Surgery for Meningioma in Iran 2022 –

Surgery for Meningioma in Iran

Surgery for Meningioma in Iran 2022

What is meningioma?

Among the types of disorders and diseases related to the brain, meningioma is one of the most common.
Meningioma is the most common and well-known brain tumor, and it is interesting to note that the majority of people who receive a diagnosis of brain tumor have meningioma.
This tumor is not inside the brain, but originates from the outer membrane of the brain and spinal cord called “meninges”.
There is a tissue called meningioma in the brain and spinal cord that is there to protect the brain and spinal cord, and if tumors grow in these tissues, it means that the brain meningioma is in front of the patient.
To date, the prevalence of meningiomas has often been higher in older women, and fortunately about 90% of them have been reported to be benign, despite their slow growth.
Research and experience, of course, in rare cases have shown them to be malignant.

Treatment for Meningiomas

Meningiomas can cause a variety of problems depending on their location in the patient’s brain. Symptoms can take many forms, including changes in vision, persistent and, of course, progressive headaches, hearing loss, memory loss, and Seizures, weakness and paralysis of the limbs are also among them.
Cause of meningioma
Research has shown that meningioma sometimes has a genetic background, as has been the case in a number of families.
On the other hand, some studies have suggested that people who have been exposed to “high-dose radiation to the brain” may develop the tumor.
Repeated dental radiographs are one of the movements that increase the risk of meningioma.
Treatment of meningioma, like many other diseases, has potential options, one of which is radiation to the brain and the other to surgery, which usually depends on the size of the tumor, its exact location and the patient’s symptoms, one of these strategies by an experienced brain surgeon Will be selected.
There is, of course, a third option called “stereotactic radiosurgery,” in which doses of concentrated beam of light are irradiated over a small area. It goes without saying that this may be for patients who do not intend to have surgery or are good candidates for the procedure. Surgery is not considered to be used and not every disease.
A tumor called a brain meningioma grows slowly, and because it sometimes does not cause any symptoms, the brain surgeon may only follow the growth of the brain tumor periodically by doing a brain scan.
Most of these tumors, although benign, if they spread to the brain as they grow, cause disorders in the brain by pressing on important parts of the brain and spinal cord.
Surgery for Meningioma in Iran
Surgery for Meningioma in Iran
Brain meningioma growth site
  • Inside the skull or base of the skull
  • The wall of the brain or spinal cord
  • In the optic nerve sheath (the nerve that connects the eye to the brain)

Cause of brain meningioma

To the extent that the available knowledge is sufficient, in scientific studies and researches, the exact cause or reasons for the formation of this tumor have not been discovered yet, but so far, mainly genetic and environmental factors have been mentioned.
Symptoms of cerebral meningioma
In most cases, cerebral meningioma does not have specific symptoms, but some people have symptoms such as:
  • Convulsions
  • Partially deaf
  • Visual impairment
  • Weakness and weakness of arms and legs
  • Impaired concentration and senses
  • Headache

Diagnosis of cerebral meningioma

The diagnosis of cerebral meningioma is also an immediate and perfect solution, which is the use of MRI imaging, during which, if the contrast material is used, high-resolution images and accurate details are obtained.

Surgery for Meningioma in Iran

The most effective and best treatment for it is surgery. Sometimes, in this surgery, not all the tumor is removed and only a part of it is removed.
This is because the tumor is in sensitive areas of the brain and blood vessels, and it is feared that these areas will be damaged when the tumor is removed.
However, everything that is done during a meningioma operation by the best brain surgeon, or in other words, the best brain surgeon, is and is for the immediate recovery of the patient.
The brain surgeon has a detailed knowledge of the most vital organ and commander of the body, the brain, which is involved.

Is it possible for a meningioma to return to the brain even after surgery?

Yes, it is possible for a meningioma to return to the brain after surgery
Therefore, doctors recommend radiotherapy or radiation therapy after surgery to reduce this possibility.

Surgery for Meningioma in Iran

الدکتور مهدي زينلی الزادة – استاذ جراحة المخ و قاعدة الجمجمة

Dr. Mehdi Zeinalizadeh – professor in brain surgery and cranial base

Surgery for Meningioma in Iran

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