Vaser Lipo in Iran – Price of Vaser Liposuction

Vaser Lipo in Iran

Vaser Lipo in Iran – Price of Vaser Liposuction

What is Vaser Lipo ?
A change in the industry of lipomatic devices with lipo Vaser device:

How Vaser Lipo works:
This system with ultrasonic technology helps the doctor to perform the suction operation easily and with less invasiveness and without any pain.
In this method, unlike other suction methods, ultrasound waves are used to break down fat cells.
After breaking down fat cells, fat is removed from the body using a suction device.
It should be noted that because the suction device removes fats from the body that were previously crushed by the Vaser, there will be no more bruising and pain after the operation and the person will have an easier recovery period after the operation.
Other benefits of Vaser Lipo include faster recovery, smoother and smoother appearance, as well as the absence of subsequent discharge after surgery.
So if you are looking for the latest devices and methods to remove your fat, Vaser Lipo is the best option for you.
Liposuction is the most advanced and modern method of liposuction
  • There is no risk of embolism
  • The amount of bruising is less
  • It does not damage the skin tissue
  • Does not require anesthesia
  • There is no limit to fat removal
  • The pain is less
  • میزان درد کمتر است

Vaser Lipo information

The price of each Vaser Lipo area is 800 $
Type of anesthesia General anesthesia or local anesthesia
Hospitalization or clinic maximum of one night
Return to work one to two weeks
Surgery time 1 to 4 hours
Initial recovery One week

The price of Vaser Lipo in Iran and the cost of Vaser Lipo in Tehran for each area of the body is 800 $

What is Lipomatic?
Lipomatic surgery is one of the new and popular procedures now, with this operation, significant changes are observed in people. This operation can be done for the abdomen on the side behind the thighs, legs, face and any part of the body where fat accumulates. This operation is performed with local anesthesia and a few small incisions in the area where we are going to remove the fat. The cannula needle enters the body from the parts where the incision was made and removes the fat by suction.
Lipomatic surgery is probably the last way that everyone chooses to get rid of fat, because it may not have achieved the desired result with exercise and diet, and therefore chooses this way to achieve their ideal weight and body.
In this operation, very small incisions are made in the body and fat is removed in this way. The small size of these incisions reduces the pain caused by the operation and prevents post-operative infection. The size of these incisions will be up to 3 to 5 mm. Was
Lipomatic operation is in fact the same liposuction operation that is performed with more modern devices called lipomatic and pul. The operation of this device is such that a long and narrow tube made of stainless steel is called a cannula. It enters the body and creates a spiral path between the adipose tissues by circular or rotating movements back and forth and up and down, so that the fat can be removed in this way. By doing this, the fat is reduced into smaller particles by a canola needle. It will make it easier to remove, and the anesthetic will be injected into the area where we are going to do the lipo using the same needle, and this anesthesia will make the operation easier and painless. The device has a compressor that will cause the doctor to perform better by transferring the wind to the cannula and creating vibration and vibration.
In the upper part of the canola, there are holes for fat suction. The pumps of the lipomatic device pass the fat out of the body through these holes and direct it to the tank, and these fats are removed from the body and can be injected into other parts of the body. Inject the body that the person wants, such as the buttocks, chest or cheeks. And because the body fat of the person used to give volume to these points, the body does not reject it and it will not be a problem after the operation, this operation is called fat transfer.
Who is not a good candidate for liposuction?
This procedure is not suitable for people with cardiovascular disease
Also, this operation is not recommended at all for people who are overweight and have a BMI above 35, because they may develop embolism after the operation, so they should first use different methods of exercise or diet, and in some cases with the help of gastric sleeve. He lost weight and then underwent lipomatic surgery.
Also, if you have a concussion, this operation is not suitable for you, and your concussion must be treated first
This procedure is not recommended at all for people who also have hemophilia
Actions before Vaser Lipo in Iran :
  • If you use herbal medicines, be sure to avoid them for two weeks before the operation
  • Be sure to stop smoking for a month to two weeks before the operation. If you are unable to quit smoking before the operation, do not quit at all until the day before the operation.
  • Preoperative blood test
  • If you are taking vitamin E, stop taking it two weeks before the operation
  • Ultrasound to check if the person is congested
  • Do not take blood-thinning medications for two weeks before surgery
  • Do not take aspirin
  • On the day of the operation, wear comfortable clothes and have your gun with you


Postoperative measures of Vaser Liposuction :
  • According to the doctor’s diagnosis, anticoagulant ampules are used for some people after practice
  • It is necessary to have a companion after the operation, the person after the operation should not sleep at all and the gastrointestinal tract should work after the operation.
  • You can take a shower 48 hours after the operation
  • The gun should be used for 6 weeks
  • In case of pain, use suppository or acetaminophen codeine
Visitor sessions after Vaser Lipo surgery:
  • After the operation, the first 2 to 5 days of the operation should be visited by a doctor once, after the first visit in the second week, then in the third month of the sixth month, and after a year, you should see a doctor. In fact, after the operation, you should visit 5 times He went to the doctor for a visit.
  • Smoking is prohibited for at least two weeks after surgery
  • If you suffer from constipation after the operation, be sure to use a laxative
  • After the operation, the diet should be followed, which will be done by the necessary guidance doctor
  • Exercise conditions after this operation: Do not exercise for the first three weeks after surgery. You can do light exercise for three to six weeks, and after 6 weeks you can return to normal routine.
  • Sleeping constantly after surgery is not the right thing to do, and after a few days it is recommended to walk
  • After the operation, the person should consume water and fruit juices and light and useful meals. For a month after the operation, avoid salt as much as possible.
Recovery period after Vaser Lipo in Iran :
Recovery period after this operation 10: A person is required to rest at home for one to two weeks. After 2 weeks, he can return to work. In total, it takes 6 months to a year for the swelling to subside and the final form of the operation to take place. Show and during this year at different intervals should be visited by a doctor.
Frequently Asked Questions about Vaser Lipo in Iran :
Is there a problem with pregnancy after visor liposuction?
No Pregnancy will not cause any problems for the person after this operation
For whom is visor liposuction ineffective?
It is not suitable for people who have a very loose post and they should do liposuction after doing it
Is it possible to perform another operation at the same time as the visor liposuction?
During lipomatous surgery, some operations such as abdominoplasty can be performed and some operations, such as hip prosthesis, cannot be performed simultaneously with this operation.
Who is a good candidate for a lipo visor operation?
Someone who eventually weighs 12 kilos with his ideal weight or has a low BMI of 33
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