Mastectomy – breast removal surgery in Iran

Mastectomy - breast removal surgery in Iran

Mastectomy – breast removal surgery in Iran

Breast removal surgery in Iran, also called mastectomy, is one of the treatment methods for breast cancer. This surgery can include the removal of all breast tissue (full mastectomy) or parts of it (partial or segmental mastectomy). Choosing the type of mastectomy depends on the stage of the cancer, the size and location of the tumor, and other factors related to the patient and his individual preferences.

Types of breast removal surgery in Iran are:

– Complete (or simple) mastectomy: the entire breast, including all the breast tissue, nipple and areola (the dark ring around the nipple) is removed. Sometimes, the axillary lymph nodes are also examined in this process.

– Modified radical mastectomy: This procedure involves removing the entire breast along with the lymph nodes under the armpit and sometimes part of the pectoral muscles.

– Radical mastectomy: This surgery, which is rarely used today, includes the removal of the entire breast, axillary lymph nodes, and pectoral muscles.

Skin-sparing mastectomy: In this procedure, most of the breast skin is preserved, except for the nipple and areola, to make breast reconstruction easier.

– Nipple-sparing mastectomy: Breast skin, nipple and areola are preserved, while the breast tissue is removed.

After a mastectomy, some patients may choose to have breast reconstruction surgery, which can be done at the same time as the mastectomy or as a separate procedure in the future. This surgery can be performed using tissue from other parts of the patient’s body (autologous reconstruction surgery) or using breast prostheses (prosthetic reconstruction surgery).

Before performing a mastectomy, the patient should consult with a specialist about their treatment options.

Mastectomy - breast removal surgery in Iran
Mastectomy – breast removal surgery in Iran

Is a modified radical mastectomy with axillary lymph node dissection?

Yes, modified radical mastectomy (Modified Radical Mastectomy ) is a surgery in which the entire breast tissue is removed along with the nipple, areola and some lymph nodes in the armpit (axillary lymph nodes). This type of surgery may not involve removing part of the chest wall or the inner chest muscles, unless the cancer has spread to these areas.

Removing the axillary lymph nodes allows doctors to assess how far the cancer has spread and determine whether cancer cells have spread to the body’s lymphatic system. This information can greatly influence subsequent decisions about adjuvant treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation or targeted therapies.

Breast conservation surgery in mastectomy

Breast conserving surgery, also commonly called lumpectomy, is a surgical procedure to preserve part of the breast, which is used in cases where breast cancer has been diagnosed at an early stage. In this procedure, the surgical team tries to remove the tumor from the breast and preserve the healthy parts of the breast.

There are different ways to perform breast conserving surgery, but in most cases, the surgeon removes the tumor along with some healthy breast tissue. Then, the part of the breast from which the tumor was removed is usually repaired with reconstructive surgery, such as a prosthetic solution, to return a more natural appearance to the breast.

The benefits of breast conserving surgery include preserving the natural appearance of the breast, maintaining sensation in the breast, and reducing the need for breast reconstruction surgeries. However, this method is only suitable for some patients and depends on the characteristics of the tumor, the size of the breast and other factors. A medical team specializing in breast diseases must decide on the type of surgery suitable for each patient.

If you or someone you are talking about needs more information about breast-conserving mastectomy surgery, it is recommended that you consult a specialist.

What people need a breast removal surgery in Iran?

breast removal surgery in Iran, which is surgery to remove all or part of the breast, is usually necessary in the following cases:

1. Breast cancer: If breast cancer is diagnosed in advanced stages and the tumor is large, there may be a need for mastectomy. Also, in some cases, if there are tumors in different parts of the breast or there are multiple tumors, mastectomy is also performed.

2. Non-cancerous breast diseases: in some cases, mastectomy as a treatment method for non-cancerous breast diseases such as frequent breast infection (recurrent mastitis), chronic breast inflammation (chronic mastitis), diagnosis of some dangerous breast diseases such as fibrocystic breast disease disease) and the occurrence of pus in the breast (breast abscess) is used.

3. High risk of breast cancer: In some cases, women who have risk factors for breast cancer may be offered a mastectomy. Examples of these risk factors include a family history of breast cancer in close relatives, the presence of specific genetic changes such as mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, and a history of multiple breast tumors in one or both breasts.

It is important to consult a medical team specializing in breast diseases for proper diagnosis and treatment. They can check the right options for you based on your condition and other factors.

What are the new methods of mastectomy and breast conservation?

In general, the goal of breast conserving surgery in mastectomy is to save part of the breast. New methods have been developed to perform this surgery, some of which I will mention below:

1. Lumpectomy: It is a type of breast conservation surgery in which the surgical team tries to remove the tumor from the breast and preserve the healthy parts of the breast. If necessary, reconstructive surgeries can be performed to restore the appearance of the breast.

2. Partial mastectomy: In this method, the part of the breast where the tumor is located is removed. This surgery is usually combined with reconstructive surgery such as the use of a reconstructive prosthesis or tissue from other areas of the body, such as the abdomen or back.

3. Semi-Hilar Mastectomy: In this method, a part of the breast and surrounding tissues are removed, but a part of the breast is preserved. This method can be used as an alternative to lumpectomy in some cases.

4. Conservative mastectomy: It is a type of breast conservation surgery in which the surgical team tries to remove the tumor from the breast while maintaining the natural appearance of the breast as a goal. This method includes the use of precise surgical techniques, breast reconstruction methods and the use of advanced imaging methods before and after surgery.

It is important to consult with a medical team specializing in breast diseases to determine the appropriate method of breast conserving surgery. They can determine the best option for you by reviewing and evaluating your circumstances.

Recovery after breast removal surgery in Iran

A mastectomy is a breast removal surgery in Iran that may be performed for reasons such as breast cancer. Recovery after mastectomy is an important process and can vary depending on the type of operation, age, general health and other medical conditions of the individual.

Recovery period immediately after surgery

  • – Rest: The first few days after surgery you should rest. Strenuous activities and heavy lifting should be limited.
  • – Wound care: You must follow your doctor’s instructions for wound care to prevent infection and other problems.
  • Pain management: Pain medications may be prescribed to help control pain after surgery.
  • – Proper nutrition: Having a balanced diet that is rich in vitamins and nutrients is important for a quick recovery.
  • – Follow-up with the doctor: You should visit according to your follow-up appointments after surgery so that the doctor can evaluate your progress.

Long-term recovery

– Physiotherapy: doing physiotherapy and stretching exercises can help restore the range of motion and reduce the risk of lymphedema.
Emotional support: You may need emotional support through counseling or support groups to help you cope with the physical and emotional changes you may be experiencing.
Paying attention to symptoms: Watch out for symptoms such as redness, swelling, discharge from the wound or fever, which may indicate infection or other problems.
Long-term care: Some women may decide to have breast reconstruction, which can involve multiple surgeries.

Key tips for better recovery

– Following the doctor’s instructions:

A mastectomy is the surgical removal of one or both breasts, often for the treatment of breast cancer. The recovery process after breast removal surgery in Iran can vary, but here are some general recommendations for the recovery period:

1. Adequate rest: Patients should ensure that adequate time is taken for rest. The length of time required for recovery can vary based on the extent of the surgery and the individuality of the recovery process.

2. Wound Care: The patient should follow the doctor’s instructions for wound care, including cleanliness, changing bandages, and identifying signs of infection or other problems.

3. Pain management: The use of painkillers prescribed by a doctor can help control pain. Avoid self-medication without consulting a doctor.

4. Physical activity: mild sports movements and exercises recommended by the physiotherapist should be done gradually and based on the individual’s ability to prevent dry joints and reduced mobility.

5. Healthy nutrition: A nutritious and balanced diet helps recovery. Include enough protein, vitamins, minerals and plenty of water in your diet.

6. Emotional support: Feelings of anxiety, depression, and worry may develop after breast removal surgery in Iran. Support from family, friends and psychological counseling can help you cope with these changes.

7. Medical follow-ups: It is very important to regularly attend post-operative medical visits to check the healing process and perform the necessary tests.

8. Avoiding pressure on the surgical area: not lifting heavy objects

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