Everything about lipomatic in Iran

Lipomatic in Iran

Everything about lipomatic in Iran

Lipomatic is a device that is widely used today in the removal of fat, which has a better result than abdominal surgery methods such as liposuction, in lipomatic, fat will be drained using the vibration of the device.


Lipomatic pre-care:
The type of anesthesia for the patient’s body and the area where the lipomatic surgery is to be performed should be determined in advance in consultation with the physician.
  • Before removing fats, a history of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and high blood pressure is checked by a specialist.
  • Be sure to tell your doctor if you have a history of certain surgeries (such as abdominal, flank, etc.) surgery.
  • Before the body sculpting, blood tests, pregnancy, etc. are taken from the patient.
  • Tell your doctor if you are taking any medications.
  • Be sure to tell your doctor about any changes in your weight in recent years.
  • Do not take pills such as aspirin, gelofen, etc. for two weeks before the operation.
  • Do not smoke or drink alcohol for two weeks before the fat removal operation.


Lipomatic surgery in Iran

In lipomatic operation, fats are removed from the desired areas by a lipomatic device (vaserlipo or Pal).
Liposuction of the abdomen, sides and back – fat injection to the buttocks is one of the most common choices for patients
Fat is removed from the body by canola tubes
The cannula tubes go through the holes made by the surgeon under the skin
After a few weeks, the scars of the holes disappear
Advantages of lipomatic over other body sculpting methods:
When fat cells are destroyed in this way, the areas that may remain under the skin are not in the form of a ball and the layers of fat under the skin are uniform.
Advantages of lipomatic over other methods:
Removing excess fat has many advantages, for example, it is less risky than other methods
  • It is cheaper.
  • Infection is less likely in that area.
  • It is done in a shorter time, no dimples or tightness are felt on the skin.
  • The patient recovers faster.
  • Fats are removed in moderation.
  • There is no Oscar left.
  • There is no damage to the arteries.
  • It does not cause sagging skin and even tightens the skin.
  • It causes weight loss.
  • There is no risk of burns.
  • Less pain is felt.
  • There are no stitches or incisions and there is no need to hospitalize the patient.
  • The results are completely natural.
  • The surgery is very simple and safe.
  • Liposuction with a tummy tuck is permanent.

Swelling after surgery:
In surgery, the possibility of swelling is low and discharge from the suction site takes a maximum of 36 hours, while in other methods this method is longer. Also, the possibility of infection in this method is relatively less.

Embolism after surgery
In this method, embolism is very unlikely, the patient can return home immediately after lipomatic abdominal surgery and continue his activities, and the fatigue and bruising caused by this method is much less.
Small incisions are used in lipomatics to remove and remove fat, but other methods may even require removal of the umbilicus and relocation of the umbilicus.
Postpartum pregnancy:
The use of lipomatic method has no negative effect on pregnancy and women do not need to worry about this issue.
Post-lipomatic care:
  • Prepare and take medications prescribed by your doctor to reduce pain or other short-term side effects at the right time.
  • Avoid salt and salty foods after liposuction and eat salty foods. This is very effective in reducing possible swelling after lipomatous surgery in the operated areas.
  • You may need to use some antibiotics and some anti-infective drugs to prevent possible infections at the surgical site, but they must be prepared and used with a doctor’s advice.
  • Drinking fluids is essential after lipomatous surgery. Talk to your doctor about this and of course be sure to use healthy and natural fluids.
  • An hour of walking a day will greatly help your recovery process
  • Wearing a special gun for 3 months will help you shape and improve


Lipomatic in Iran application:
Note that lipomatics is done to get rid of some fat deposits. Fats that are firmly established in the body and can not be removed with exercise and diet.
  • Fix the hump
  • Fat removal of women’s breasts
  • Fat removal of male breasts
  • Abdominal fat removal
  • Fat removal of back of the body
  • Fat removal of jowl
Lipomatic in Iran
Lipomatic in Iran

What foods should we not eat after liposuction?

  • Saturated fat: This type of fat is found in most animal by-products and fried and processed foods.
  • Sugar: Sugar and sugary foods will cause you to gain weight and lose weight as a result of lipomatic surgery.
  • Salty foods: It is necessary for people to reduce the consumption of salty foods for two to four months after lipomatic surgery.
  • Eat fatty meats: Avoid meats such as bacon or sausages and red meat as well as fatty fish.

What foods should we eat after lipomatics?

  • Fresh vegetables and fruits
  • Seafood
  • Consume a variety of nuts
  • Use of grains and cereals
  • Consume natural proteins such as white chicken and turkey
  • Consume olive oil and flaxseed oil


The amount of pain after lipomatic surgery in Iran

Two to four days after this operation, you will feel pain, but gradually your pain will decrease. Therefore, it is necessary to take painkillers and analgesics prescribed by a doctor regularly.
It is also important to note that in the first two weeks after surgery, do not take drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, Advil. Because these drugs increase the bruising of the treated areas.
You should also talk to your surgeon about taking any painkillers before or after surgery to make sure they do not contain compounds that increase bleeding.
After this operation, your surgeon will advise you to use a suitable gun to reduce pain and swelling. Wearing a gun not only helps reduce pain but also prevents pain and discomfort in some cases.




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