Breast reconstruction in Iran – After breast cancer – 3 main methods

Breast reconstruction in Iran

Breast reconstruction in Iran after breast cancer

Breast reconstruction in Iran after breast cancer is an optional procedure that can help restore the appearance of the breast after a mastectomy. This surgery can be performed at the same time as the mastectomy (simultaneous reconstruction) or after complete recovery and completion of other treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy (delayed reconstruction).

Types of breast reconstruction surgery:

1. Reconstruction using prostheses: This method involves the use of silicone or saline prostheses to create a breast shape.

2. Living tissue reconstruction (flap): In this method, tissue (skin, fat, sometimes muscle) is removed from other parts of the body such as the abdomen, back, or thigh and is used to make a new breast.

3. Combination of prosthesis and living tissue: Sometimes, both the above methods are combined to get a better result.

Steps of Breast reconstruction in Iran :

1. Planning: Consultation with a plastic surgeon to discuss various options and choose the best method.

2. Primary surgery: creation of the primary shape of the breast using prosthesis or tissue.

3. Recovery period: it takes time to fully recover and may include several weeks to several months.

4. Complementary surgeries: Smaller surgeries may be needed to improve the shape and appearance of the breasts, including reconstruction of the nipple and areola.

Things to consider before Breast reconstruction in Iran :

– Expectations: Having realistic expectations of the results of reconstructive surgery.
– Risks and complications: awareness of possible risks and side effects such as infection, problems caused by the prosthesis, and the need for additional surgeries.
– Recovery time: understanding that complete recovery can take time and may affect the patient’s activities.

. But this information is important for someone who is looking to do this surgery:

1. Choosing a surgeon: Choosing a plastic surgeon with experience and skill in breast reconstruction is very important. Most patients consult several specialists before choosing a surgeon.

2. Recovery period: may include restrictions on physical activities, special care such as fluid drainage using drains, and a period of post-operative pain medication.

3. Results and Expectations: The results of breast reconstruction can vary dramatically from person to person. It is important to have realistic expectations of the final results.

4. Costs: It is important to check the costs of the surgery and whether insurance covers the cost of Breast reconstruction in Iran .

5. Risks and side effects: Like any other surgery, breast reconstruction can also come with risks and side effects that you should be aware of before surgery.

6. Emotional support: Breast reconstruction can affect mental health and having a network of emotional support, including friends, family and support groups, can help in the recovery process.

Breast reconstruction in Iran
Breast reconstruction in Iran

Breast reconstruction surgery with dip method

Breast reconstruction in Iran with the “DIEP Flap” (Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator Flap) method is an advanced type of breast reconstruction surgery in which tissue, including skin and fat, is used from the abdomen without removing muscle to reconstruct the breast. This technique helps to maintain muscle strength and reduce pain and recovery time after surgery.

DIEP Flap surgery steps:

1. Tissue removal: The surgeon removes the required tissue from the patient’s abdomen, where there is often excess tissue. This tissue includes skin and fat, but the blood vessels related to them are preserved.

2. Preservation of blood vessels: The blood vessels that feed the tissue (usually deep abdominal arteries and veins) are carefully isolated and preserved from the abdomen through microscopic surgery.

3. Tissue transfer: The removed tissue is transferred to the breast area.

4. Connection of blood vessels: the blood vessels of the transplanted tissue are connected to the blood vessels of the breast to ensure blood flow to the new tissue.

5. Breast shaping: The surgeon carefully shapes the transfer tissue and places it in place to restore the natural appearance of the breast.

Advantages of DIEP Flap surgery:

– Maintenance of muscle function: because the muscle is not removed, the muscle function of the abdomen is maintained.
– Pain reduction: There is usually less pain than methods that use muscle.
– More natural result: Abdominal tissue is similar in texture to the breast and can create a natural appearance.
– Improving the appearance of the abdomen: tissue transfer can work in a way like a tummy tuck (tummy tuck) and improve the appearance of the abdomen.


Breast reconstruction surgery with the term flap method

Breast reconstruction in Iran with “TRAM Flap” (Transverse Rectus Abdominis Muscle Flap) is another breast reconstruction method that uses the patient’s own body tissues to create a new breast. In this method, tissue is removed from the abdominal area and transferred to the chest area. Compared to the DIEP Flap method, which only includes fat tissue and skin, the TRAM Flap also includes the removal of part of the abdominal muscle (rectus abdominis).

TRAM Flap surgery steps:

1. Tissue removal: The tissue including skin, fat and part of the abdominal muscle is removed.
2. Tissue transfer: The removed tissue is transferred to the breast area.
3. Connection of blood vessels: In the “Free TRAM Flap” method, the blood vessels of the transitional tissue are connected to the blood vessels of the chest area. In the “Pedicle TRAM Flap” method, the vessels are attached to the tissue and there is no need to reconnect.
4. Breast shaping: the surgeon picks and shapes the tissue to create a natural appearance.

Advantages and side effects of the TRAM Flap method:


– Using natural body tissues to create breasts.
– The possibility of improving the appearance of the abdomen, similar to the results of a “tummy tuck”.

side effects:

– Longer recovery time and more pain than procedures that do not involve muscle.
– The risk of weakening the abdominal muscles and the occurrence of a hernia due to the removal of a part of the muscle.
– More scars than methods that only use fat and skin.

Choosing the right method:

Choosing between different breast reconstruction surgery procedures depends on several factors, including the patient’s overall health, the type and stage of breast cancer, the desired breast size and shape, and personal preference. The final decision should be made in careful consultation with the plastic surgeon and considering all aspects.

Recovery after breast reconstruction surgery

Recovery after Breast reconstruction in Iran can vary based on the type of surgery performed, the patient’s overall health, and the body’s ability to heal. Below are the general steps and recommendations for the recovery period after breast reconstruction surgery using methods such as the TRAM Flap:

in the hospital

– Primary care: After surgery, patients are usually hospitalized for a few days to be monitored.
– Pain control: pain management is done with painkillers.
Basic instructions: Nurses and surgeons provide instructions on wound care, nutrition, and physical activity.

at home

  • – Adequate rest: Adequate rest is essential to help heal and reduce swelling.
  • – Wound care: It is important to follow the surgeon’s instructions for the care of stitches and wounds.
  • – Avoiding heavy activities: lifting heavy objects or performing vigorous activities should be prohibited until the surgeon advises.
  • – Wearing appropriate clothes: the use of special bras or support clothes may be recommended.
    Paying attention to nutrition and hydration: eating nutritious foods and drinking plenty of water will help recovery.
  • – Following medication schedule: taking medications according to medical instructions to reduce the risk of infection and pain.

Medical referrals

Regular visits: periodic check-ups to ensure proper healing and detect any early complications.
– Attention to warning signs: if you see severe redness, unusual discharge, excessive swelling, or severe pain, call your doctor immediately.

Physical activity and rehabilitation

– Light exercises: doing light exercises recommended by the clinic or physiotherapist can help maintain flexibility and muscle strength.
– Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation programs can help return function and strengthen muscles.

mental health

Emotional support: Support from family, friends, or support groups can be helpful during recovery.
Counseling: Some people may need professional help to deal with physical and emotional changes.

Back to everyday life

– Recovery period: The recovery period can last several weeks to several months, depending on the type of surgery and individual conditions.
– Gradual return: return to daily activities and work should be done gradually and according to the doctor’s recommendations.

After Breast reconstruction in Iran , each person has their own unique experience and may face different challenges and improvements. It is important to be patient during the recovery period and give your body time to heal. Also, constant consultation with the medical team can help in achieving the best possible result.

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