarring and to allow for the best possible outcome.

4. Breast tissue modification:

Depending on the type of mammoplasty, the surgeon will modify the breast tissue in one or more of the following ways:

– Breast augmentation: The surgeon will create a pocket in the breast tissue and insert an implant, either above or below the chest muscle. The implant can be filled with saline or silicone gel to achieve the desired size and shape.
– Breast reduction: The surgeon will remove excess breast tissue, fat, and skin to achieve a smaller breast size. They may also reposition the nipple and areola to a more aesthetically pleasing location.
– Breast lift: The surgeon will remove excess skin and reshape the breast tissue to achieve a more youthful and lifted appearance. The nipple and areola may also be repositioned.

5. Closing the incisions:

Once the desired modifications are completed, the surgeon will close the incisions using sutures, surgical tape, or adhesive. Drains may be placed in the incision area to prevent fluid build-up during the healing process.

6. Recovery:

After the surgery, you’ll be taken to a recovery room where your vital signs will be monitored. You may experience pain, swelling, and bruising in the days following the surgery. Your surgeon will provide you with postoperative care instructions and pain management strategies to help you through the healing process.

7. Follow-up appointments:

You’ll have follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your progress and ensure proper healing. The surgeon will remove any drains or sutures and address any concerns or complications that may arise.

It’s important to note that individual experiences may vary, and the specific details of your mammoplasty procedure will be tailored to your needs and goals. Always consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss the best options for you.

Care after Breast surgery in Iran

care after mammoplasty (Breast surgery in Iran), which could include breast augmentation, breast reduction, or breast reconstruction. It’s always best to consult with your surgeon or healthcare provider for personalized care instructions. Here are some general tips to consider:

1. Follow your surgeon’s instructions: Your surgeon will provide specific post-operative care instructions, including medications, wound care, and activity restrictions. Make sure to follow them closely.

2. Wear a supportive bra: A surgical or compression bra may be recommended by your surgeon to support your breasts and help reduce swelling. Wear the bra as instructed.

3. Rest: Get plenty of rest in the first few days after surgery. Avoid lifting heavy objects, bending over, or making sudden movements. Sleep with your head and upper body elevated to minimize swelling.

4. Manage pain and swelling: Follow your surgeon’s recommendations for pain relief, which may include over-the-counter or prescription medications. Applying ice packs wrapped in a cloth to the breasts can help reduce swelling, but be sure to follow your surgeon’s guidance.

5. Keep the incision site clean and dry: Follow your surgeon’s instructions for cleaning the incision area and changing dressings. Watch for signs of infection, such as redness, increased pain, or discharge.

6. Avoid strenuous activities: Refrain from high-impact activities, heavy lifting, and exercise for the time period recommended by your surgeon. Gradually return to physical activities as directed.

7. Stay hydrated and eat well: Drink plenty of water and maintain a balanced diet to promote healing. Avoid alcohol and smoking, as they can slow down the healing process.

8. Attend follow-up appointments: Keep all scheduled follow-up appointments with your surgeon, so they can monitor your progress and address any concerns.

9. Be patient: Swelling, bruising, and changes in breast shape and size are common after mammoplasty. Allow time for your body to heal and adjust to its new appearance.

Remember, it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized care instructions and to address any concerns or questions you may have regarding your recovery.

Suitable age for Breast surgery in Iran

The appropriate age for mammoplasty or Breast surgery in Iran depends on the specific procedure and the individual patient. Some general guidelines include:

• Breast augmentation – The minimum age for breast augmentation with implants is 18 years old in most countries and states. However, breast growth is usually complete by age 18, so women in their 20s and 30s are often good candidates. Breast augmentation can be performed for older women as well, as long as they are in good health.

• Breast lift – Ideal candidates are women whose breasts have reached maturity, typically in their 20s and older. Pregnancy and breastfeeding can contribute to breast sagging, so many women get a breast lift in their 30s or 40s after having children. A breast lift can also benefit older women who want to restore a more youthful breast shape and position.

• Breast reduction – The procedure can be performed once breasts have fully developed, typically around age 18. However, breast reduction is very commonly performed in women ages 20 and older who want relief from physical discomfort and pain caused by excessively large breasts.

• Breast reconstruction – The appropriate age depends on the type of reconstruction performed and underlying medical need for mastectomy. Implant reconstruction is typically for women 18 and older. Autologous tissue flap procedures that use the patient’s own fat and muscle tissue to reconstruct the breasts may be better suited for women in their 30s and older.

• Gynecomastia surgery – Teenage boys or young men with gynecomastia may consider surgery once their breasts have been enlarged for at least 2 years and not resolving on their own. This is typically between ages 17 and 19. Adult men of any age with long-standing gynecomastia can also pursue male breast reduction surgery.

• Fat transfer – The ideal age range is 30 to 60 years old. This is because there is typically enough excess fat in these age groups to be harvested and transferred to the breasts. Younger women are still developing body fat, while fat distribution starts changing again in women over 60. However, fat transfer can work for women outside of these ages, as long as there are adequate fat stores in other areas like the thighs, abdomen or flanks.

So in summary, the recommended or typical age for most Breast surgery in Iran procedures is from the late teens, 20s and beyond. However, good health and realistic expectations are more important factors than a patient’s strict age alone. The suitability for any cosmetic Breast surgery in Iran is best determined during a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon.

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