mastectomy in Iran – breast cancer and transgender 2023

mastectomy in Iran

mastectomy in Iran

A mastectomy in Iran is an operation to remove a breast. It’s used to treat breast cancer in women and breast cancer in men. The operation takes about 90 minutes, and most people go home the following day. It can take 4 to 6 weeks to recover from a mastectomy.

Types of mastectomy in Iran

There are different types of mastectomies and the options depend on your cancer type.

Simple Total Mastectomy

Removes all breast tissue, including the nipple, areola, and some overlying skin. The muscle beneath the breast is not removed. Your lymph nodes will be checked for cancer. You will have a scar across the site where the breast was removed.

Skin-Sparing Mastectomy

Removes all breast tissue but leaves as much healthy breast skin as possible. This procedure is done when the plan is for immediate reconstruction of the breast, nipple, and areola. This option allows for more natural-looking reconstruction. This is not a safe option if there is a possibility that tumor cells are close to the skin.

Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy

Removes all breast tissue but leaves the nipple, areola, and overlying skin. The scar from this surgery is usually placed in a skin fold or on the side of the breast. This option allows for more natural looking reconstruction. This is not recommended if the cancer includes the nipple or Paget’s disease or if cancer is detected in the margins.

Modified Radical Mastectomy

Removes all breast tissue, including the nipple, areola, and axillary lymph nodes. The chest wall muscle is left intact. This procedure decreases the chance of recurrence to 1 percent per year.

mastectomy in Iran procedure

A mastectomy is a surgical procedure to remove one or both breasts, either partially or completely, for the treatment or prevention of breast cancer. There are several types of mastectomy, and the procedure chosen depends on the stage and type of cancer, as well as the patient’s preferences and overall health. Below is a brief overview of the mastectomy procedure.


Before the surgery, the patient will undergo a series of tests, including blood tests, imaging studies, and a physical examination. The medical team will also discuss the procedure, its risks, and the expected outcomes with the patient. The patient may need to stop taking certain medications before surgery, and they may be asked to fast for a specific period.


A mastectomy is generally performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon will make an incision in the breast and remove the necessary tissue. In some cases, the surgeon may also remove lymph nodes to check for cancer spread.

If breast reconstruction is planned, it may be done during the same surgery or in a separate procedure. There are various methods for breast reconstruction, including the use of implants or the patient’s tissue from another part of the body.


After the surgery, the patient will be taken to a recovery room and monitored for any complications. Pain medications will be provided as needed. The patient may have drains in place to remove excess fluid, and these will usually be removed within a week or two.

The patient will receive instructions on how to care for the surgical site and drains, as well as guidelines for resuming activities. Follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor healing, remove sutures, and discuss further treatment if necessary, such as radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

It’s important to note that every patient’s experience and recovery may vary. Please consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and recommendations.

mastectomy in Iran
mastectomy in Iran

mastectomy care after procedure

Here are some important things to know about mastectomy in Iran care after the procedure:

• Have bandages and dressings changed regularly. The bandages applied after the mastectomy need to be kept clean and dry. They will need to be changed periodically by a nurse or doctor. Watch for any signs of infection like increasing pain, redness, swelling, or pus.

• Expect drainage from the incision site. The incision area may continue to drain fluid for a week or two. Drainage tubes may be inserted during the procedure to help remove fluid. Monitor the drainage and tubes for proper functioning and any signs of infection.

• Manage pain and discomfort. You will be given pain medications to help manage pain from the incision and procedure. Use them as directed by your doctor. Ice packs, rest, and over-the-counter medications may also help reduce discomfort.

• Limit arm movement. Avoid lifting your arm above shoulder level, especially for the first week or two. This helps minimize pain and prevents damage to the incision site. Your doctor or physical therapist will provide exercises to help improve range of motion as you heal.

• Consider breast reconstruction. mastectomy in Iran leaves behind a flat chest area. Breast reconstruction can be done at the time of mastectomy or months later to build a breast shape. Discuss options with your cancer doctor and plastic surgeon.

• Attend follow-up appointments. Continue to follow up with your oncologist and any other specialists like plastic surgeons for postoperative care. Your doctor will monitor your recovery, check the incision site, and look for any signs of infection or other complications.

• Make lifestyle adjustments. You will need about 4 to 6 weeks before resuming normal daily activities and exercise. Get plenty of rest, limit stress, and eat a healthy diet to promote healing. Adjust any activities that put strain on your arms or chest area.

• Consider psychological support. Having a mastectomy can be emotionally difficult. Seek counseling or join a support group to help deal with stress, changes in body image, and any other concerns. Your doctor can provide resources for patient support groups in your area.

Breast Reconstruction After mastectomy in Iran

Breast reconstruction is a surgical procedure to rebuild the breast after a mastectomy. It is an option for women who want to restore their breast shape and appearance. The options for breast reconstruction include:

• Implant reconstruction – Silicone or saline implants are inserted under the chest muscle to recreate the breast shape. This can be done at the time of mastectomy or months later. Implants may need replacement after 10-15 years.

• Tissue flap reconstruction – Tissue from your own body, such as from the abdomen, buttocks or back is transferred to the chest area to create a new breast shape. The tissue remains attached to its original blood supply. This procedure provides a very natural result but requires a longer surgery and recovery.

• Combination of implants and tissue flaps – Sometimes an implant is used together with tissue flaps to achieve the best aesthetic outcome. This leverages the benefits of both procedures.

The pros and cons of the different options need to be discussed thoroughly with your plastic surgeon. The best option depends on your body type, general health, tissue availability and personal preferences. Some key considerations are:

• Tissue flap reconstruction provides the most natural feel but requires a longer surgery and recovery. Implants alone have a shorter procedure and healing but may need replacement over time.

• Only implants require periodic replacement (every 10-15 years) whereas tissue flap reconstruction typically lasts a lifetime.

• Both options will leave scars at the donor site and reconstruction site. The size and visibility of scars will depend on your skin type and the amount of tissue needed.

• Nipple reconstruction and coloring can typically be done once the breast shape has been achieved through implants or tissue flaps. Tattooing can also be used to provide a more natural looking nipple and areola.

• Reconstruction provides psychological and aesthetic benefits for most women but does not restore all sensation to the new breast. Some feeling can return over time but full sensation is unlikely.

The decision to pursue breast reconstruction is a very personal one. Discuss all options thoroughly with your doctors to determine what is safe and appropriate based on your unique situation. Reconstruction can be an important part of your recovery and acceptance process.

Transgender surgeries in Iran

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