What you need to know about metoidioplasty in Iran

metoidioplasty in Iran

What you need to know about metoidioplasty in Iran

What is metoidioplasty?
Metoidioplasty is a type of gender reassignment surgery, also called “meta-surgery” or “meta-surgery”. This procedure uses clitoral tissue to create a neophallus, which is literally a new penis. Before surgery, you must be on hormone replacement therapy for at least a year.

Why is metoidioplasty in Iran performed?
Metoidioplasty is a surgery that is sometimes requested by people who are assigned to women at birth. This surgery helps to align their physical body with what they really are. Metoidioplasty treats sexual dysfunction.

The goal of sex reassignment surgeons is to provide the penis with the right length, normal genitals, and the ability to urinate standing up.

How common are metoidioplasty surgeries?
One survey estimates that 2% of transgender people in the United States have undergone metoidioplasty and about 25% would like to have one in the future. However, there has traditionally been difficulty in reporting accurate figures for transgender and non-binary populations. This is partly due to different and changing terms and also because data is not always collected. Numbers show that the number of gender reassignment surgeries performed is increasing and will continue to increase.

What happens before metoidioplasty in Iran?
Before surgery, you will probably do the following:

Perform a physical exam to assess your health and learn more about your medical history.
Receive patient education about the risks, benefits, and requirements of postoperative care.
To make sure you understand this method, do a mental health assessment. Health care providers also explain how it affects your life. You must have a surgical referral letter from two qualified mental health professionals. This is the time to talk about your expectations of surgery.
Use hormone therapy for at least a year.
Live according to your sexual identity for at least a year.
Get health advice, including quitting smoking and losing weight, which reduces the risk of complications.

metoidioplasty in Iran
metoidioplasty in Iran

What happens during metoidioplasty in Iran?
During metoidioplasty , your surgeon uses enlarged clitoral tissue to form a macropains. (This refers to the penis, which is less than 7 cm or about 2.57 inches long.)

Depending on your type of metoidioplasty , your surgeon may:

Release the clitoris by cutting the ligaments that connect it to the pubic bone. This procedure is called simple metoidioplasty .
Insert a plastic tube (catheter) into the bladder that is threaded through the neoplasm to keep the urethra open.
Use vaginal or cheek tissue to lengthen the urethra.
Use genital tissue to increase the length and circumference of the neophagus.
You may want to have other surgeries or additional changes during this surgery. These choices include whether your urethra is longer or not, whether you are having a scrotoplasty (to create a scrotum) or a vaginectomy (to close the vagina, with or without a hysterectomy and oophorectomy). You may want to add testicular prostheses. (Testicular implantation).

What happens after metoidioplasty ?
After metoidioplasty , you need time to heal. Sometimes surgery is done in several stages and subsequent surgeries are done two to four months after your first surgery.

What are the benefits of metoidioplasty ?
The benefits of metoidioplasty include:

Having a genitals that are aesthetically pleasing.
Maintain a sense
Ability to urinate while standing

What are the risks or complications of metoidioplasty ?
Any method has risks such as infection. Complications of metoidioplasty include:

Urethral stricture (narrowing) due to scarring.
Urinary fistula (connection between the urethra and other organs)
Urinary tract infections (UTIs).
Sexual function problems.
Another complication is that you may be unhappy with the results of the surgery. Some people who have had metoidioplasty choose another surgery called phalloplasty in the male genital area.

What is the recovery time after metoidioplasty ?
You should be able to walk and do light activities after about a week and resume your normal activities after about six weeks.

When should I see a doctor about metoidioplasty ?
If you have had metoidioplasty , you should always follow your surgeon’s recommendations for a visit and recovery plan. Your healthcare team is always ready to answer questions, so do not hesitate to contact us about your concerns.

However, if you:

Have symptoms of infection such as fever, swelling or pus.
Have excessive bleeding.
You have difficulty or pain urinating.
You have a body ache that seems too long or too severe.

What is the difference between metoidioplasty and phalloplasty?
Metoidioplasty uses the existing genitals – inures and vaginal tissue – to create the penis. The new penis is more of a macropains. The feeling you had in that area will not go away. You can have an erection after metoidioplasty .

In phalloplasty, larger flaps of skin and muscle from other parts of the body, such as the forearm, thigh, or back, are used to create the penis. The penis formed in a phalloplasty is probably larger and more natural, but you will need other methods to be able to get an erection. Some people may decide after metoidioplasty
To perform phalloplasty.

A note from the Cleveland Clinic

Metoidioplasty is a surgery that removes the penis from pre-existing genital tissue. If you have decided to have metoidioplasty , you have done a lot of research before. Work with your healthcare providers to make sure you understand all of your options and potential side effects. Discuss your expectations. You may or may not need more surgery

آنچه در مورد متودیوپلاستی باید بدانید

Dr. Mehrdad Baghaee – advanced plastic and aesthetic surgeon

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