Pre and post rhinoplasty in Iran – 42 important Tips

Pre- and post- rhinoplasty in Iran - 42 Tips

Pre- and post- rhinoplasty in Iran

Knowing the care and important points before and after rhinoplasty in Iran is very important and a high percentage of the success of rhinoplasty depends on these procedures.

1. Who are the right candidates for rhinoplasty in Iran ?

  • People who have reached puberty
  • People who have a bad nose appearance
  • People who are in good physical health
  • People who do not have mental problems and obsessions and have realistic expectations of the outcome of rhinoplasty in Iran
  • People who are not smokers
  • People who do not have very thin or very thick nasal skin

Who are not good candidates for rhinoplasty in Iran ?

  • Athletes, because after rhinoplasty need more care of the nose
  • People who have unrealistic expectations and if the goal of a person with rhinoplasty is to compare with the other person’s nose will be more likely to be dissatisfied
  • elderly
  • People with blood diseases and coagulation problems
  • People who are overweight
  • People with severe respiratory problems and allergies
  • People with herpes or skin ulcers
3 – Selecting the best rhino surgeon in Iran and consultation with the surgeon
  • A rhino surgeon is either a plastic surgeon or an ear, nose and throat specialist
  • By looking at photos before and after rhinoplasty and talking to people who have already had surgery, you will get useful information in choosing a surgeon.
  • During the visit, inform the surgeon about your illnesses and inform the surgeon if you are taking any medication
  • Tell us your expectations about rhinoplasty
  • Ask about the location of the surgery and its facilities
  • The rhino surgeon will give you a copy of the blood test, a nasal CT scan, a lab photo and a heart consultation (in some cases a consultation with a psychologist).
4 – 20 days before rhinoplasty, stop taking blood-thinning pills such as aspirin, gelofen and vitamin E, and also stop taking herbs.
5 – 20 days before surgery and 20 days after surgery Stop smoking, hookah and alcohol (smoking disrupts blood supply)
6-10 days to a week before rhinoplasty in Iran Send the test results and photos to the surgeon
7 – Take a bath the day before nose surgery and at least one nail on each hand should not be varnished
8- Drink enough water the day before the nose job
9- The night before the nose operation, eat a light dinner and avoid eating fatty and heavy foods
10. Do not eat or drink anything for 8 hours before the nose job
11- To perform nose surgery, you need to have a companion to accompany you home during the operation and after the operation
12- Before the nose operation, it is better to go through the route of the nose surgery site so that you do not have stress on the day of the operation and arrive on time.
13 – Avoid bringing jewelry and if you have dentures, take them out (so that no foreign objects are with you)
14. The principle of all tests should be with you
15. The identity card or national card of the applicant and a companion are required to file
16- Wear special operating clothes and take off all previous clothes and urinate if necessary
17. The nurse gives you sedatives
18. In the operating room, check your wishes again with the surgeon
19. The anesthesiologist will authorize the operation after observing the original of your tests
20. rhinoplasty in Iran usually takes 2 to 3 hours and you will stay in recovery for about one to two hours.
21. Feel cold when you wake up and do not worry
22. The nurse injects painkillers into the serum
23. After about an hour and with a doctor’s prescription, you can drink some water
24. After 2 hours of waking up, sweet juices like mango juice are good for you
25. Ice packs around the surgical site help accelerate the healing of bruising and swelling, and do it every hour for 3 days.
26. After waking up, walk a little with the help of a nurse
27. After a few hours and being alert, if you urinate, you can be discharged and return to your place of residence with the help of your companion.
28. Avoid strenuous head movements, keeping your head down and laughing and facial movements
29. Keep your head high for at least 24 hours, if possible, and use 2 pillows when sleeping
30 – Use mixed and soft liquids and foods for up to 24 hours. Avoid foods and fruits that need to be chewed, such as carrots, apples, etc., and avoid salt in the first few weeks.
31. Use medications and ointments according to the surgeon’s instructions, always keep the inside of the nose oily with tetracycline ointment
32. Avoid finning, sneezing and talking too much in the first few weeks
33. In case of bleeding, change the dressing and try to stop the bleeding
34. Do not neglect foods that are useful for reducing facial swelling. Pineapple juice, aloe vera and celery can help reduce facial swelling.
35. On the second or third day after the operation, the first visit with the surgeon will remove the nasal tampon if the surgeon has given it to you.
36. Ask your surgeon for help with bathing and rinsing your nose
37. One week to 10 days after the operation, the second visit is with the surgeon and the nasal plaster or tampon is removed.
38. Ask your surgeon how to apply the correct adhesive, and it usually takes between one and two months to apply the nasal adhesive.
39. Do not wear glasses and sunglasses for two months and avoid exposure to sunlight and dust in the first weeks.
40. In the first months after rhinoplasty in Iran , there is swelling and do not worry about the symmetry of the nostrils and prevent others from judging
41. Talk to your surgeon about the timing of post-surgery visits
42. If after a year of rhinoplasty in Iran , there are problems, talk to your surgeon so that he can repair it if necessary.
Usually after a week of rhinoplasty in Iran , you can go about your daily activities but avoid lifting heavy objects.
The results of rhinoplasty are long-term and require patience and endurance to achieve the final result


Nose adhesive training after rhinoplasty surgery in Iran


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إجراءات ما قبل و بعد عملية تجميل الأنف في ايران

Nose surgeon in Iran - sample photo and price

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For consultation, send a WhatsApp message to +98 912 384 0641
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