treatment Spinal stenosis in Iran – Symptoms 2022

treatment Spinal stenosis in Iran

treatment Spinal stenosis in Iran

Spinal stenosis in Iran is a procedure that is performed to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots caused by spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis in Iran is a condition in which the spaces within the spine narrow, compressing the spinal cord or nerve roots and causing pain, numbness, or weakness in the arms or legs.

The most common surgical procedure for spinal stenosis in Iran is called a laminectomy. During this procedure, the surgeon removes a portion of the lamina, which is the bone that covers the spinal cord and nerve roots. This creates more space for the spinal cord and nerve roots, relieving pressure and reducing symptoms.

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The steps of a laminectomy procedure can vary depending on the specific case and surgeon’s technique, but generally include:

1. Anesthesia: The patient is positioned on the operating table, and anesthesia is administered to ensure that the patient is comfortable and pain-free during the procedure. The type of anesthesia used can vary, but general anesthesia is commonly used for this surgery.

2. Incision: The surgeon makes a small incision in the skin over the affected area of the spine. The size and location of the incision can depend on the location and severity of the spinal stenosis.

3. Removal of Lamina: The surgeon uses instruments to remove a portion of the lamina, which is the bone that covers the spinal cord and nerve roots. The surgeon may also remove any bone spurs or other structures that are compressing the spinal cord or nerve roots.

4. Closure: Once the lamina has been removed, the surgeon carefully repositions the muscles and tissues and closes the incision with sutures or staples. A bandage is placed over the incision, and the patient is taken to the recovery room.

After the surgery, the patient is closely monitored in the recovery room to ensure that they are stable and comfortable. Most patients are able to go home the same day or the day after the surgery.

The recovery time after a laminectomy can vary depending on the individual case, but most people can expect to return to normal activities after a few weeks. Physical therapy may also be recommended to help the patient regain strength and flexibility in the affected area.

Spinal canal stenosis is the narrowing of the nerves through which the nerve protrudes. In the following, we will discuss the methods of treatment Spinal stenosis in Iran

This narrowing of the spinal canal puts pressure on the nerve, resulting in pain and numbness, which extends to the lower back, buttocks, and legs.

Treatment options for spinal stenosis include anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy and steroid injections.
Doctors may recommend surgery for people with severe spinal stenosis.

What are the types of spinal canal stenosis?

Spinal canal stenosis is divided into different types, in terms of location, spinal canal stenosis is divided into three categories.

  1.  Central type
  2.  Environmental type
  3.  Type of stenosis of the intervertebral foramen.

Both clinically and MRI, each of these three types of stenosis has different symptoms.

But in advanced patients, all three parts are usually narrowed.

Patients with central spinal canal stenosis usually present with intermittent lameness, meaning that the patient develops leg fatigue after standing or walking for a while and is practically unable to continue walking and has to rest for a few minutes and then continue walking. Give.

Patients with peripheral spinal canal stenosis show symptoms of nerve root pain as well as intermittent lameness.

Patients with type 3 stenosis, in which only the nerve hole is narrowed, present with severe shooting pain in the lower extremities that is similar to that of a lumbar disc rupture and usually lacks intermittent claudication.


Spinal stenosis in Iran
treatment Spinal stenosis in Iran

What are the causes of spinal canal stenosis?

1- Increasing age:

Basically, people get spinal canal stenosis with age. This is because the joints behind the spine, called facets, wear out, causing them to become out of shape and actually enlarge the facets.

Because as we age, our muscles weaken, our ligaments relax, and as a result, more pressure is put on the fasts, making them unstable and loose.

Fasters have to increase their contact surface to compensate for this pressure and create stability in the spine and prevent loosening of the spine.

That is, they have to grow up to be able to withstand the pressure of our weight, and this causes the spinal canal to narrow.

2- Genetics:

In some people, the diameter of the spinal canal is smaller than in normal people.

3- Heavy jobs:

Typically, those who have jobs whose backs move a lot when working, such as jobs that require bending to turn.

4- Inheritance:

People in the family of people close to them, such as their parents or siblings, suffer from spinal canal stenosis. As a rule, the backbone of these people is similar to their close relatives.

5- Congenital patients:

Like achondroplasias, these people have short limbs, large heads, and are prone to spinal stenosis.
Because their spinal canal is small in diameter. After the age of 30, they develop symptoms of spinal canal stenosis. An MRI is done.

6- Rheumatic diseases:

Like rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, they can make a person more prone to spinal stenosis.

Because in these diseases, the joints of the spine or fast become inflamed and this inflammation increases their growth.

What are the treatment Spinal stenosis in Iran ?

There are basically four ways to treat spinal stenosis

One is the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, the other is physiotherapy and acupuncture manipulation, and the third is injections into the spine, and the fourth is spinal surgery.

Surgery is usually the best and most lasting treatment.

But before surgery, it is necessary to perform simpler treatments for the patient as described above.

If you do not respond to simpler treatments, surgery is recommended for the patient.

Many of these patients find the non-surgical treatments described above, especially with injections into the spine.
Non-surgical treatments are recommended in patients who do not have neurological symptoms.

Normally, if the patient has problems controlling urination and defecation or the patient’s foot is weak when walking on the heel or toe, surgical treatment is recommended from the beginning.

Because the patient loses time and may find irreversible neurological symptoms.

What are the symptoms of spinal canal stenosis?

  1.  Pain in the lower back
  2.  Pain and burning that starts from the buttocks and continues to the back of the thighs and legs. (In the path of the sciatic nerve) Sciatica may occur in both lower extremities or in only one lower extremity.
  3.  Drowsiness of lower limbs (legs),
  4.  Tingling of the lower limbs (legs),
  5. – cramps or cramps or muscle spasms of the lower limbs (legs),
  6.  Weakness and incapacity and weakening of the lower extremities (legs)
  7.  Loss of foot feeling.
  8.  Weakness in the legs, which usually a person can not bring his toes and ankles up and walk on the heel, which is called drooping.
  9. Weakness of leg muscles so that a person can not walk on the toes.


treatment Spinal stenosis in Iran
treatment Spinal stenosis in Iran

Living with spinal canal stenosis

Spinal stenosis is a disease of the elderly, that is, a disease of people over 60 years of age. In other words, the disease is retired.
The disease has a wide range and can range from mild to very severe.

The disease can cause vague symptoms such as partial drowsiness of the lower extremities to severe neurological symptoms, such as paralysis of the limbs and urinary and fecal incontinence.

Spinal canal stenosis usually has noisy symptoms because it develops chronically and gradually over the years.
But because older people need it or walk for cardiovascular health, it actually affects their lives.

Because such patients tend to do their work sitting down and do not want to exercise and walk, and this is why the phenomenon of aging actually progresses faster in them.

The important point in life with spinal canal stenosis is how much this disease affects a person’s quality of life.

Normally, non-surgical treatments are sufficient if the patient can walk and have an acceptable life,

but if the patient can not walk and does not have a good quality of life or has frequent falls and falls while walking due to imbalance.

It is advisable to have surgery so that he can spend the rest of his life in good quality.

treatment Spinal stenosis in Iran by doctor Mohammad Zarei

Dr. Mohammad Zarei- Orthopedist specializing in spinal surgery in Iran

دكتور محمد زارع – أخصائي جراحة العظام والعمود الفقري في إيران

Dr. Mohammad Zarei- Orthopedist specializing in spinal surgery in Iran

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