Breast cancer treatment in Iran – 6 methods

Breast cancer treatment in Iran

Breast cancer treatment in Iran

Breast cancer treatment in Iran depends on many factors, including the type, stage, and spread of the cancer, as well as the biological characteristics of the tumor and the patient’s overall health. Here are some common treatments that may be recommended by medical professionals to treat breast cancer:


– Lumpectomy : removing the tumor and a small part of the surrounding healthy tissue.
– Mastectomy: removal of the entire breast. There are different types of mastectomy, from skin-sparing surgeries to complete breast removal.


External radiation therapy: using radiation from outside the body to target cancer cells.
– Internal radiation therapy (brachytherapy): implanting radioactive materials temporarily inside the chest.


– Using drugs that can destroy cancer cells throughout the body.

Targeted treatments

– Using drugs that specifically attack molecules that play a role in the growth and survival of cancer cells.

Hormone Therapy

– For breast cancers that are sensitive to hormones, drugs may be prescribed that either prevent the production of hormones or block their effect.

Complementary and alternative therapies

– Includes approaches such as nutritional therapy, stress management, traditional medicine and supplements.

Supportive care

– Psychotherapy, physiotherapy and counseling to help manage the side effects of treatment and improve the patient’s quality of life.

New treatments

– Including clinical research and the use of new methods such as immunotherapy treatments and genetic techniques.

The choice of treatment strategy for each patient should be made by the health care team, taking into account the specifics of the cancer and the patient’s condition. Consultations with oncologists (cancer specialists), surgeons, radiation specialists, and genetic counselors are an important part of the decision-making process. Patients should receive complete information about options, potential complications, and expectations at all stages of treatment so that they can participate in decision-making.

It should be noted that advances in treatments and diagnostic techniques are constantly evolving, and the best treatment options are determined by the latest data and research in the medical field. Therefore, it is recommended that patients consult with up-to-date specialists in this field to learn about the latest treatment methods and receive personalized care.


Types of surgery to treat breast cancer

Surgery to Breast cancer treatment in Iran can include several different methods. The type of surgery used for each person may depend on the characteristics of the cancer, its clinical stage, the size of the tumor, the type of tissue involved, and the individual’s condition. Below are examples of the types of surgery to Breast cancer treatment in Iran:

1. Breast-conserving surgery: This method is also known as conservation surgery, in which the cancerous tumor and a small part of the healthy tissue around it are removed. After this surgery, there may be a need for lymph node surgery.

2. Mastectomy: In this method, the cancerous breast is completely removed. In some cases, the axillary lymph nodes may also be removed. Mastectomy can include simple mastectomy, radical mastectomy or modified radical mastectomy.

3. Axillary lymph node dissection: In this surgery, the axillary lymph nodes that may contain cancer cells are removed. This surgery may be performed at the same time as breast conservation surgery or mastectomy.

4. Breast reconstruction: If a breast has been removed for any reason, breast reconstruction methods can be used to revive and restore the natural appearance of the breast. These methods can include the use of breast prosthesis, reconstruction with the individual’s own body tissue (such as abdominal tissue or opposite breast tissue) or the use of tissue microsurgery methods.

It is important to consult with your doctor to diagnose and determine the exact type of surgery needed to Breast cancer treatment in Iran. He can guide you better based on your case study, medical history and other relevant factors.

Radiation therapy to treat breast cancer

Radiation therapy is one of the common methods of breast cancer treatment. In this method, high-energy rays are used to destroy or control cancer cells. Radiation therapy can be given after surgery or alone as initial treatment. Below are more details about radiation therapy for Breast cancer treatment in Iran:

1. Purpose: The main purpose of radiation therapy in breast cancer is to reduce the risk of local cancer recurrence and increase the chances of recovery and survival. The rays directly target cancer cells and try to destroy them.

2. Planning: Before starting radiation therapy, the patient goes through comprehensive planning steps. These steps include preparation of CT scan images and three-dimensional planning of radiation flow (3D radiotherapy). This precise planning helps to direct the rays more precisely to the target area and minimize damage to healthy tissues.

3. Radiation therapy sessions: Radiation therapy is usually performed as daily sessions. Usually, the treatment program is done in 3 to 6 weeks. Radiation therapy sessions can be performed externally (External beam radiation therapy) or with the help of a radiation device (Radiation implant) located inside the chest (external surgery).

4. Side effects: Some side effects may occur during radiation therapy. These side effects can include fatigue, irritation and redness of the skin, pain and swelling in the treated area, changes in the shape and size of the breast, changes in skin color, and nausea. But most people recover from these side effects within a few weeks or months after the end of the treatment.

It is important to consult with your doctor to determine if radiation therapy is right for you and for more details. He or she can give you more detailed advice about radiation therapy based on your profile and the clinical stages of breast cancer.

Chemotherapy to treat breast cancer

Chemotherapy is one of the methods used in the Breast cancer treatment in Iran. In this method, strong chemical drugs are used to reduce or destroy cancer cells. Chemotherapy usually works systemically, meaning the drugs are distributed directly throughout the body and destroy cancer cells in other parts of the body. Below are more details about chemotherapy in breast cancer:

1. Purpose: The main purpose of chemotherapy in breast cancer is to treat cancer cells in the breast and prevent them from spreading and returning. In addition, chemotherapy can be used before or after surgery as an adjunctive treatment to reduce the risk of the cancer returning.

2. Type of drugs: Chemotherapy drugs may be used as single drugs (such as doxorubicin) or in combination (such as AC, CMF, TAC, and FEC). The type of drugs and combinations used depends on the characteristics of the cancer, clinical stage, age and general condition of the patient.

3. Method of drug delivery: Chemotherapy drugs can be administered as oral tablets, intravenous (IV), intramuscular (IM) or subcutaneous (SC) injections. The method of drug transfer depends on the type of drug and the doctor’s recommendation.

4. Chemotherapy sessions: Chemotherapy is usually done in cycles or treatment periods. Each course consists of one or more sessions with rest and recovery intervals between them. The number and interval between chemotherapy sessions depends on the drugs used and other relevant factors.

5. Side effects: Chemotherapy may cause temporary side effects. Some common side effects include nausea and vomiting, severe loss of energy and appetite, nausea, vomiting, changes in hair, fatigue, muscle weakness, changes in skin texture, and nausea. However, some medications and procedures can be used to reduce or control these side effects.

It is important to consult with your doctor to determine whether chemotherapy is right for you and for more details. He can give you more detailed guidance about chemotherapy and explain treatment-related issues to you based on your profile and the characteristics of your breast cancer.

Hormone therapy to treat breast cancer

Hormone therapy is another method used in the treatment of breast cancer. In many cases, breast cancer is dependent on female hormones such as estrogen. The main goal of hormone therapy in breast cancer is to reduce the level of female hormones in the body or inhibit their function, which reduces the growth and spread of cancer cells. Below are more details about hormone therapy in breast cancer:

1. Estrogen and progesterone: Some types of breast cancer are dependent on estrogen and progesterone. In this case, drugs that act as estrogen inhibitors (such as tamoxifen) or progesterone inhibitors (such as letrozole) may be used.

2. Tamoxifen: Tamoxifen is a hormone therapy drug that acts as an estrogen inhibitor. This drug is used in the prevention and Breast cancer treatment in Iran. Tamoxifen is commonly used as initial treatment for premenopausal women and after breast cancer surgery.

3. Aromatase inhibitors: Aromatase inhibitors (such as letrozole, anastrozole, and oximetan) inhibit the aromatase enzyme, which is responsible for converting estrogen to other types in the body. These drugs are usually used in postmenopausal women with estrogen-dependent breast cancer.

4. Trastozol: Trastozol is a hormone therapy drug that acts as an estrogen receptor inhibitor. This drug is used in the prevention and Breast cancer treatment in Iran. Trastazol is commonly used in postmenopausal women with estrogen-dependent breast cancer.

5. Side effects: Hormone therapy may also cause temporary side effects. Some of the common side effects of hormone therapy include hepatotoxicity (liver toxicity), hypertension (high blood pressure), increased risk of blood clots, hypercalcemia (increased calcium levels in the blood) and side effects related to hormonal disorders. Also, in some cases, hormone therapy may lead to weak bones (osteopenia).

It is important to consult with your healthcare professional to determine whether hormone therapy is right for you and for more details. He can give you more detailed guidance about hormone therapy and explain treatment-related issues to you based on your profile and the characteristics of breast cancer.

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