Hollywood Smile in Iran – ceramic or composite laminate

Hollywood Smile in Iran

Hollywood Smile in Iran

The difference between ceramic laminate and composite laminate

What is the difference between a ceramic laminate and a composite laminate?

One of the common questions that more than 90% of clients have for smile designing procedure is what is the difference between a ceramic laminate and a composite laminate and why are their costs completely different?


We first outline these two treatments.


Composite laminate

Composite veneer or composite laminate is a coating that is placed and is put directly on the teeth by the dentist during a session and is completed in the same session. These composite veneers are made of the same restorative materials that are made with great skill and precision and with the knowledge of the principles of cosmetic and anatomy of teeth and are the same color as teeth.


This treatment can relieve deformity, some types of discolorations, gaps between teeth, dental cracks, tooth fractures, tooth lacerations, mild to moderate tooth decay, and etc.


Ceramic laminate

Ceramic laminate or porcelain veneer is a type of ceramic coating that, unlike a composite, requires two to three weeks to manufacture and deliver a final ceramic laminate. Ceramic lamination is used for correction of irregularities, shortness and length, tooth color correction, tooth fractures, closure of interdental gaps, enlargement of small teeth, malformed teeth and etc.


To make ceramic laminates, first the teeth are molded without cutting the surface of the tooth (except in special cases) and then sent to the laboratory for the final fabrication of veneers or ceramic laminate. The laboratory prepares it at the request of the dentist and the patient, and according to the color of the patient’s choice. And then after the ceramic laminates are prepared for the next session, the laminates are adhered or cemented.


The difference between ceramic laminate and composite laminate

One of the disadvantages of composite laminates is their inevitable discoloration, which, however, is lessened every 6 months by periodic care and polishing, and returns to its original color. Composite laminates are much less durable and fragile than ceramic laminates, but they will provide you with the appearance but they will require periodic care.

The ceramic laminates used in this center, despite their lower thickness, offer extremely high strength and are not easily damaged, the thickness of ceramic veneers are much less than composite and their appearance is more transparent and natural than composite.. This is attributable to the inherent nature of ceramics compared to composites, which are more luminous and transparent. Ceramic laminates also rarely change color and wear, and do not require continuous polishing and periodic care like composites.

In general, ceramic laminates are more resistant than composite laminates. The color stability of ceramic laminates is much higher, and the only advantage of composite laminates is that they are cheaper than ceramic laminates while achieving the desired tooth condition (which of course requires periodic checks).

Hollywood Smile in Iran

فينير الأسنان في إيران

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