Surgery of skull base tumors in Iran 2024

skull base tumors in Iran

Surgery of skull base tumors in Iran

Skull base tumors in Iran is one of the most complex brain surgeries that requires high precision and expertise. Skull base tumors are located in an area of the skull that contains a large number of important nerves and blood vessels. Because of this, it can be very challenging to reach the tumor and remove it without damaging these vital structures.

Here are some important aspects of skull base tumor surgery:

Diagnosis and planning

Accurate imaging: using MRI and CT is necessary to determine the exact location of the tumor, its size and its effect on the surrounding tissues.

– Angiography: may be necessary to evaluate blood flow and blood vessels.

– Biopsy: In some cases, a biopsy is performed to determine the type of tumor before planning surgery.

Surgical procedures

– Open surgery: using surgical incisions to directly access the tumor.

– Endoscopic surgery: using an endoscope through natural holes in the body (such as the nose) or small incisions.

– Stereotactic surgery and radiosurgery: using precise rays to treat the tumor without the need for surgical incision.


– Difficult access: Tumor location near important nerves and vital structures.

– Bleeding: the possibility of bleeding during the operation due to the presence of large blood vessels.

– Neurological complications: possibility of damage to nerves and brain tissues.


Post-operative care: may include special neurological care, physiotherapy and speech therapy.

Follow-up with imaging: to check for tumor recurrence or to assess the progress of recovery.

– Complementary treatments:

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy: to destroy remaining tumor cells or control the growth of tumors that cannot be completely removed.

– Management of complications: in case of complications such as infection, brain swelling or neurological problems.

– Psychological and social support: Patients and their families may need psychological support to cope with the stress and changes caused by surgery.

Results and prognosis

– Long-term results: Depending on the type of tumor, the amount of tumor removal and the presence of complications, the treatment results are different.

– Prognosis: Some skull base tumors are benign and have a low probability of recurrence, while other tumors may be malignant and more resistant to treatment.

Choosing a surgeon and treatment center

– Expertise and experience: It is very important to choose a surgeon and medical team who have expertise and experience in the field of skull base tumors in Iran.

– Well-equipped centers: surgery in well-equipped medical centers with access to advanced technology should be considered.

Surgery for skull base tumors requires careful planning, high expertise and skill of the surgeon, as well as careful post-operative care. Patients who undergo such procedures must be physically and mentally prepared and have good support from the treatment team and their families.

skull base tumors in Iran
skull base tumors in Iran

When is surgery necessary for skull base tumors?

Surgery for skull base tumors in Iran may be necessary in the following situations:

1. Neurological symptoms: If the tumor causes neurological symptoms such as headache, vision changes, weakness or numbness in one area of the body, or changes in memory or behavior, surgery may be necessary to relieve these symptoms and relieve pressure on the structures. Neurologically important.

2. Tumor growth: If the tumor is growing or is large enough to put pressure on brain structures, surgery may be necessary to prevent further damage.

3. Potential health risk: Some tumors may be considered dangerous because of their location or tissue type and may spread quickly to other parts of the body or disrupt brain function.

4. Tumor type: Some tumors such as meningiomas, schwannomas or craniopharyngiomas may be more amenable to surgery, while other tumors may be manageable with non-surgical treatments such as radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

5. Surgical accessibility: If the tumor is in a location that is accessible for surgery and the risks of surgery are less than its benefits, surgery is recommended.

6. Improved diagnosis: In some cases, surgery may be performed to improve the diagnosis, which means that by removing the tumor or part of it, a sample can be obtained for biopsy and more precisely determining the type of tumor and the best course of treatment.

7. Patient Preference and Medical Team Consultation: Some patients may prefer to have surgery to obtain the best possible outcome based on the recommendations of their healthcare team.

The decision to perform skull base tumor surgery should be based on careful medical examination, consultation with neurosurgery specialists, and consideration of all possible risks and benefits.

skull base tumors in Iran can be very complicated because these tumors are usually located near vital brain structures and cranial nerves.

Endoscopic skull base tumor surgery

Endoscopic skull base tumor surgery is a relatively new and advanced technology that uses an endoscope to access and remove tumors in the skull base. This method has several advantages over traditional open surgery, but it is not always suitable for every type of tumor or patient. Here are several important aspects of endoscopic skull base tumors in Iran:


– Less invasive: The endoscopic method is less invasive and usually results in faster recovery and less post-operative pain.

– Reduced risk of infection: due to smaller incisions, the possibility of infection is less.

– Better view: surgeons can have a better view of the desired area thanks to the endoscopic camera.

– Reduction of damage to healthy tissues: due to greater accuracy in accessing the tumor, damage to the surrounding tissues is reduced.

– Reduction of hospitalization time: hospitalization time and the need for post-operative care are reduced.


Access limitations: Endoscopy may not be suitable for all tumor types or tumor locations.

– Special skills: This procedure requires special surgical skills and complex equipment.

– May not be suitable for large or complex tumors: If the tumor is very large or complex, endoscopy alone may not be sufficient.

Surgical procedure:

– Preliminary examinations: before surgery, detailed diagnostic examinations such as MRI or CT scan are performed.

– Surgical planning: based on the diagnostic images, the surgeon determines the best way to access the tumor.

– Performing the operation: the surgeon through the natural channels of the body, endoscopic skull base tumors in Iran is considered one of the new and minimally invasive methods in neurosurgery. This technique is used to remove tumors that are located in complex and difficult-to-access areas of the skull base.

The use of an endoscope allows for more accurate observation and a more limited intervention, which can help reduce recovery time and increase surgical accuracy.


Steps of endoscopic surgery of skull base tumor:

1. Diagnosis and planning: First, the tumor is identified and its position determined using accurate imaging such as MRI or CT scan. Then a detailed surgical plan is developed.

2. Endoscopic access: Surgery is usually performed through natural routes such as the nose or mouth. This reduces the need for external incisions and helps make the procedure less invasive.

3. Use of special equipment: special endoscopes and precise surgical tools are used to remove the tumor.

4. Monitoring and security: During the operation, the patient’s vital functions are carefully monitored to ensure minimal damage to healthy tissues and important functions.

5. Tumor removal: The tumor is carefully removed with minimal damage to the surrounding tissues.

6. Review and the end of the operation: After removing the tumor, the operation site is carefully reviewed to ensure the absence of residual tumor and bleeding.


– Reducing the risk of infection and bleeding
– Shorter recovery period
– Reducing pain and discomfort after surgery
– Smaller and less obvious scars
– Higher accuracy in tumor removal

Care after skull base tumors in Iran

Care after skull base tumor surgery is very important to ensure rapid recovery and prevent postoperative complications. Below are some key steps of post-surgery care:

Immediate post-operative care:

Vital monitoring: The patient is monitored after surgery so that vital signs such as blood pressure, heart rate and breathing remain normal.

Pain management: Pain management is an important part of the healing process. Pain relievers may be prescribed to reduce pain.

– Prevention of infection: In order to prevent infection, prophylactic antibiotics may be prescribed.

Hospital care:

Swelling control: Swelling around the surgical site is normal. Using a cold compress can help reduce swelling.

– Nutrition: proper nutrition is essential for recovery. Initially, feeding may be through feeding tubes or fluids.

– Physiotherapy and rehabilitation: If necessary, physiotherapy and rehabilitation activities may be started to improve muscle function and strength.

Home care:

Sufficient rest: Sufficient rest is essential for recovery.

– Following medical instructions: following medical instructions carefully, including bandage changes and taking medications.
Limiting physical activities: the patient should refrain from heavy or strenuous activities until complete recovery.

– Attention to warning signs: such as increased pain, swelling, redness or discharge from the surgical site, fever, dizziness, changes in vision or hearing, and any change in mental state.

– Proper nutrition: having a balanced and nutritious diet to speed up the healing process


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